Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1251 If you want to leave now, it’s too late! (Third update)

At this time, all the monks in the Holy Domain were stunned. They stared into the distance with their mouths open, anxious in their hearts.

"Master Lin Nan, you must be the strongest, you must live!" Someone was praying.

"Only if Master Lin Nan is alive can we be saved. Otherwise, we will all be killed by these demons from outside the territory!" The other monks also prayed in their hearts.

Lin Nan's life and death was now closely related to their lives.

"The self-destruction power of this king-level immortal treasure is so great that even a trace of the impact can kill a monk at the peak of the Hedao stage on the spot. Lord Lin Nan is at the center of the attack. I'm afraid..." Some monks were worried.

They feared the worst, but seeing such a powerful attack with their own eyes had no choice but to become suspicious.

"Hahaha, no matter how powerful you are, so what! You still won't die in my hands!"

At this time, the Taiyue Immortal King was also a little embarrassed, but his expression was extremely excited.

Just now, he controlled the King-level Immortal Treasure of the Cyanwood Immortal King, causing it to self-destruct. However, after all, he had never practiced the King-level Immortal Treasure before, so he directly controlled it, and he was still affected a little bit.

Just this slight impact also made him, the peak immortal king, look a little embarrassed, and his clothes and armor were somewhat damaged.

The self-destruction of the Wang-grade Immortal Treasure, coupled with the blessing of a trace of Immortal Qi, is extremely powerful.

This was also his confidence. No matter how strong Lin Nan was, he would not be able to survive the self-destruction of this fairy treasure.

"Master Lin Nan is really dead?"

"No, it's impossible!"

"This is what the peak Immortal King himself said!"

The roar of Immortal King Taiyue naturally reached the foot of the sacred mountain and was heard by the monks in the holy realm. At this time, each of their faces were extremely pale, as if they had fallen into an abyss.

Although the sun is blazing now, everyone feels as if they are in an ice cellar, with a chill all over their bodies.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"It seems that I have been dormant for too long and made you forget my existence!"

Then, the fog of the immortal treasure's self-destruction finally dissipated, and a figure appeared in front of everyone, it was Lin Nan!

"Hiss! This, how is this possible!"

When the Taiyue Immortal King saw Lin Nan's figure, he felt as if someone had strangled his neck. He was stunned with a look of disbelief on his face.

His big eyes were as wide as copper bells, staring at Lin Nan, looking up and down.

Even if he was not directly at the center of the attack, he felt some of the impact of the self-destruction of the King-grade Immortal Treasure just now, so he naturally knew how powerful it was.

But under such a powerful attack, the man in front of him still survived, which is really incredible.

Not only that, Lin Nan didn't look embarrassed at all at this time, as if the wind was light and the clouds were calm, he was walking leisurely, calm and relaxed.

"No, this is impossible!"

Immortal King Taiyue had a look of horror on his face and shook his head desperately, unable to believe it.

After all, even if it were him, if such a terrifying king-level immortal treasure self-detonated, he would be blown to pieces, and even his soul would not be able to escape.

When the monks in the sanctuary saw Lin Nan's figure, they had completely different reactions from Immortal King Taiyue.

"Master Lin Nan is still alive!"

"Great, Lord Lin Nan is indeed invincible!"

"Lord Lin Nan, you are mighty!"

"Lord Lin Nan, kill him!"

Everyone kept shouting and cheering.

At this time, the monks in the holy realm felt as if they had returned to the beautiful world from the abyss of hell, feeling the hope of living.

Lin Nan slowly raised his head, looking at the Taiyue Immortal King with a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Just now, when Lin Nan detonated the King-grade Immortal Treasure Long Sword, he had no intention of evading it.

He is the Emperor of Heaven, let alone detonating the King-grade Immortal Treasure, even if it detonates the Supreme-grade Immortal Treasure, it will not affect him at all.

Behind him is his own mansion, especially in the mansion where Liu Ruqing and his two daughters are practicing.

If he leaves directly, there is no doubt that the terrifying power of the detonated King-grade Immortal Treasure will definitely burn his mansion to the ground.

Liu Ruqing and her two daughters, who are only in the realm of true immortals, will inevitably be affected.

Although they all have high-grade immortal treasures that they have refined on their bodies to protect themselves, the king-grade fairy treasures self-destructed, especially since they also contained a hint of immortal energy blessing, so the power was not something that the high-grade fairy treasures could completely withstand.

What's more, they were still at a critical moment in their cultivation, so they naturally did not allow the slightest interruption.

So Lin Nan didn't leave.

As the Emperor of Heaven, his physical body is incomparable to even the most powerful immortal treasure in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

Therefore, not only was Lin Nan not injured, there was not even a wrinkle in his clothes!


At this time, sensing Lin Nan's murderous intent, Immortal King Taiyue had only one thought in his mind, and that was to escape!

The man in front of me was so powerful, so powerful that it was a bit ridiculous.

Even Taiyue Immortal King was thinking secretly in his heart, it was still unclear whether Yue Xianzun was his opponent when he came here.

As an Immortal King at the pinnacle, he has not yet taken the final step and entered the Immortal Lord realm.

But the older the Immortal Lord was in his early stages, his strength was only about ten times that of him, so he couldn't be much stronger.

This is a visible difference. But the man in front of him gave him the feeling that the gap between the two was almost impossible to see clearly.


As the Immortal King of Taiyue, he has experienced hundreds of battles and grown up along the way, so he is naturally a decisive person in killing.

At this moment, he made a decisive decision, and his figure flashed, turned into a stream of light, and flew directly towards the sky.

He is extremely fast and has almost squeezed his potential to the extreme.

At this moment, as long as he could escape from this world, he planned to directly enter the turbulence of the void and never appear again.

The Holy Land was originally an indigenous place, but there was such a powerful being inside, and he was scared!

"You want to leave now, it's too late!"

Seeing the Taiyue Immortal King flying away, Lin Nan said lightly.

After saying that, he stretched out a finger and immediately moved forward.


The void trembled, as if glass was shattering under the click of his fingers.

A crack like a spider's thread, along the void, reached the front of Immortal King Taiyue in an instant at an incredible speed.

At this time, Immortal King Taiyue had already fled dozens of miles away, and this was only a matter of seconds. If he was given time to breathe, escaping for hundreds of miles would not be a problem.

Even Immortal King Taiyue felt like he was escaping from danger at this moment. He had escaped so far, and even if a powerful Immortal Master wanted to kill him, it would take a lot of effort.

But at this moment, click!

The figure of the void crack instantly collapsing suddenly rang in his ears.

Then, in everyone's eyes, they saw the crack like spider silk, swallowing him up.

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