Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1253 Lin Nan’s realm! (First update)

"Yaoguang City?"

Hearing this name, Yuexianzun was also a little surprised.

"The older you get, this is a very small city."

Other powerful Immortal Kings came up to explain.

"There are also strong people in this small city?" Yuexianzun looked a little strange.

Generally speaking, powerful monks rule large cities. Only in this way can they have more cultivation resources.

But for a small city, Yue Xianzun really couldn't imagine what the other party would do by ruling such a small city.

"Yes, it is said that even Nanming Immortal King suffered a big loss."

An Immortal King monk who had met Taiyue, Nanming, and Qingmu before stood up and said.

"But Nanming is only in the early stage of the Immortal King after all. Now that Immortal King Qingmu and Taiyue have passed by, no matter how powerful that person is, he will not be able to survive!" The other monks said immediately.

"That's right, not to mention Qingmu has already reached the late stage of Immortal King, and Immortal King Taiyue is a strong man at the peak of Immortal King. In this holy realm, apart from Yue Lao, there are few opponents!"

"Well, with the three of them here, a mere monk from the Holy Realm will have to stand down no matter how strong he is!"

Everyone discussed it and came to the same conclusion.

"Tai Yue and the other three have all fallen!"

But at this moment, Yuexianzun's face became a little gloomy, and his tone became cold.

Now he finally knew that Taiyue, Qingmu, and Nanming actually died in a small city.


"This, how is this possible!"

"That's a strong man at the peak of the Immortal King!"

Hearing Yue Xianzun's words, the group of discussing immortal kings were stunned. They could not imagine how powerful the existence was, and he even killed the three of Tai Yue.

"Is it difficult...could it be that even the Taiyue Immortal King couldn't escape?" A monk in the middle stage of the Immortal King asked in astonishment.

Even if the opponent is too strong, Immortal King Taiyue is at the pinnacle of the Immortal King. If he wants to escape, he should still be able to do so.

After all, even in the hands of a strong man like Yuexian Zun, as long as there is no head-on collision, there is always a chance of escaping and ascending to heaven.

"They all died! The life cards were all broken!" Yuexianzun sighed.

But then, he looked at the powerful Immortal Kings below.

"Now you all go and inquire about the news in Yaoguang City. I want to know what happened!" Yuexianzun then ordered everyone.

Now, winning Donghuang is no longer important. After all, apart from Yaoguang City, there seemed to be no strong people in the Eastern Wasteland.

As long as they deal with the strong men in Yaoguang City, it will only be a matter of time before they take over the entire Eastern Wasteland.

"Yes, Immortal Lord!"

Hearing Yue Xianzun's words, the group of powerful Immortal Kings nodded quickly.

Then, they instantly turned into a rainbow and headed towards Yaoguang City.

Yaoguang City is a completely inconspicuous small town in the Eastern Wasteland of the Holy Land. Otherwise, it would be impossible to let Nan Ming, who was only in the early stage of Immortal King, come over.

But in such a small city, many terrifyingly powerful Immortal King monks suddenly gathered.

They are very restrained and low-key in Yaoguang City and do not dare to be too arrogant.

After all, even a peak powerhouse like Taiyue Immortal King has fallen. Who knows how terrifying there are in Yaoguang City.

In just a few hours, they had already found out Lin Nan's deeds of killing Immortal King Taiyue, Immortal King Qingmu and Immortal King Nanming.

After all, now, the entire Yaoguang City, including some other nearby cities, are praising Lin Nan's power. Many monks are rushing to Yaoguang City, hoping to live closer to Lin Nan and seek his protection.

A group of powerful Immortal Kings came and left even faster.

"Immortal Lord, we have found out clearly that it was a man named Lin Nan who killed Tai Yue and the others!"

A monk in the middle stage of Immortal King reported to Yue Xianzun.

"Yes, Lin Nan now lives on the sacred mountain outside Yaoguang City. Even millions of Yaoguang City monks have moved to live near the sacred mountain. Now Yaoguang City is almost empty!" Another late Immortal King the monk added.

"It is said that Lin Nan once subverted the Time Divine Dynasty, but it is not clear now what kind of power this Time Dynasty is."

Some people also inquired about Lin Nan's previous deeds, but it took so long that it was difficult for them to inquire in detail.

"It is said that Lin Nan also has a wife and two daughters, both of whom are monster-like geniuses. Especially those two daughters, who are only six years old and have actually reached the realm of true immortals!"

All of a sudden, countless news about Lin Nan was sent and placed in front of Yuexianzun.

At this time, every time Yuexianzun heard news about Lin Nan, his face became a little gloomier.

"What kind of strength is this Lin Nan? What realm? Doesn't anyone know it until now?"

Finally, Na Yue Xian Zun finally got angry.

News came one after another, but there was no information about Lin Nan's specific strength, which really annoyed him.

Isn't it possible to find out the opponent's strength and know the opponent's specific realm so that we can make plans?

"...I'm sorry, Immortal Lord, no one knows Lin Nan's specific realm. Maybe...maybe he is only at the Nascent Soul stage."

A monk in the early stage of the Immortal King felt the anger of the Yue Immortal Lord and immediately hesitantly said.

Lin Nan's realm is still a mystery. No one knows how far he has reached.

I only know that every time Lin Nan takes action, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, Master Lin Nan can deal with it with one punch, one palm, or one finger.

But the breath he showed was extremely weak, only the breath of the Nascent Soul stage.

"What? Trash!"

After hearing the words of the powerful early Immortal King, Yue Xianzun suddenly shouted in anger.

He directly struck out with a palm, hitting the monk in the early stage of the Immortal King.


Then, in front of everyone, the monk in the early stage of the Immortal King was directly hit by Yuexian Zun's palm and turned into a pool of blood mist.

"Can a monk in the Nascent Soul stage kill the strongest Immortal King? How did such a waste survive to this day!" After killing the early Immortal King monk, Yue Xianzun was still furious.

After all, in his opinion, so far, he doesn't even know the opponent's specific strength level, which is really disappointing.

"The older you get, no matter how strong Lin Nan is, can he still surpass you, the Immortal Lord?" A monk in the late stage of Immortal King came to Yue Xianzun and said flatteringly.

"Yes, Yuexianzun is an invincible existence in the entire holy realm. No matter how strong Lin Nan is, he will still crawl on the ground in front of you, Yuexianzun!"

Other powerful Immortal Kings quickly agreed.

Just now, they were shocked by Yuexianzun's anger. Killing the powerful Immortal King on the spot, this method is really shocking.


After hearing what everyone said, Yue Xianzun was speechless for a moment and could only shout angrily.

"However, this person can kill Taiyue, who is at the peak of the Immortal King. We should not underestimate him. It is better to wait for me to go and explore the truth before making any plans!"

After a while, Nayue Immortal Lord finally made a decision.

It would be almost impossible for the group of powerful Immortal Kings in front of us to find out the information, and it would be almost impossible for him to find out Lin Nan's specific strength. He could only do it himself!

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