Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1246 Millions of monks move! (Second update)

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At this time, some gossip spread throughout Yaoguang City.

"Did you know? An invincible strong man came here before and almost destroyed our Yaoguang City!" A middle-aged monk in the Hedao stage said to a tall and thin monk next to him.

"What? Is it the monk from outside the country who has been making a lot of noise recently?" The tall and thin monk's expression changed and he asked quickly.

"You heard it too!"

The middle-aged monk's face looked a bit mysterious at first.

"I just heard that throughout the Holy Domain, there are countless powerful people from outside the territory. I don't know where they came from. Anyway, they have enslaved many cities. Even the True Immortal monks are not immune to this!" said the tall and thin monk.

"Yes, it is said that those monks are in the Immortal King realm and are extremely powerful. We can't find an opponent in the entire holy realm who can compete with them!" The middle-aged monk sighed.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the monks beside him took a breath.

Immortal King Monk, what a existence that is.

Not to mention the Immortal King, even the Golden Immortal, standing in front of them, is a being who wants to worship and pay homage.

There is not a single golden immortal monk in the entire Yaoguang City, not even a true immortal monk. After all, this is a small city, and the area is remote, with almost no cultivation resources.

"Then what? You said that a powerful person with the Immortal King Realm is here, but why didn't we feel it?" A monk expressed his doubts.

"Yes, if a powerful Immortal King really came here, I'm afraid he would have killed us all long ago!" Other monks also agreed.

In the eyes of the powerful Immortal King, such a small city is like an ant, which can be destroyed with just a flip of a hand.

If the Immortal King monks really came, how could they all still be alive.

Even the tall and thin monk looked at the middle-aged monk with a puzzled look on his face.

What he heard was that those powerful Immortal Kings from outside the territory were like ferocious gods, killing people everywhere and enslaving the monks in the Holy Domain. Countless cities fell as a result.

It was impossible to let Yaoguang City go so easily.

"You don't know this!" The middle-aged monk had a mysterious look on his face, then looked around at everyone and continued, "It's all because of Master Lin Nan!"


Upon hearing Lord Lin Nan's words, all the monks held their breath.

Lin Nan is a legend in Yaoguang City.

The legend of invincibility.

"Do you know that the extremely powerful Time Dynasty was also destroyed in the hands of Master Lin Nan." The middle-aged monk said.

"Yes, it is said that the Divine Dynasty of Time was extremely powerful, and even possessed many powerful men in the Immortal King realm. However, it was still destroyed in the hands of Master Lin Nan. Master Lin Nan was too powerful!" The other monks also nodded.

They also heard many legends about Lin Nan's power.

"Even the sacred mountain outside the city was moved from the Divine Dynasty of Time, which shows that Master Lin Nan is indeed invincible!" Everyone agreed.

"Could it be that the powerful Immortal King you mentioned was also because he met Master Lin Nan?" Someone's eyes suddenly lit up and they seemed to understand.

"But hasn't Lord Lin Nan left Yaoguang City and lived on the sacred mountain outside the city?" Some people were also very confused.

"I don't know the specifics, but it is said that someone saw the powerful Immortal King rolling down from the sacred mountain. He was in a panic. Then he turned into a rainbow and ran away in despair!" said the middle-aged monk.

At this time, everyone understood.

The powerful Immortal King must have found the sacred mountain and then met Master Lin Nan, so he escaped in such an embarrassing manner.

"Fortunately, we met Mr. Lin Nan, otherwise, our Yaoguang City would have been slaughtered into an empty city!" Some people sighed, while others felt scared.

In the past few days, rumors have gone viral throughout the Holy Domain that many small cities were not even worth enslaving in the eyes of those powerful Immortal Kings, and were directly slaughtered.

"No, I have to move immediately, to the foot of the sacred mountain, so that I can feel safer!"

Suddenly, a monk slapped his head and said quickly.

After saying that, he disappeared from the place in a flash and hurriedly moved away.

When the other monks heard this, they all had a look of astonishment on their faces.

Then, each figure quickly disappeared, and the monks who had gathered together suddenly dispersed like birds and beasts.

Soon, the news spread throughout Yaoguang City.

Those monks in Yaoguang City, as long as they had some ability, quickly moved.

Some powerful monks even staked out land near the sacred mountain and began to sell locations close to the sacred mountain.

As for those weaker monks, they could either spend a large amount of spiritual stones and buy a site closer to the sacred mountain, or they could only stay far away from the sacred mountain.

In their opinion, living near the sacred mountain is much safer than living in Yaoguang City.

For a time, almost all the millions of monks in Yaoguang City were moving and were very busy.

But tens of thousands of miles away, the Nanming Immortal King in the early stage of Immortal King appeared on a mountain peak.

"grown ups!"

Immortal King Nanming said respectfully, thinking of the black-clothed monk in front of him.

"Nan Ming, why are you back? How many cities have you enslaved?"

The black-clothed monk had his hands behind his back and looked into the distance, with an aura that commanded the world.

"Sir, my subordinate met an unknown strong man in Yaoguang City and was seriously injured. Even his natal immortal treasure was broken!" Immortal King Nanming choked with sobs.


When the monk in black heard what Immortal King Nanming said, he immediately turned around and stared at Immortal King Nanming, his expression extremely angry.

"There is someone in this holy realm who can hurt you?" The black-clothed monk didn't quite believe it.

However, after he saw Nanming Immortal King, he checked it with his spiritual mind and had no choice but to believe it.

The current Nanming Immortal King is in a mess in his Dantian, and even his realm is a bit unstable, and he may fall to the peak of Golden Immortal at any time.


The monk in black stretched out his hand, and a ray of light penetrated into the body of Nanming Immortal King, which stabilized his realm.

"Thank you, sir!"

Immortal King Nanming's expression recovered, and he finally no longer had to worry about falling to the peak of Golden Immortal. He quickly thanked the monk in black.

"There is someone in this holy realm who dares to hurt you. Wait for me to go and kill him!" The black-clothed monk said immediately.

"Yes, Nan Ming will lead the way for you!"

When Immortal King Nanming heard the black-clothed monk's words, his face suddenly showed joy.

This black-clothed monk is the leader who led these immortal kings to sweep across the Eastern Wasteland this time, Immortal King Taiyue!

A terrifying existence that has reached the peak of the Immortal King.

At the peak of the Immortal King, he was second only to Yue Xianzun. Even among the many Immortal King monks, he was ranked in the top five.

With the Taiyue Immortal King taking action, the Nanming Immortal King believed that no matter how powerful Lin Nan was, he would definitely be punished on the spot!

After saying that, Nanming Immortal King suddenly flashed, turned into a rainbow, and flew towards Yaoguang City again. Behind him, the Taiyue Immortal King had his hands behind his back, and his whole body was like an unsheathed sword, flying in the air and cutting through the sky.

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