Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1237 The dragon has reverse scales, and you will die if you touch it! (First update)

"Three? It's useless even if you count to thirty!"

Hearing Lin Nan count three words, the group of True Immortal monks burst into laughter.

At this moment, their attack had been launched and had even landed in front of Lin Nan.

To them, the man in front of them seemed a little stupid. Faced with the attacks of so many of them, he couldn't even avoid them. This was tantamount to seeking death!

You must know that this is a joint attack by more than ten True Immortal monks, including two monks who have reached the late stage of True Immortal.

Even a cultivator at the peak of the True Immortal Standing here would probably not dare to take on so many attacks!

However, Lin Nan's expression remained the same as before, as calm as water. It wasn't until those attacks were less than three feet away from him that he slowly stretched out his hand and slapped forward.


As soon as he took out his palm, he hit the dozens of white lights that came from the attack. Then in the incredulous eyes of everyone, those dozens of white lights were instantly shattered by Lin Nan like chickens and dogs.

Not only that, the palm print inspired by Lin Nan's hand also continued to enlarge, and almost in the blink of an eye, it had enveloped the more than ten True Immortal monks.


"How can this be!"

"No, what a powerful attack!"


Everyone was so surprised that they all panicked and fled in all directions.

They had never imagined that there would be such a powerful attack, which would break their joint effort almost instantly and then envelop them.

Is this still a real fairy? I'm afraid even Jinxian can't do it!

At this time, everyone was holding their breath, and their hearts almost jumped into their throats.

Escape! This is their only thought at this time.

However, such thoughts have already ended the moment they arise.


The shadow of Lin Nan's huge palm was shot down. In the entire field, more than a dozen True Immortal monks felt their eyes go dark, and then their consciousness disappeared directly.

From the perspective of the outside world, all this was just a matter of a palm. More than a dozen True Immortal monks were beaten into minced flesh, and even their souls were dissipated on the spot.

"I said, on the count of three, you all will stay!" Lin Nan clapped his hands and said calmly.

Unfortunately, these monks could no longer hear it at this time. Otherwise, their intestines may be broken.

And all this soon spread to the ears of other True Immortal monks.

"What, how is this possible! That man slapped more than ten True Immortal monks to death with one palm?" A True Immortal monk who had just walked out of the auction house staggered when he heard the news and almost fell down on the spot.

He had just planned to go find Lin Momo and others immediately and rob them.

Unexpectedly, all the first wave of true immortal monks had died.

"This...what state is this man in? How can he be so strong!"

On the other side, a cultivator at the peak of the True Immortal Peak has gathered two to three hundred other True Immortal cultivators and wants to rob Lin Momo and others. After all, this is a huge fortune, conservatively estimated to be two to three hundred million. Spiritual stone.

But when he heard the news, he was also shocked.

He is at the pinnacle of true immortality, and he is probably not far from golden immortality.

But if he were asked to kill more than ten True Immortal monks with one palm, he would not be able to do it unless all of them were in the early stage of True Immortal.

"Qi Zhenjun, shall we go then?"

A late-stage True Immortal monk walked up to the Peak True Immortal monk with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Qi Zhen, we all listen to you. As long as we grab the treasure by then, it will be enough to share some with us!" The other True Immortal monks also said in succession.

"Go! There are so many monks among us, but we are afraid of him alone!"

Qi Zhenjun thought for a moment, then clapped his hands and said.

There are two to three hundred True Immortal monks here. Except for him who has reached the peak of True Immortal, there are twenty or thirty other monks who have reached the late stage of True Immortal.

As for the middle stage of True Immortal, there are even one hundred, fifty or sixty people!

No force would dare to provoke such a huge team of true immortals, even if they were placed in the holy realm.

Now I am going to rob a mere four monks, including two girls. Isn’t that scary?

"Yes, even if one of us spits, we can probably drown that family. I don't believe how powerful they are!"

"Let's go and fight the local tyrants to share the treasures!"

When the other monks heard Qi Zhenjun's words, they all screamed, as if they had seen endless wealth gathering in front of them.

In the end, a group of people couldn't resist the temptation of the huge treasure and went straight to kill Lin Nan and others.

"Hand over all the treasures you have and spare your lives!"

Lin Nan was strolling with Liu Ruqing and his two daughters, but unexpectedly a voice rang out, and then a group of True Immortal monks blocked their way.

"It's really troublesome!"

Lin Nan also frowned, his two daughters were too troublesome.

This group of true immortal monks were just like ants in Lin Nan's eyes, but the key was that they came one after another, almost endlessly.

This is so annoying!

"Just you? Is there anyone else? Call them all together!"

Lin Nan looked at the two to three hundred true immortal monks in front of him, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

"How presumptuous! In front of two or three hundred of us, you are still showing off like this. Do you really not know how to write the word "death"?" When Qi Zhenjun heard Lin Nan's words, he also shouted angrily, his face feeling dull.

They are two to three hundred true immortals. Shouldn't the other party be so frightened when they see this formation that they drop their treasures and run away immediately?

"A mere two to three hundred True Immortal cultivators are really not enough to fill the gap between your teeth. There should have been quite a few True Immortal cultivators in the Que Pavilion that day. Let them all come over if they want to come, and I will deal with them together!" Lin Nan said with a leisurely expression. It seemed like they were discussing a trivial matter.

"Be bold!"

"How dare you speak like this!"

"I want to see how big the gap between your teeth is!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, the group of true immortal monks were furious.

They are all powerful and powerful true immortals, and the monk usually doesn't show respect to them. But now, in the eyes of the other party, he has turned into a piece of trash, which is simply unreasonable.

"Forget it, I'll kill you first, and then kill your two daughters and wife!" Qi Zhenjun also shouted angrily, looking at Lin Nan and said.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt Lin Nan suddenly raise a finger.

The finger suddenly moved forward, and a white light shot out from Lin Nan's finger.

In an instant, the white light turned into a giant dragon. On the dragon's body, the endless Tao light flashed, carrying a terrifying pressure, covering everyone.

"Dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it, you will die!" Lin Nan's tone was calm, but there was a chilling murderous intention.

Just now, the other party actually mentioned his daughter and wife, which had touched Lin Nan's bottom line.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the other True Immortal monks to arrive together and catch them all, but in an instant, he changed his mind.

Facing this group of true immortals seeking death, he didn't mind waving his fingers a little more.

"not good!"

"Too...too strong!"

"It's so scary, is this still a true immortal?"

"Run away!"

Feeling the huge dragon aura, the expressions of the two to three hundred powerful true immortals, including Qi Zhenjun, all changed greatly, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

They quickly fled around, but before they could escape a few meters, they were all swallowed up by the giant dragon.

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