Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1234 The prodigal little loli! (Second update)

"Hey, I've seen crazy people before, but I've never seen anyone so crazy! Little girl, if you can wrap up all the next treasures, I'll call you grandma!"

The female immortal was furious and said angrily.

"Tch, I don't want to have a granddaughter who looks like an old witch!" Lin Momo said disdainfully.

At this time, the presiding monk once again walked onto the stage, looked at the crowd and said, "The next 237 items to be auctioned are the middle-grade immortal treasure and the Mysterious Purple Jade Sword! The starting price is 1.5 billion, and the price cannot be lower each time." Yu 100 million spirit stones!"

"Two billion!"

As soon as the presiding monk finished speaking, the female immortal immediately shouted.

At the same time, she looked at Lin Momo and Lin Momo with a hint of provocation in her eyes.

"Ten billion!"

Lin Momo didn't even raise her head and directly called out the price.

"What, I...did I hear it correctly?"

"Ten billion? This is a spiritual stone!"

"Let me go, does this little girl really have so many spiritual stones?"

Suddenly, all the monks in the field were so surprised that they almost couldn't believe their ears.

Ten billion spirit stones, this is incredible.

You know, so far, the total treasures sold in the entire auction house probably don’t amount to 10 billion spirit stones!

At this time, the female true immortal was like a duck that had its neck strangled. She turned her head stiffly and looked at Lin Momo, her mouth wide open and unable to speak.

"You...you really have 10 billion?"

After a full moment, the female immortal came back to her senses and then spoke slowly.

She didn't believe that Lin Momo and Ling'er had spent 7 billion spirit stones before, and now they still had 10 billion. How could this be possible?

However, Lin Momo didn't answer her at all. Instead, the monk in charge finally determined the proceeds of the auction and went directly to the stage to pay the spiritual stone.


Knowing this moment, everyone took a breath of cold air and looked at Lin Momo blankly, feeling like a storm in their hearts.

Ten billion, just spent like this.

Moreover, due to the fight between the female immortal and Lin Momo, once the auction item came out, it was sold out without even lasting two rounds.

Next, the auction speed naturally became much faster.

"Next is the 238th lot,...the starting price is two billion..."

"Four billion!"

The female immortal shouted.

"Ten billion!"

Lin Momo added it to 10 billion without saying a word.

Then, no one called out the price.

Nonsense, it’s already 10 billion, how many people in the entire auction house can afford it.

And even if you can afford it, buying a mid-grade immortal treasure for 10 billion is still a bit of a loss! Not everyone is like Lin Momo and Ling'er. When buying something, they only care about whether it's pretty or not, not the price.

"The next two hundred and thirty-nine lots..."

"five billion!"

The female immortal shouted.

"Ten billion!"

Lin Momo ended.

As the number of auction items increased, each time Lin Momo sold directly to 10 billion, which shocked the monks.

"This...how many spiritual stones does this little girl have? It must be more than 100 billion!" Someone did the math and exclaimed.

"It's so, so scary! I have been practicing for tens of thousands of years, and I have never seen so many spirit stones!"

"Yes, if this continues, I'm afraid I will really wrap up all the remaining treasures!"

"What a waste! What a waste!"

"If this continues, no matter how rich your family is, you will be completely defeated by these two little lolita!"

"Hey, what kind of parents are these!"

Everyone sighed.

Not only was there no envy, the eyes looking at Lin Nan's family were full of pity!

Lin Nan's expression was calm.

What is a spirit stone?

For him, being able to use the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to condense is so worthless!

If he is willing, he can gather all the spiritual energy in the entire sanctuary together to form a spiritual stone.

The other monks were all staring at the female True Immortal and Lin Momo, watching the two of them fight for wealth.

You know, the female true immortal can shout out the price every time, and gradually she has shouted out seven to eight billion spirit stones, which shows that her net worth is also quite high.

With such a net worth, even among the True Immortal monks, he belongs to the upper middle class.

But in front of Lin Momo, it was a bit too much.

At this time, the female immortal's face was as white as a porcelain vase, and she was so gloomy that she was about to drip water.

From the beginning of their bet to now, they have taken pictures of seventeen or eight treasures, but she has not taken pictures of even one.

And all these treasures fell into Lin Momo's hands.

"The last item in the entire auction, the top-grade immortal treasure, Hun Kun Tengluo! The starting price is 10 billion spirit stones! Each increase in price must not be less than 1 billion!" The monk who presided over said again.

"High-grade Immortal Treasure, finally a high-grade Immortal Treasure has appeared!"

"We must get it this time!"

"Yes, this is the last item to be auctioned. Our family has prepared so many spiritual stones just for this fairy treasure!"

For a time, all the True Immortal cultivators who had been a little forbearing before were looking forward to it.

Just because they didn't bid before, it doesn't mean they don't have spiritual stones on them. They just want to save it for last and take a photo of this top-grade fairy treasure!

When the female true immortal heard the words of the presiding monk, her face darkened. This was already the last immortal treasure. She would definitely lose this bet.

Moreover, the starting price of this top-grade fairy treasure is 10 billion spirit stones, which directly reaches the limit of her net worth!

In other words, unless she is the first to bid, she won't even have the chance to increase the price.

"One hundred and eleven billion spirit stones!"

But just when the female immortal wanted to bid, a voice suddenly shouted out first, and directly added one billion to the base price!

The female true immortal's face suddenly turned as purple as pig liver, with a trace of despair in her eyes.

"Fifteen billion!"

Then, someone immediately increased the price.

"Eighteen billion!"

At this time, there was an endless stream of True Immortal monks who increased their prices.

They had not made a move before, but now, they directly increased the price to 18 billion.

The monks next to him were also a little stunned.

"This is the real rich man!"

Some monks clicked their tongues.

"Hey, why doesn't that female immortal stop bidding? Wasn't she very attractive before?"

Some monks noticed this and immediately looked at the female immortal.

"I'm afraid it's because the spiritual stones on my body can't even increase the price!" Those monks have been practicing for countless years and are naturally human beings. They can guess the general idea at a glance.

Only the female monk's face turned red and white at this time, which was very exciting.

"Twenty billion spiritual stones!"

At this time, Lin Momo called out the price again.

After shouting, she looked at the female true immortal and said lightly, "Aren't some people competing for spiritual stones? Why don't you say anything?"

The female True Immortal wished she could crawl into a crack in the ground. Hearing Lin Momo's words, she lowered her head to the ground.

"Twenty-five billion spiritual stones!"

Faced with this high-grade immortal treasure Hun Kun Tengluo, there are still some true immortal monks who can't bear to let go.

Even if it was increased to 25 billion spiritual stones, there would still be monks raising the price.

"Thirty billion spiritual stones!"

"Thirty-five billion spiritual stones!"

"Forty billion spiritual stones!"

After a while, the high-grade immortal treasure Hun Kun Tengluo had reached a terrifying price of 40 billion spiritual stones.

At this time, there were fewer and fewer calls for bids. After all, there were only a handful of true immortals who could produce 40 billion spiritual stones.

"One hundred billion spiritual stones!"

At this time, Lin Momo's voice came faintly again.


Hearing Lin Momo's bid, the entire auction house fell silent, leaving only the sound of gasps.

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