Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1236 Are you afraid now? (Fourth update)

However, Lin Nan had no sympathy for her at all.

"get out!"

Lin Nan said lightly.


The female true immortal had no face to stay at this time and could only leave angrily.

By this time, the entire auction had ended, and Lin Nan left the auction venue with Liu Ruqing and her two daughters.

When he got outside, standing in the square of Zhongzhou Imperial City, Lin Nan released his spiritual thoughts and notified the Seventh Son of Jinxian and the Second Son of Huanggu who were playing, and then he continued to walk on the street with his family.


Just when Lin Nan and others had walked less than ten miles, a scolding came from behind.

"Are you calling us?"

Lin Nan turned around and looked at a strong man in the true immortal realm, his tone was extremely indifferent.

"That's right! If you are sensible, please hand over the treasures you have on your body! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

The tone of the strong man in the True Immortal Realm was full of domineering, making people feel irresistible.

"How do you know we have treasures on us?"

Lin Momo on the side opened her eyes wide when she saw this scene, stared at the true immortal monk and asked.

"Who said we have a lot of treasures on us? We never told others!" Ling'er on the side also looked like he didn't have three hundred taels of silver in this place.

"Haha, two little babies, you must have just come out of the Tianque Pavilion at the auction house. We have already heard the news. If you are wise, you should hurry up and hand over all the treasures. Maybe if I am happy, I can spare your lives! "

The strong man in the True Immortal Realm was now more certain that he had not mistaken the person, and his face showed a proud look.

"No, really not!"

Lin Momo and Ling'er covered their pockets at the same time and shook their heads.

Originally, the true immortal monk had not noticed the small purses on the two girls. After all, this small purse looked like an ordinary accessory, but now when I glanced at it with my spiritual thoughts, I was shocked.

This is not a small purse, it is clearly a storage space.

"Bring it!"

The True Immortal monk was already certain that the treasures obtained at the auction must be in the small purses of these two girls.

After saying that, the True Immortal cultivator stepped forward and came to Lin Momo and Ling'er in an instant, reaching out to snatch them.

But at this time, Lin Momo's mouth showed an imperceptible smile.

Then, she flipped her little hand and immediately slapped the True Immortal cultivator.


The True Immortal cultivator almost didn't react before he was slapped by Lin Momo.

Then I saw the True Immortal cultivator being whipped away by Lin Momo, and when he was in mid-air, he suddenly exploded and turned into a pile of blood mist.

"Hmph, even a true immortal in his early stage dares to be arrogant in front of me!" Lin Momo clapped her little hands and said with some disdain.

She was in the late stage of True Immortal, and her hidden aura just now made the True Immortal cultivator not aware of her.

The late True Immortal versus the early True Immortal, and Lin Momo was a peerless genius, so her attack was powerful, so she was naturally killed with one slap.

"Sister, leave the next one to me!"

Ling'er on the side was also a little unhappy when he saw that the battle ended so easily.


Lin Momo saw that Ling'er was a little angry and agreed repeatedly.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing looked at each other helplessly.

These two daughters are really a headache.

But the True Immortal monk just now didn't know how powerful Lin Nan's family was. After all, he had not participated in the auction before. He only got information from the auction, so he intercepted them halfway.

Lin Nan's family soon encountered another group of true immortal monks.

"Look, it's them!"

The leading True Immortal monk looked at Lin Momo and others and said immediately.

"Yes, yes, this family did not expect to run more than ten miles away so quickly, but no matter how fast they run, it is useless!"

Next to him, another True Immortal monk also had a glint in his eyes.


This group of true immortal monks quickly surrounded Lin Nan's family and shouted loudly.

Lin Nan and others stopped, but Lin Momo and Ling'er still had pretended to be scared on their faces.

"You, what do you want to do! I didn't tell others that I had a treasure on me!" Lin Momo said.

"Yeah, we don't have anything in our little pockets!"

Linger was also covering her small purse with one hand and shaking it with the other.

"Hmph, stop pretending. We all saw it in the auction just now! The treasures you have are definitely not less than two to three hundred billion spiritual stones!" A True Immortal cultivator shouted.

"Yes, why did the excitement at the auction just now disappear? Now I know I'm scared?!"

"The only thing to blame is that you don't understand one thing, don't show your wealth in vain!"

The group of true immortal monks were all talking loudly.

They were all True Immortal monks who were in Tianque Pavilion before. They had already engraved the appearance of Lin Momo and others in their minds, and they would recognize them even if they turned into ashes.

It's just that Lin Momo and Ling'er didn't care about other people at that time, so they didn't pay attention to these monks.

Seeing that they had been discovered, Lin Momo and Ling'er also looked at each other with disappointment on their faces.

"Okay, everything you want is in my little purse, come and get it if you can!" Lin Momo said while looking at the group of true immortal monks.

Ling'er also blinked, showing a naughty look.

Then, the two girls hid directly behind Lin Nan, looking confident.

"I have to admit that you are very powerful and have reached the realm of true immortals! But there are only four of you, but there are ten or twenty of us here. I advise you to hand over your treasures as soon as possible to avoid death. Eliminate!" A True Immortal monk stood up and said to Lin Nan.

He knew that the man in front of him was the father of the two girls.

Moreover, this person's methods are also powerful, and ordinary true immortal monks are probably no match for him.

After all, the lesson learned from the previous female immortal is right in front of you.

But there were ten or twenty True Immortal cultivators among them, so they were naturally confident.

"Really? I'll count to three. If you are still here, then never leave!" Lin Nan looked at the more than ten True Immortal monks in front of him, his tone was extremely indifferent, but like the sickle of death, he struck. Hitting everyone's eardrums.


Everyone was also surprised when they heard Lin Nan's words.

"What a loud tone!" But then, a monk in the late stage of True Immortal stood up and stared at Lin Nan, but he was a little angry.

"Yes, let's go together. I still can't believe how strong he is!" Another monk in the late stage of True Immortal also stood up and agreed.

The other True Immortal cultivators, inspired by these two late-stage True Immortal masters, all came back to their senses, staring at Lin Nan, and the Immortal Treasures in their hands were immediately released.

Swish, swish, swish!

Suddenly, rays of Dao Yun Law shot out from those immortal treasures and killed Lin Nan.

At this time, Lin Nan just whispered one word. "three."

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