Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1252 Immortal Lord! (Fourth update)

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The void trembled, as if it could not bear Lin Nan's finger. But after a while, the sound finally died down, and the world returned to tranquility.

"This, this is gone?"

At this time, the monks who were watching were a little bored.

The strange phenomena that appeared in the sky really shocked them. But knowing that it was Master Lin Nan's attack, they didn't worry too much.

But now, the void vision has dissipated, where is the enemy?

"Then the powerful Immortal King won't escape, right?" Some people began to speculate.

After all, they never saw the figure of the powerful Immortal King from the beginning to the end, and the speed of the powerful Immortal King's escape was also extremely fast, almost making it impossible for their gods to catch him.

"It's impossible. If Master Lin Nan takes action, no matter how strong the opponent is, he will definitely be killed!"

There are also monks who are very sure of Lin Nan's strength and don't believe that anyone can escape.

Moreover, Lin Nan's attack just now caused tremors in the void of heaven and earth. How terrifying this was.

But Lin Nan looked indifferent to all this.

His eyes fell on the group of monks from Yaoguang City.

"Lord Lin Nan!"

"Greetings to Mr. Lin Nan!"

Feeling Lin Nan's gaze, the monks all knelt down and bowed in salute.

"The matter has been resolved, let's all go away!"

Lin Nan waved his hand, said nothing, and entered the mansion directly.

Although everyone heard Lin Nan's words, at this time, everyone was relaxed and happy, how could they just disperse like this.

"Master Lin Nan is really awesome. I wonder what level Master Lin Nan has reached?"

"I'm afraid only a being above the Immortal King can perform this terrifying attack."

"Above the Immortal King? What realm is that?"

"Legend, it's the Immortal Lord!"

For a time, everyone was talking.

And the news that Lin Nan had killed several immortal kings also spread like wildfire from Yaoguang City.

The monks who were frightened by the powerful and invincible momentum of the other Immortal Kings gathered towards Yaoguang City one by one. They hope to go to Yaoguang City to get Lin Nan's protection.

Even among them, many monks have reached the realm of true immortals, and there is also a golden immortal ancestor from a hidden family who is also among them.

After all, even the Golden Immortal Ancestor was not enough in the hands of those powerful Immortal Kings from the Immortal Realm, and was destroyed in one move.

At this time, in a deserted valley, a roar suddenly came out.

"What! Taiyue Immortal King has fallen! Who, who killed Taiyue Immortal King?"

Following that roar, Yue Lao's figure suddenly appeared.

He is a powerful Immortal King in the prison of the Immortal Realm. Since entering the Holy Realm, he has also tried his best to rescue dozens of powerful Immortal Kings from the prison of the Immortal Realm.

Among these dozens of powerful Immortal Kings, Immortal King Taiyue is definitely among the top three, and is also one of his important helpers in ruling the Holy Land and competing for hegemony in the Immortal World in the future.

But now, as he looked at the Broken Life Card that represented Immortal King Taiyue in his hand, his expression was extremely gloomy.

These dozens of powerful Immortal Kings all have life cards in the hands of Yue Xianzun.

He can know the death of every powerful Immortal King immediately.

Just now, the fate cards of Immortal King Qingmu and Immortal Nanming had fallen, and he was very surprised.

But of the two Immortal Kings, one was only in the early stage of Immortal King, and the other was only in the late stage of Immortal King, so he would not be furious yet.

But now, Immortal King Taiyue's life card is broken, and the strong men who represent the peak of the Immortal King have fallen, which makes him unable to remain calm anymore.


Yuexianzun released his spiritual thoughts and instantly enveloped an area of ​​tens of millions of miles.

However, thousands of miles is really insignificant in the entire holy realm. He did not detect the disappearing aura of Taiyue Immortal King, but he did detect the direction in which Taiyue Immortal King left before.

"Immortal King Taiyue went to the Eastern Barren before, so he must have died in the Eastern Barren!"

Yuexianzun frowned and focused his eyes.

"What strong man can there be in the Eastern Wasteland who can kill Taiyue, who is at the peak of the Immortal King!"

Yuexianzun has been in prison in the immortal world for millions of years and has long developed a cautious character.

At this time, with the realm of Immortal Lord, he could be said to be unruly in this holy realm, but he still did not act recklessly.


Yuexianzun's figure flashed and headed towards Donghuang.

Half a day later, he finally arrived at a city in the Eastern Wasteland.

In this city, his spiritual sense detected a strong man in the late stage of Immortal King, who was the Great Sun Immortal King that he had rescued from the prison of the Immortal World.

"Yue Xian Zun!"

Feeling Yue Lao's aura, the Great Sun Immortal King quickly came over to meet him.

In the past few days, the Great Sun Immortal King has enslaved cities one after another with his overwhelming strength, and these cities are not small cities. Among them are four large cities and more than a dozen medium-sized cities.

As for the small city, the Great Sun Immortal King, who was in the late stage of Immortal King, flattened the city to the ground with one slap, and countless monks from the Holy Realm died immediately.


When Yue Xianzun saw the Great Sun Immortal King coming to salute, he also nodded.

"Da Ri, you have made good progress these days. Have you encountered any strong enemies in the Holy Land of Eastern Wilderness?" Yue Xianzun waved his hand to exempt Da Ri Immortal King, and then asked.

"Haha, what powerful enemies can there be in this holy realm? I fought all the way, and the strongest one I encountered was a monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. It is said that he is the ancestor of some hidden family!"

When the Great Sun Immortal King heard Yue Xianzun's words, he laughed first and then said.

"The hidden family?"

Yuexianzun was a little confused.

"Yes. This Hidden World Family is the most powerful family in the Holy Domain. It is said that many large families and holy places in the Holy Domain were founded by the geniuses in these families when they were wandering around. It can be said that the Hidden World Family is Those ancient aristocratic families, the ancestors of the Great Holy Land!" Great Sun Immortal King explained.

"So, in this holy realm, the hidden family is the strongest?" Yuexianzun asked again.

"That's right! But even among the hidden families, the strongest one is just the Golden Immortal Ancestor, and there is not even an Immortal King. So by fighting along the way, I easily pacified many cities!" The Great Sun Immortal King There was some pride in his tone.

"Don't worry, Lord Yue Xian. As long as you give me some more time, I believe it will be easy to capture the entire Donghuang."

The Great Sun Immortal King paused and continued.

"Yes, I understand! You have done well. When Donghuang surrenders, I will be rewarded heavily by this Immortal!" Na Yue Immortal nodded and said a few words of encouragement to the Great Sun Immortal King.

After sending the Great Sun Immortal King away, Yue Xianzun showed a more solemn look of doubt on his face.

According to the Great Sun Immortal King, there is not even a single powerful Immortal King in the entire sanctuary. Then how did the previous Immortal King Qingmu, Immortal King Nanming, and Tai Yue, who had reached the peak of Immortal King, fall!

Afterwards, Yue Xianzun flew across the Eastern Wasteland and found several other powerful Immortal Kings.

He inquired one by one, but the information he got was almost the same as what he got from the Great Sun Immortal King.

"By the way, Yue Xianzun. We met Taiyue Immortal King before, and he went to Yaoguang City with Qingmu Immortal King and Nanming Immortal King. It is said that Nanming Immortal King met a strong man there!"

Suddenly, a monk in the middle stage of Immortal King said to Yue Xianzun.

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