Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1238. What is the origin of this family? (Second update)

As the giant dragon dissipated, the two to three hundred powerful true immortals, including Qi Zhenjun, who was at the peak of the true immortal level, failed to appear again.

This scene appeared in the eyes of the monks who were watching from a distance, and all of them were shocked and speechless.

"This... this man is too powerful!"

"What kind of strength does he have that makes him so terrifying!"

For a time, everyone was talking about it.

At this time, in the auction house, an old man was sitting at the front seat. He exudes a powerful aura, and his realm has reached the peak of a true immortal.

"Elder, how will Emperor Yu respond this time?"

A monk at the middle stage of True Immortal asked below.

If Lin Nan and others were to come again, they would probably know that this monk in the middle stage of True Immortality was the monk who presided over the Tianque Pavilion auction.

"Emperor Yu agreed!"

The old man at the peak of True Immortal paused for a moment, raised his eyes and said.

Emperor Yu, the most powerful being in the entire Zhongzhou Imperial City, is said to have reached the Golden Immortal realm.

And behind this annual auction in Zhongzhou Imperial City was Emperor Yu.


The monk in the middle stage of True Immortality could hardly believe his ears.

He previously informed the elders of the auction house about the actions of Lin Momo and others, and also proposed a secret robbery plan.

After all, their auction house sold so many treasures at one time, but the commission they received was only one-tenth or two-tenths.

Those auction items are not all from their auction house, most of them are consigned here by other powerful people.

And if Lin Momo and others were robbed and their treasures were taken away, then they would truly belong to the auction house.

Wait ten or twenty years before selling these treasures. By then no one will know, and no one will know that it was their auction house that did it.

However, this matter was of great importance after all, and the monks in the middle stage of the True Immortal stage did not dare to make their own decisions. Even the elders at the peak of the True Immortal stage quickly reported to Emperor Yu after hearing the news.

However, after weighing it for a while, Emperor Yu couldn't resist the temptation of such a huge wealth and finally agreed.

"But you must do it in a flawless manner and not let anyone know!"

The elder at the peak of True Immortality warned again.

Emperor Yu, that is the image of the entire Zhongzhou Imperial City. If it is stained because of this incident, I am afraid that other monks will look down on it.

At the level of Emperor Yu, although strength is still very important, reputation must also be maintained.

"Yes, please don't worry, elder!"

The monk in the middle stage of the True Immortal Stage had a happy face and said quickly.

If he can succeed this time, he will receive a lot of rewards. When he has the training resources, even advancing to the late stage of True Immortal will not be a problem.


But at this moment, an auction house guard from the Hedao period suddenly came to report.

"What's the matter?" The elder raised his eyelids and asked lightly.

"Elder, the family of the female doll who left our auction house was robbed by other monks..." the guard at the Hedao stage said immediately.

"What? Someone has already taken the lead?"

Hearing what the guard said, the True Immortal Elder and the presiding monk were both shocked.

"Hurry, go and see if there is anything left!" Elder Zhenxian quickly ordered to the presiding monk.

"No...no." The guard said again quickly, "The hundreds of powerful true immortals who went to rob their family were all killed!"


Hearing the words of the guards at the Hedao stage, both the elders at the peak of True Immortality and the presiding monk at the middle stage of True Immortal were all stunned.

They paused, almost staggered, and fell directly to the ground.

"You...what did you say?"

The elders at the peak level of true immortals still couldn't believe their ears.

The monk in the middle stage of the True Immortal Stage also looked blankly at the guard in the Hedao stage, his eyes full of doubts.

"Three waves of True Immortal monks, two to three hundred people, were all... killed by that man on the spot!" The guard at the Hedao stage informed the two of them of the entire incident.

"This...how is this possible!"

"Fortunately, fortunately we didn't go!"

At this time, after hearing the whole story, the elder at the peak of True Immortality and the monk at the middle stage of True Immortal were all covered in cold sweat, feeling like they were surviving a disaster.

If they went to rob Lin Momo and others, I'm afraid the outcome would never be better than those two or three hundred people.

After all, the number of True Immortal cultivators they could mobilize from the entire auction house was only twenty or thirty. Among them, it is impossible for the elders who have reached the peak realm of true immortals to appear.

With such strength, in front of others, I'm afraid he might even be inferior to an ant!

"Quickly, go check and find out where this family comes from!"

The elder at the peak of True Immortality paused for a moment and then immediately ordered.


The Hedao-stage guard quickly bowed and retreated.

At this time, only the True Immortal Elder and the presiding monk were left standing aside, still thinking about what the guard had just said.

At the same time, other powerful men in the True Immortal Realm were also stunned when they heard that Lin Nan killed two to three hundred True Immortal monks with one finger.

"You, what are you talking about, two to three hundred True Immortal monks were killed with one finger?"

A late-stage True Immortal monk who was preparing to rob and kill Lin Momo and others opened his eyes wide and stared at the visitor, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Even...even Qi Zhenjun couldn't escape!"

On the other side, a monk who had reached the peak level of a true immortal also had a look of astonishment on his face.

Originally, he was already ready to set off. After all, he was a strong man at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, and he could walk sideways throughout the entire Zhongzhou Imperial City.

Unexpectedly, before he set out, he would hear such shocking news.

He knew Qi Zhenjun. Although they were both at the peak level of true immortals, Qi Zhenjun was much stronger than him.

Now, even Qi Zhenjun can't escape from the opponent's finger. How powerful is this man?

At this time, the cultivator at the peak of True Immortality also felt a cold air rush to his brain from behind, and drops of cold sweat oozed from his whole body.

The same scene was played out everywhere in Zhongzhou Imperial City.

After all, almost all the True Immortal monks who participated in the Tianque Pavilion auction were at the top level of Zhongzhou Imperial City. And since they had the intention of robbing and killing Lin Momo and others, they naturally also attracted other True Immortal monks to join them.

But fortunately, before them, someone couldn't help but take action first, and used the results of the action to tell everyone that Lin Nan's family was not to be messed with!

At the same time, major aristocratic families and holy places were all speculating on who Lin Momo's family was.

"Is it the person who destroyed the Jiang family?"

Some people speculated.

They had been investigating the people who destroyed the Jiang family, but without any results.

Now that the other party can kill so many powerful true immortals with one finger, people have to doubt it.

"If it is really the person who destroyed the Jiang family, the death of those true immortals is really not unjust. After all, that person is a person who even the ancestor of the Golden Immortal would kneel down!"

Everyone was shocked!

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