Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1235 I am her father! (Third update)

One hundred billion spirit stones, this is really terrifying.

In the entire Zhongzhou Imperial City, the families and holy places that can produce 100 billion spiritual stones can never exceed one hand's total.

But that is the wealth of the entire family or the Holy Land, and how could it be possible to come up with so many spiritual stones at an auction.

Even the True Immortal Ancestor of the Aristocratic Family and the True Immortal Holy Master of the Holy Land, the fifty or sixty billion spiritual stones that he can carry with him have reached the limit!

And as Lin Momo's voice shouted, no one in the entire field could shout a higher price.

In the end, the high-grade immortal treasure Hunkun Tengluo fell into Lin Momo's hands.

Of course, Lin Momo didn't attach too much importance to this high-grade fairy treasure. She just showed her hand a little because of her previous bet.

"Daddy, I'll give you this Hun Kun Vine Root!" Lin Momo got the Hun Kun Vine Root and threw it directly to Lin Nan.

After all, there was no use keeping it.

At this time, the group of True Immortal monks in Tianque Pavilion all had fiery eyes.

That is a top-grade immortal treasure!

Not only that, there were many auction items on Lin Momo, and each of them was an incredible treasure in their eyes.

Lin Momo now seems to them to be a mobile treasure house.

Countless true immortals, including some monks at the peak of the Hedao stage, were rolling their eyes, not knowing what they were thinking.

However, Lin Momo ignored it completely. At this time, she, Lin Nan and others came to the female true immortal.

"Now that you have lost, you can fulfill your bet!" Lin Momo said lightly.

Previously, the female immortal was unwilling to give up and wanted to make a bet with Lin Momo. Whoever lost would lose all the treasures on her body to the other party.


Hearing Lin Momo's words, the female immortal was even more stunned.

She was almost too embarrassed to see anyone, but she almost had to bury her head on the ground to survive the last auction.

She had planned to slip away as soon as the auction was over. By then, she was a true immortal, and no one could find her in this holy realm.

But who would have thought that before she could leave, Lin Momo would be in front of her.

"Hand over all the treasures you have on you now, otherwise don't blame me for taking action!" Lin Momo said calmly again.

The other monks also gathered around.

This is a huge farce. Even in the holy realm, it is human nature to love gossip.

"Haha, this true immortal is in a terrible situation now. He will lose completely!" A monk in the Hedao stage laughed and said.

"That's right, that's right! A true immortal and strong man, he is always a high-ranking existence, but I didn't expect that today. It's an eye-opener for me!" Another monk at the peak of the Hedao stage also stroked his beard, his face Smiles abound.

An existence that is usually unattainable suddenly falls into the clouds. This is a rare thing that happens once in a hundred years.

As for the monks in the True Immortal Realm, there was also a hint of joy in their eyes at this time.

In their opinion, if they only rob Lin Momo's family after leaving the auction house, they can get a lot of treasures. Now let Lin Momo collect all the treasures of the female immortal, and then they will catch them all in one go. It will be like a left-handed fisherman!

So even though there were thousands of powerful people in the True Immortal realm at this moment, no one came out to say a word for the female True Immortal.

Each one has a different purpose and is watching from the sidelines.

"Little girl, I was just joking with you before. You really took it seriously! Although this sacred object of mine is only low-grade, it is also very powerful, so I gave it to you as an apology!"

The female true immortal glanced at Lin Momo, her breath calmed down, she took out a broken holy sword, threw it in front of Lin Momo and said.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not joking with you!" Lin Momo said lightly, "And I really don't like this rag like you!"

"You are a little baby. Even if I don't give you anything, what can I do to you?"

The female immortal shouted angrily when she saw that Lin Momo refused to step down.

"So you're planning to default on your debt?" Lin Momo smiled.


The female immortal simply lowered her face. After saying that, she flashed and wanted to leave.


But at this moment, Lin Nan suddenly released a huge burst of pressure, and then stretched out his hand and suppressed the female true immortal with a palm.


Just as she flew up, before she could leave the Tianque Pavilion, the female immortal fell to the ground with a plop, in a very embarrassed state.

"Are you trying to bully a child?"

Lin Nan looked at the female immortal with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

"You...who are you?" The female True Immortal looked a little pale at this time.

She didn't expect that she would be grabbed by this man just as she was about to leave. The strength displayed by this man just now was so powerful that he was definitely no match for him!

"I am her father!" Lin Nan said to the female immortal.

He bullies his own children and even asks who he is.

When Lin Momo saw Lin Nan take action, she stood aside, ready to watch the show.

"You, what do you want?"

The female immortal didn't expect the little girl's father to be so powerful, which was really unexpected.

At this moment, she did not dare to resist, she could only look at Lin Nan with pitiful eyes.

"Of course it's to fulfill the bet!" Lin Nan said lightly.

After saying that, he waved his hand, and a white light suddenly enveloped the female immortal.

Then, he saw the white light holding a storage bracelet coming to Lin Nan.

Lin Nan released a spiritual thought, removed the mark on the storage bracelet, and handed it to Lin Momo.

"This should be the most valuable thing on her body, look what's inside!" Lin Nan said to Lin Momo.

"Great, Daddy!"

Lin Momo was also very happy.

She entered the storage bracelet with her mind and immediately saw hundreds of holy objects inside, ranging from medium to low to high grade. There are even two fairy treasures.

It's just that these two fairy treasures are of low quality, one is an offensive long sword, and the other is a defensive skirt.

Then there are some practice techniques and magic secrets.

Then Lin Momo saw another ten billion spirit stones.

In addition, there are some daily necessities for women.

Lin Momo took stock and looked at the female immortal again.

At this time, the female immortal was trembling all over and was very angry. That is what she has accumulated over thousands of years, and now she is taking advantage of others, and she is really unwilling to do so.

"By the way, the Luo shirt she is wearing is also an immortal treasure, so of course she has to keep it!" Lin Momo said immediately.

"Ah! This... do you really want to be so heartless?"

When the female immortal heard Lin Momo's words, her face suddenly turned pale.

However, Lin Nan didn't stop at all. He waved his hand and took off the Immortal Treasure Shirt from the female True Immortal!

Immediately, the woman's precious clothes were taken off, leaving only an ordinary piece of clothing, looking miserable!


Under everyone's teasing gazes, the female true immortal quickly used her immortal energy to condense into a Taoist robe outside her body, but her face was full of shame and anger.

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