Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1245 The Emperor of Heaven was also stumped! (First update)

"You're just an early Immortal King, do you think I need to lie to you?" Lin Nan shrugged, he was telling the truth.

But the truth is, sometimes it’s so hard to believe.

"It seems that I am the only one who will capture your soul. Then you will naturally know the secret of this mountain!" The Nanming Immortal King was very unhappy and said angrily.

After saying that, he flashed and came to Lin Nan, about to catch Lin Nan.

However, Lin Nan's expression was calm and he smiled: "Oh? There are 193,78 ways to search for souls. Which one should you use?"

"What did you say!" Immortal King Nanming's expression changed drastically.

"Kneel down!" Lin Fan shouted, and his whole aura suddenly changed.

Seeing Lin Nan spit out the sound of heaven, Immortal King Nanming also looked horrified.

His figure quickly fled backwards, running with his head in his arms at a speed several times faster than before.

"This... what a powerful monk this is! He can actually speak the sound of heaven and turn it into the light of Taoism and Dharma. It's really incredible!"

Immortal King Nanming was roaring in his heart.

At the same time, he sacrificed his most powerful natal immortal treasure, hoping to survive when Lin Nan said the word "kneel down".


The word "kneel down" directly pressed down on Nanming Immortal King with unparalleled momentum.

Even though Immortal King Nanming is running away extremely fast now, he is still not as fast as the Voice of the Great Dao.


Soon, Nanming Immortal King was hit by the word "kneel down", but fortunately, the natal immortal treasure in his hand had already been sacrificed, and the blow was directly blocked by his natal immortal treasure.


Seeing this scene, Immortal King Nanming patted his heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

But just then.


His natal immortal treasure actually made a crisp sound.

Then, Immortal King Nanming was a little stunned.

On his fairy treasure, cracks like spider webs appeared one after another, spreading outwards, covering the entire fairy treasure in the blink of an eye.


In the end, the natal immortal treasure completely shattered into pieces and turned into a wisp of dust, dissipating on the sacred mountain.


The natal immortal treasure was shattered, and the Nanming Immortal King was also injured at the same time.

Any monk, even a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, who refines his natal magic weapon needs to refine it with his life. It can be said that the natal magic weapon has long been integrated with the monk himself.

It can be said that one is prosperous and both are prosperous, and one is deprived of both.

What's more, this is not a magic weapon, but an immortal treasure.

The natal immortal treasure in the hands of Nanming Immortal King, even among the immortal treasures, is a king-level existence. It has been refined by him for millions of years.

One can imagine how much damage this natal immortal treasure will cause him once it is broken.

At this time, Nanming Immortal King spurted out a mouthful of blood. His realm was also a bit unstable, and there was a faint possibility of falling to the early stage of Immortal King and the peak of Golden Immortal.

"No! This, what a terrifying existence this is!"

I originally thought that my natal fairy treasure could withstand the opponent's angry shout, but I didn't expect that my natal fairy treasure was destroyed and I was seriously injured.

At this moment, the word "kneel down" flew over and landed on Nanming Immortal King!


The Nanming Immortal King rolled down to the foot of the sacred mountain and knelt there, his face ashen!

Lin Nan didn't even look at Immortal King Nanming.

If he really wanted to kill a monk in the early stage of the Immortal King, Lin Nan could kill him with a wave of his hand!

After driving away Immortal King Nanming, Lin Nan continued to drink tea and admire the flowers.

But at this moment, Lin Nan suddenly raised his head, with a smile on his lips.

In his mind, Liu Ruqing finally reached the peak of true immortality from the late stage of true immortality in the secret room.


Liu Ruqing walked out of the secret room.

"Xiao Nannan!"

Liu Ruqing came to Lin Nan. She had just reached the peak of true immortality, and she still couldn't control her aura.

"Well, yes, we have reached the peak of true immortality. As long as we take one step further, we can reach the realm of golden immortality!" Lin Nan praised.

After all, Liu Ruqing has only been practicing for a few years, and being able to reach the peak of a true immortal is already considered an extremely evil one.

At least in these Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, there is no one who can practice faster than her. Of course, except for Lin Nan and his two daughters, they were even more evil beings.

"Hey, are Momo and Ling'er not out of seclusion yet?"

At this time, Liu Ruqing did not find Lin Momo and Linger, and was a little curious.

After all, she has reached the peak of true immortality. Her two daughters, who are more talented than herself, cannot practice slower than herself. They should have reached the peak of true immortality as early as possible and come out of seclusion.

"They have already reached the peak of True Immortality. But they continue to practice and hit the realm of Golden Immortal. Well, it probably won't take long to reach the early stage of Golden Immortal!" Lin Nan also said lightly.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, Liu Ruqing was also surprised.

She finally reached the peak of True Immortal cultivation, but she didn't expect that her two daughters were already reaching the Golden Immortal realm.

"No, I will continue to retreat!"

Liu Ruqing said.

After saying that, she hurriedly walked towards the secret room.

"Honey, if you want to go into seclusion again, it will really bore me to death!" Lin Nan complained directly.

"No matter what! Who allowed you to have two such evil daughters!"

Liu Ruqing rolled her eyes at Lin Nan, feeling a little resentful.

The two daughters are so evil, they must have inherited Lin Nan's genes.

Now it is almost impossible for me to catch up with my two daughters, and it is even difficult not to be pulled down too much by them.

"Doesn't my daughter belong to me alone? Isn't it also yours?" Lin Nan curled his lips.

However, Liu Ruqing didn't care about him at all and went into seclusion again, bound to reach the Golden Immortal realm.

Lin Nan had no choice but to touch his chin. At this time, he was thinking in his heart about how to quickly improve his wife's level without leaving any hidden dangers.

It is impossible for him to take the Shengshengjuanhua Dan.

Although the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill that Lin Nan refined before had some flaws, the Seven Immortal Kings exhausted their potential when they reached the peak of the Golden Immortal.

But even a perfect Life Creation Pill will consume most of its potential after a monk breaks through the realm. This is really not worth the gain.

As for the Hun Tian Da Luo elixir, it is an elixir that only monks in the Golden Immortal realm can take and advance directly to the Immortal King level.

And if the talent is improved, Liu Ruqing's talent is already extremely terrifying, and few people in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths can match it.


Lin Nan sighed, he, the Emperor of Heaven, was actually stumped by this matter.

But if other monks knew all this, they would probably be extremely jealous. After all, Liu Ruqing's cultivation speed was not unfavorable, but it was incredibly fast.

Not to mention the entire holy realm, even in the fairy world, it is definitely a first-class existence.

It's just that she has to compare herself with her two daughters. Who can blame her?

Lin Nan's two daughters were the most evil beings besides him, the Emperor of Heaven. Except for Lin Nan himself, no one can compare to his daughter.

Unable to think of a good solution, Lin Nan had no choice but to continue drinking tea and admiring the flowers.

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