Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1240 Prisoners from the Immortal Realm! (Fourth update)

Lin Nan took Liu Ruqing and her two daughters to visit the Imperial City of Zhongzhou for seven days.

Seven days later, Lin Nan finally left with a group of people and returned to the sacred mountain outside Yaoguang City again.

"Papa, Mom, we also have to practice in seclusion!"

Lin Momo and Ling'er were very well-behaved and looked at Lin Nan and said.

This time they went out to play, which greatly released their playful spirit. Now they are very quiet and want to practice in seclusion.

"Haha, that's good!"

Lin Nan also nodded.

These two daughters are extremely talented. There is no one in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths who is more talented than them.

Unfortunately, the disadvantage is that it is too small and loves to play. Otherwise, it would not be unusual for his current cultivation level to reach the realm of the Immortal King.

But now, the two of them are only in the late stage of True Immortal, which is really not enough to watch.

Although there are powerful and distinguished immortal treasures that Lin Nan refined for them, they can only guarantee their invincibility when they meet the powerful Immortal King. It is extremely difficult to defeat the opponent.

After all, after becoming an immortal, the gap between each realm is also huge. It is almost impossible to fight beyond the level.

And those who can fight across a large realm are all unique geniuses who appear once every ten thousand years.

Like Lin Momo and Ling'er, who could barely fight across two realms, it was almost impossible to find a third person.

Even Liu Ruqing, who is equally talented, is still a little behind the two of them.

After Lin Momo and Ling'er said goodbye to Lin Nan, they began to practice in seclusion.

"After the two of them come out of seclusion this time, I'm afraid they will reach the peak of true immortals!" Liu Ruqing looked at her two daughters, her eyes full of love.

But she was also a little worried. Now she can still keep up with her daughter's pace and has also reached the late stage of True Immortal. From now on, I am afraid that I will be overtaken by my two daughters.

"The peak of true immortality?" After hearing Liu Ruqing's words, Lin Nan shook his head, looked in the direction of his two daughters, and continued, "I'm afraid it may not be impossible to reach the early stage of golden immortality!"

Lin Nan is still very confident about his daughter.

During this period, the two daughters seemed to be playing constantly outside, but in fact they had accumulated a lot.

After all, they are not good girls outside, but little witches. If you often cause trouble, there will naturally be no shortage of battles.

Therefore, now the accumulation of cultivation of the two daughters in the late stage of True Immortal has far exceeded that of some monks in the peak stage of True Immortal.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, Liu Ruqing's face became even more unwilling.

"No, I have to go into seclusion to practice. I can't be dragged too far by my daughters!" Liu Ruqing was a little anxious.

Lin Nan was also a little speechless.

These three women are really...

As Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo and Ling'er began to practice in seclusion, Lin Nan became idle all day long. Every day, in addition to using his spiritual thoughts to check on the cultivation status of the three girls, he would enjoy tea and raise birds, which was very relaxing.

The second son of Huanggu and the seventh son of Jinxian had nothing to do. In addition to sparring and practicing all day long.

However, they did not practice in seclusion, but took turns to practice.

After all, they were Lin Nan's slaves. Although they didn't have much to do on weekdays, they couldn't lose their responsibilities.

At this time, far away in the Eastern Wasteland of the Holy Domain, in a remote mountain range, a group of powerful auras suddenly rose.

"Hahaha, I finally fully recovered!"

At this time, an old man suddenly laughed, and he exuded an extremely powerful aura.

And this person is the prisoner of the Immortal Realm who broke out from the weakest barrier between the Holy Realm and the Immortal Realm before.

At the beginning, he was trapped in a prison in the far north of the first level of the fairy world for three million years. If the Divine Dynasty of Time had not descended on the Holy Realm and destroyed the barrier between the Holy Realm and the Immortal Realm to the weakest level in history, he would not have been able to escape.

"Congratulations Yue Lao!"

"Congratulations to Yuexian Zun!"

"Yue Xianzun is invincible!"

Next to the old man, there was a group of monks with equally powerful auras, each of whom had reached the realm of the Immortal King.

The most powerful among them has reached the peak of Immortal King.

If he were discovered by other monks in the sanctuary, they would probably be shocked!

In the entire holy realm, the most powerful Eight Ancient Eight Sons are only at the peak of the Golden Immortal! But the group of monks in front of me have all reached the realm of Immortal King, and none of them are lower than the early stage of Immortal King!

Coupled with an old man who has reached the early stage of Immortal Lord, Yue Xianzun, what a powerful force this is!

"Very good, I have rescued you from the prison of the Immortal World. From now on, you must obey my orders!" Na Yue Xianzun looked at these powerful Immortal Kings in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Yuexianzun!"

"I will obey Yue Lao's orders!"

The powerful Immortal Kings all quickly lowered their heads and bowed in salute.

"Huh! The air in this holy realm is so filthy! But our status cannot return to the fairy world. In this case, let's rule this holy realm first!" Na Yue Lao took a deep breath. He took a breath, but with a look of disgust on his face, he looked at the immortal kings and said.

"Please give me your instructions, Yue Lao!"

Everyone bowed and looked extremely respectful.

Even those monks who have reached the peak level of Immortal King do not dare to behave in any way in front of Yue Lao.

The peak of the Immortal King seems to be only one level away from the early stage of the Immortal Lord, but the difference in this level is nearly ten times the difference in combat power.

In front of Yue Lao, those monks at the peak of the Immortal King are probably no match for him.

"Very good. From now on, I will take down the entire Eastern Wasteland, Western Desert, Northern Plains, and Southern Xinjiang! You all obey the order..."

Then, Na Yue Lao began to make arrangements.

There are now a group of strong men in the Immortal King realm, any one of them can run rampant in this holy realm.

Even if only one person is sent, the Holy Land can be captured. It's just that it will take a lot of time, which is what Yuelao doesn't want to see.

He divided all the Immortal King monks into four groups, each group was responsible for an area.

Several monks at the peak of the Immortal King were separated, and each led some monks at the early, middle and late stages of the Immortal King to their respective areas of responsibility.


A few days later.

"Lord Lin Nan, there is news from the Imperial City of Zhongzhou. A group of powerful monks with unknown origins have appeared in the Holy Land in the Eastern Wasteland, Western Desert, Southern Xinjiang, and Northern Plains. It is said that they have reached the realm of Immortal Kings and are constantly killing people! Many cities have been destroyed. They take it, and the road is unobstructed, no one can stop it!”

In the sacred mountain, Zhongguzi entered Lin Nan's mansion and reported to Lin Nan.

"Oh? What does it have to do with me?"

After hearing what Zhong Guzi said, Lin Nan also frowned and asked with some disdain.

Although he was extremely powerful, he would sometimes help some monks. But as the Emperor of Heaven, he has already seen through this kind of war between forces and races.

As long as he doesn't mess with him, Lin Nan doesn't care at all.

He once killed everyone in the immortal world. Countless races were killed until they were exterminated. Countless forces were directly subverted. Strong men fell one after another. Even the Immortal Lords and Immortal Emperors were wiped out like ants.

Now he no longer cares about these killings in the sanctuary.

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