Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1241 You guys are still too naive! (First update)

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When he heard Lin Nan's words, Zhong Guzi was also stunned.

The Manhuangzi on the side also looked a little embarrassed.

However, they also understood at this time that for Lin Nan, I am afraid that all the monks in the sanctuary are dead, and he will not blink an eye.

But they are different, they grow up in the sanctuary. He has dominated the Holy Land for millions of years and has already had feelings for the Holy Land.

Otherwise, they would not have stood up when the Time God Dynasty came, and even six of the Ancient Eight Sons died.

"Lord Lin Nan, do you think you can make those powerful Immortal Kings stop killing?"

Manhuangzi was still a little unwilling, and pleading to Lin Nan.

"Yes, Master Lin Nan, we cannot allow those foreign Immortal Kings to be so rampant."

At this time, even the Seventh Golden Immortal came in and begged Lin Nan.

Although the Seven Golden Immortal Sons do not have the experience of millions of years to dominate the entire Sanctuary like the Eight Immortal Immortals, they have long regarded themselves as members of the Sanctuary, so they cannot just watch the other party slaughter the Sanctuary like this.

And this time the other party seems to have a very big origin. The entire Holy Territory, except Zhongzhou, Donghuang, Southern Xinjiang, Western Desert, and Beiyuan have been invaded by the other party.

And it seems that there are strong people who have reached the peak level of Immortal King everywhere, and there are countless other strong Immortal Kings.

You know, except for Lin Nan, there is not a single monk in the entire Holy Domain who has reached the realm of Immortal King.

The most powerful ones are the second son of Huangu and the seventh son of Jinxian.

Although the other ancestors of the hidden families also have the Golden Immortal realm, few have reached the peak of the Golden Immortal.

"Oh, you guys are still too naive!"

Lin Nan looked at the nine people in front of him and sighed.

If it had been before, Lin Nan would never have bothered with these ants.

As the Emperor of Heaven, even the Immortal Lord and the Immortal Emperor are not enough in front of him. Even the way of heaven must bow to his breath.

If Lin Nan gets angry, the worst he can do is kill the Heavenly Dao and then establish another Heavenly Dao. It won't be difficult at all.

But now, Lin Nan couldn't be too ruthless towards the Seventh Son of Golden Immortal and the Second Son of Manhuang who had followed his family in the past few months.

"Lord Lin Nan!"

When several people heard Lin Nan's words, their eyes also showed a hint of pleading.

"That's all, let me refine a furnace of elixirs to improve your strength!" Lin Nan waved his hand and said calmly.

After saying that, Lin Nan entered the secret room directly, leaving only the second son of Manhuang and the seventh son of Jinxian standing aside in a daze.

"Refining elixirs?" Manhuangzi was a little surprised.

Now there are powerful men in the Immortal King realm massacring the Holy Land. What does this have to do with refining elixirs?

"Is it that kind of elixir?" At this time, Jinxian Yizi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Before, they were only at the peak of the true immortal, but after taking Lin Nan's elixir, they were directly promoted to the peak of the golden immortal, and their strength was even stronger than the ordinary golden immortal.

"Yes, Master Lin Nan must be refining the elixir that will allow us to reach the realm of Immortal Kings! But didn't Master Lin Nan say before that since we took the elixir to improve our cultivation, our realm can no longer be improved?" The second son of the True Immortal looked puzzled.

Lin Nan indeed said so at the beginning, and they all thought that they would never make any progress again in this life.

But now, according to Master Lin Nan's tone, it seems that they can still become powerful Immortal Kings. Is this possible?

However, everyone still had an expectant look on their faces and waited quietly.

After a full seven or eight hours, Lin Nan's secret room suddenly lit up with a light reaching into the sky.

The light was as thick as a bucket and shot straight into the sky.

At the same time, thunder tribulations also condensed in the sky, and dark clouds covered the sky.

"The way of heaven!"

Lin Nan shouted angrily.

He did not refine the elixir just to make the elixir take shape.

Although the elixir refined by Lin Nan is of extremely high grade, even after surviving the tribulation and transforming into an elixir, its strength is still very terrifying. But these pills are used to improve the second son of Huanggu and the seventh son of Jinxian.

And as Lin Nan shouted angrily, the thunder in the sky seemed like a mouse seeing a cat, and he was so frightened that he quickly retreated away.

After a while, the sky became clear and cloudless again.

Lin Nan also walked out of the secret room. At this time, there was a small palm-sized porcelain bottle in his hand, and the elixirs were in this porcelain bottle.

"This is the Huntian Daluo elixir that improves your realm! Each of you take one pill and see what realm you can reach!"

Lin Nan walked up to the nine people and distributed pills to everyone.

Although the elixirs were inconspicuous when placed in porcelain bottles, they were about the size of goose eggs when taken out. Each one had a fragrance that penetrated the soul, making people instantly refreshed.

"Lord Lin Nan, didn't you say that our realm can no longer be improved?"

Although he got the elixir, the second son of Jinxian still asked with some doubts.

"Yes, you have taken the Life and Creation Pill before. It is naturally impossible to improve your realm by relying on your own practice. But if you continue to take the pill, you will be able to do it." Lin Nan said lightly.

Taking the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill will fully activate your own cultivation potential. Naturally, you can no longer improve your realm through self-cultivation.

But this does not mean that you cannot improve your realm by taking elixirs.

If Lin Nan is willing, it will not be difficult to directly upgrade the few people in front of him to the realm of Immortal Lord.

Even the Huntian Da Luo elixir that is now refined, Lin Nan used several alternative medicinal materials to refine it.

But despite this, after hearing Lin Nan's words, the seven golden immortals still showed ecstasy on their faces.

None of them thought that there was a possibility for them to improve their realm.

Originally, they thought that they could only reach the peak of the Golden Immortal in their lifetime. But even at the peak of Golden Immortal, they were all satisfied.

But since they can improve their cultivation level again, they will naturally not refuse. Moreover, in order to protect the sanctuary, they also need stronger strength.

As for the second Huanggu son, his face also showed ecstasy at this time.

They have been at the peak of the Golden Immortal for millions of years. Even Zhongguzi has been at the Peak of the Golden Immortal for hundreds of thousands of years. But just a pill in front of them can elevate them to the realm of the Immortal King. What is the concept!

Both of them were in disbelief.

But with the previous experience of the Seven Golden Immortals, they naturally did not dare to doubt Lin Nan. There was even a hint of expectation in their eyes, not knowing what level they could reach.

Later, Lin Nan also told Huanggu Erzi about the side effects of taking the Huntian Daluo elixir.

However, the second son of Huang Gu didn't care that he could no longer rely on his own cultivation to improve his realm. They have spent so long at the peak of Golden Immortal, and their potential has long been exhausted.

If you can reach the realm of the Immortal King in this life, there is little hope, not to mention that after taking the Huntian Daluo Immortal Pill, you may not only reach the early stage of the Immortal King.

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