Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1247 You are just ants, even killing you is troublesome! (Third update)

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As Immortal King Taiyue and Immortal King Nanming came all the way to the sacred mountain of Yaoguang City, some other powerful Immortal Kings in the Eastern Wasteland also followed them.

"Lord Taiyue, what happened?"

At this time, a Qingmu Immortal King who had just captured a main city flew over and asked Taiyue Immortal King.

"Aoki, you did a good job. This time you have captured two main cities, and even more than a dozen medium-sized cities!" Immortal King Taiyue praised Immortal King Aoki immediately when he saw him.

This Qingmu Immortal King has also reached the late stage of Immortal King. Although it is not as good as Taiyue who has reached the peak of Immortal King, it is already very powerful in front of other Immortal Kings.

"I've seen Immortal King Aoki!" Immortal King Nanming on the side quickly saluted Aoki.

Immortal King Nanming was only in the early stage of Immortal King. In front of Aoki, who was in the late stage of Immortal King, he was like a child. If the Qingmu Immortal King takes action, I am afraid he can be killed with one move.

"Yeah!" Aoki also nodded.

"This time Nanming met a strong man in Yaoguang City. I am preparing to go over and kill him!" Taiyue Immortal King paused and said to Qingmu Immortal King.

"Oh? Mysterious strong man!" Immortal King Qingmu frowned at first, glanced at Immortal King Nanming, and then showed a trace of fighting intent on his face, "We have been killing monks from the Holy Realm all the way in the Eastern Wasteland, but there is not a single strong one." If he is a strong person who can make Nan Ming even suffer, then I would like to go and meet him for a while!"

"Well, I estimate that the monk is only in the middle stage of the Immortal King, or at most the late stage of the Immortal King. If you go there, you can just kill him, saving me the trouble!"

After hearing the words of Immortal King Qingmu, Immortal King Taiyue also nodded.

After all, he is the leader of the entire Eastern Wilderness Immortal King. If he can avoid taking action, he will naturally be unwilling to take action, so that he can maintain his leader's style.

"That's right, Taiyue Immortal King, you can't kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, just let me take action this time! A mere native of the Holy Land can actually make Nanming Immortal King suffer, I want to see it!" The Qingmu Immortal King also had a look on his face. Anger.

At the same time, several more powerful Immortal Kings flew over.

However, after understanding the situation, Immortal King Taiyue did not let them pass.

There are three people including Taiyue Immortal King, Qingmu Immortal King and Nanming Immortal King. No matter how powerful the other party is, they cannot be their opponent.

"You should seize the time to capture all the other cities in the Eastern Wasteland. We cannot fall behind the other Immortal Kings!" Immortal King Taiyue ordered to everyone.

The Eastern Wasteland is only one of their targets, as well as Southern Xinjiang, Western Desert, and Northern Plains.

Even in the end, Zhongzhou will be captured.

This is Yuexianzun's order, and no one is allowed to delay it.

"As you command!"

Those powerful Immortal Kings, upon hearing Immortal King Taiyue's words, quickly bowed and saluted, and then flew away in all directions.

Soon, Taiyue Immortal King and his party arrived at Yaoguang City.

"Is this the Yaoguang City you are talking about?" At this time, Immortal King Taiyue swept his mind across the entire city, glanced at Immortal King Nanming and asked.

"Yes, sir! This is Yaoguang City!" Immortal King Nanming nodded.

"This is too small! Is there really a strong person in such a tiny city?" Qingmu Immortal King also had a look of doubt on his face.

The average medium-sized city only has monks at the peak of the Hedao stage, and it is almost impossible to have true immortal monks.

Only in the main city will there be a few True Immortal monks. Of course, the chance of meeting a Golden Immortal monk is also very slim.

In this small city, there are probably not even many monks at the peak of the Dao stage, let alone true immortal monks.

Nan Ming was in the early stage of Immortal King, and even a monk at the peak of Golden Immortal could not be his opponent, let alone let him suffer.

But now, Nanming Immortal King actually said that he met a mysterious and powerful man in Yaoguang City, which has to make people a little suspicious.

"Lord Taiyue, Immortal King Qingmu, that powerful man is not in the city, but on the sacred mountain outside the city." Immortal King Nanming said again.


The two people also had doubts on their faces, and they immediately released their spiritual thoughts and enveloped the sacred mountain outside the city.

After a while, the doubts on the two people's faces became more and more intense.

"What's going on? It seems like even the divine thoughts on this sacred mountain can't be used to their fullest!" The Green Wood Immortal King frowned.

As a powerful person in the late stage of Immortal King, he can easily cover even thousands of miles in radius when his divine thoughts are released.

But just now, his spiritual thoughts on the sacred mountain could only be released within a range of twenty to thirty meters, which was really strange.

"Yes, I can only release my spiritual thoughts within a hundred meters range. This sacred mountain is indeed a bit weird!" Immortal King Taiyue on the side also nodded.

"What, Lord Taiyue, you can only release your spiritual thoughts within a hundred meters range?"

Aoki's face was even more surprised when he heard what Immortal King Taiyue said.

You must know that Immortal King Taiyue is at the pinnacle of the Immortal King, and is only one step away from the realm of Immortal Lord.

Such a strong man is the overlord of one party even in the fairy world. But now, on this sacred mountain, it can only release divine thoughts within a radius of a hundred meters. It's incredible.

"Perhaps this sacred mountain is a treasure aimed at divine thoughts. It's not surprising!"

Unlike Immortal King Qingmu, Immortal King Taiyue did not have much doubts.

After all, in the fairy world, he has encountered many fairy treasures specifically targeting spiritual thoughts. Such fairy treasures cannot release divine thoughts even for ten meters, let alone release the divine thoughts in a direction of 100 meters.

But no matter what, the fact that the sacred mountain can have such an effect still makes the three of them a little wary.

"Look, there are millions of monks Anza around the sacred mountain, but there are less than 100,000 monks in Yaoguang City. How could this happen?" Immortal King Qingmu suddenly discovered that there were almost millions of monks surrounding the sacred mountain. Underfoot, a camp was set up, as if it had just been relocated.

"It wasn't like this before! Those monks were all in Yaoguang City before!" Immortal King Nanming was also stunned and confused.


Taiyue Immortal King did not take it to heart, but flew to the sacred mountain with Qingmu Immortal King and Nanming Immortal King.


Almost in the blink of an eye, they arrived at the foot of the sacred mountain.


A huge coercion was released from Taiyue Immortal King, covering all the holy monks under the sacred mountain.


"Bold, how dare you be so rampant in the sacred mountain!"

"No, it's the strong one!"

Suddenly, the monks at the foot of the sacred mountain shouted angrily with shock.

The opponent's divine power was so strong that some monks who were not in the Hedao stage were directly suppressed and fell down.

They knew that they had met a truly strong person this time.

But they were not afraid, after all, this place was not far from Master Lin Nan's residence, so they kept shouting angrily.

"You are just ants, even killing you is troublesome!" The Taiyue Immortal King put away his pressure, but looked at the world, completely ignoring the group of ants in front of him.

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