Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1239 The legend of Lin Nan! (Third update)

In the next few days, almost everyone in the entire Zhongzhou Imperial City knew about the powerful existence of Lin Nan's family, and no monks dared to provoke them anymore.

As for those monks in the True Immortal Realm, they originally wanted to rob Lin Momo and others, but now, all of them are lamenting. Fortunately, they did not take action and saved their lives.

And as Lin Nan's identity became clearer and clearer, the monks in the true immortal realm were even more surprised.

"What, you mean that Master Lin Nan is the one from Yaoguang City?"

"Yes, the Time Divine Dynasty fell into the hands of Mr. Lin Nan of Yaoguang City. Otherwise, I am afraid that our holy territory has been captured by the Time Dynasty now."

Several monks in the True Immortal Realm were discussing.

They did not dare to approach Lin Nan's family, but they learned about Lin Nan from a certain channel, and then went to Yaoguang City to find out more.

"It is said that the Eight Ancient Sons who once dominated the entire Holy Domain have become Lord Lin Nan's slaves!" A monk in the middle stage of True Immortality continued.

"Isn't that right? Only two of the eight ancient disciples became the old servants of Lin Nan's daughter!" Another monk in the late stage of True Immortal said.

Obviously, the information he found was different from the previous True Immortal monk.

"Then... what about the other people?" someone wondered.

The Eight Ancient Sons, they were existences that had suppressed the entire Holy Domain for millions of years. Each one was extremely powerful. It was really shocking that such a monk could become the old servant of Lord Lin Nan's daughter.

"The others all died in the hands of the Time Divine Dynasty. If Lord Lin Nan had not taken action, I am afraid that even the last two ancient eight sons would have fallen into the hands of the powerful ones of the Time Dynasty!" The monk in the late stage of True Immortal continued.


Hearing the words of the late True Immortal cultivator, the other True Immortal strong men were stunned.

The Ancient Eight Sons, what an existence that is!

It can be said that any one of the Eight Ancient Sons can rule the entire sanctuary if he stands up.

There are now a total of eight people, and six of them have fallen into the hands of the God of Time. This Dynasty of Time is too powerful!

But think about it, even such a powerful Dynasty of Time was destroyed in the hands of Lord Lin Nan. How powerful is Lin Nan?

No one dared to imagine that even as a true immortal, Lin Nan's power seemed to exceed the limits of their imagination.

They are in the holy realm and don't know what kind of existence is above the Golden Immortal.

Not to mention the Immortal Lord who is more powerful than the Immortal King.

If you were in the immortal world, even the monks in the true immortal realm would be able to hear about the deeds of the powerful Immortal King.

But the holy realm is too barren, the information is backward, and there are too few strong people.

But even so, it still did not hinder Lin Nan's strong image in their minds.

"Do you know who are the seven other people who are following Master Lin Nan and his family, in addition to two of the Eight Ancient Sons?"

The late-stage True Immortal monk looked at the group of True Immortal experts in front of him and asked mysteriously again.

In the past few days, everyone has also found out that in addition to Lin Nan's family of four, there are several people who are also inseparable from Lin Nan's family.

Later, everyone found out that he was the servant of Lin Nan's family.

But now, two of them have been known to everyone, they are two of the original Eight Sons of Huanggu, but there are still seven others, but their origins are somewhat unknown.

"Those are the guests from the hidden family, the Seventh Son of the True Immortal!" The monk in the late stage of the True Immortal explained.

"Seven True Immortals!"

Hearing this name, some powerful True Immortals were also surprised, while other True Immortal monks were a little puzzled.

"You haven't heard of it, right? The Seven True Immortals are amazing. When the seven of them joined forces, they could even compete with the powerful Golden Immortal!" one person explained.

The Seven True Immortals were invincible among the monks in the True Immortal Realm.

It's not that they are very powerful themselves. Although each of them was at the peak of True Immortality at that time, they were not the top among the cultivators at the peak of True Immortal.

And they were able to achieve invincibility in the realm of true immortals entirely because of the formation formed by seven people, exerting a combat power that far exceeded that of seven people.

Therefore, it is also quite famous in the circles of some monks in the realm of true immortals.

Moreover, as guests of the Hermit Family, they already had a very high status, which was not comparable to that of ordinary True Immortal monks.

"But...aren't those seven people in the Golden Immortal realm? They seem to be at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm!" A monk raised a question.

At the beginning, the Seven True Immortals were only at the peak level of True Immortals, which was a big difference from the Golden Immortal Peak.

You know, it is definitely very difficult to step from the level of a true immortal to a golden immortal. Not even one of a hundred True Immortal monks can become a Golden Immortal.

Not to mention the leap from the early stage of Golden Immortal to the peak of Golden Immortal.

You must know that in the Golden Immortal realm, each level is extremely difficult, even as difficult as advancing from the peak of True Immortal to the early stage of Golden Immortal!

"Yes, they were indeed at the peak of True Immortality at the time! But it is said that after following Master Lin Nan for less than half a year, they reached the peak of Golden Immortal from True Immortal Peak!"

The monk in the late stage of True Immortal continued.


At this time, everyone's eyes widened, and each of them looked like a bell, showing incredible expressions.

"Come on, you're kidding!"

"How is it possible! From the peak of true immortality to the peak of golden immortality in half a year?"

"No, I don't believe it! Even the story is not that exaggerated!"

"It's incredible. If this is true, then my three views will be subverted!"

When a group of True Immortal monks heard the words of the late True Immortal monk, they all shook their heads like rattles, in disbelief.

"This is real!"

At this time, another monk who was at the peak of the True Immortal Realm also spoke.

Naturally, he also inquired about this news, and he confirmed it repeatedly. When he first learned the news, he was as shocked as everyone else at the moment, but in the end he had to believe it.

Those True Immortal cultivators heard the same thing said by the cultivator at the peak of True Immortal, and their expressions became even more dull.

"This... what kind of existence is this Lord Lin Nan, so powerful?"

"Yes, if possible, let me follow Mr. Lin Nan, even if it is a cow or a horse, it only takes half a year to be promoted to the Golden Immortal realm, even if it is in the early stage of Golden Immortal!" A monk in the middle stage of True Immortal showed a light in his eyes. .

"Screw you, do you think Mr. Lin Nan wants all kinds of cats and dogs!" The True Immortal monk on the side laughed endlessly.

"By the way, do you know! Master Lin Nan's two daughters are only six years old now, but they have already reached the late stage of true immortality. This speed of cultivation has probably not been seen in the entire holy realm for tens of millions of years!" Then, The late-stage True Immortal monk once again dropped a bombshell.


"He's only six years old! Even if he starts practicing from his mother's womb, it's only six years old!"

"Yes, after six years of cultivation, I have reached the late stage of true immortality. What kind of concept is this!"

Everyone found it incredible.

"Think about it, when I was six years old, I didn't even know the Chinese characters!"

"Why don't I? When I was six years old, I was still playing in the mud!"

Everyone sighed.

Compared with Lin Nan's family, they seemed to have lived like dogs for countless years.

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