Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1254 The Golden Immortal Tribulation! (Second update)

Soon, Yuexianzun arrived at Yaoguang City.

With a sweep of his mind, he naturally discovered the sacred mountain outside Yaoguang City.

At this time, Lin Nan frowned in the mansion.

"I hope he won't bother me, otherwise, I won't mind squeezing this slightly larger ant to death!" The moment Yue Xianzun arrived at Yaoguang City, he was already noticed by Lin Nan.

However, Lin Nan did not take it seriously and just said casually.

Lin Nan now focused all his attention on Lin Momo and Ling'er. As for other things, he didn't want to ask about it at all.

As long as the powerful Immortal Master doesn't cause trouble for himself, Lin Nan won't take action.

In the two secret rooms of Lin Nan's mansion, Lin Momo and Ling'er had reached the key point of cultivation and were hitting the Golden Immortal realm.

Once they successfully attack, they will become powerful golden immortals.

Golden Immortal, a strong man in this realm, was once the top combat power in the entire holy realm, and could run rampant.

Of course, now, the Golden Immortal is no longer too strong. After all, even powerful people in the realm of Immortal King and Immortal Lord have appeared one after another.

But for Lin Momo and Linger, this is also an extremely important step. Only by taking this step can they be considered to have embarked on the true path of immortality.

The previous True Immortal Realm was just a foundation.

In Lin Momo's secret room, the little girl was sitting cross-legged, with a solemn expression on her porcelain bottle-like face.

In front of her, there were countless water droplets floating.

If you observe carefully, you will find bursts of immortal energy exuding from those water droplets. These water droplets are actually condensed from immortal energy.

Ordinary monks, even if they reach the realm of Immortal King, cannot condense their immortal essence into water droplets containing immortal energy, but Lin Momo is different.

Lin Momo's talent is so high that few people in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths can compare with her.

In the true immortal realm, she can easily kill the powerful Golden Immortal with her strength, and the immortal energy in her body is naturally dozens of times that of ordinary monks.

Only with such rich immortal energy can the water droplets she condenses contain a trace of immortal energy.

Lin Nan nodded when he saw this scene.

In the secret room next to Lin Momo, the same was true for Ling'er. In front of her, there were also countless water droplets suspended, exuding a strong fairy aura.

"Once these two daughters step into the Golden Immortal Realm, even ordinary Immortal Kings will not be their match." Lin Nan thought to himself.

The two daughters are now only at the peak of true immortality. Although they are only half a step away from the early stage of golden immortality, they have not yet reached golden immortality after all. But their current cultivation strength is already much more terrifying than those at the peak of Golden Immortal.

If it were in the immortal world, ordinary early-stage Immortal King monks would not be able to create such an astonishing momentum.


Finally, a burst of thunder came from Lin Momo's secret room.

At the same time, a burst of thunderous sounds also came from Ling'er's secret room.

"At the same time!"

Lin Nan was also stunned. What a coincidence. The two daughters advanced at the same time and were about to survive the disaster.

However, Lin Nan's expression was very solemn at this time.

When the two of them overcome the catastrophe at the same time, the power of this catastrophe will be ten times that of the previous one.

What's more, Lin Momo and Ling'er were already monster-level geniuses, second only to themselves in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Even if one of them overcomes the tribulation, this Golden Immortal Tribulation is dozens of times more powerful than the ordinary Golden Immortal Tribulation.

Now that two people are going through the tribulation at the same time, this is by no means as simple as one plus one. The power of their tribulation will inevitably increase exponentially.

Lin Nan was considering whether to intervene himself.

If he intervenes, with just one word, he can let the Heavenly Dao cause the Heavenly Tribulation to be annihilated.

But that would be of no benefit to Lin Momo and Ling'er.

After all, the Heavenly Tribulation is also a kind of baptism, especially the Golden Immortal Tribulation, which is the most important baptism on the entire immortal road.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan remained silent. He plans to wait and see what happens, and then take action when his daughter is really in danger.

At this time, the Yuexian Lord also felt a strange aura coming from the sacred mountain.

"Is there someone who wants to escape the tribulation?"

Yuexianzun frowned and looked at the sky.

At this time, the calamity clouds in the sky had just gathered. If ordinary people looked at it, they might just think it was going to rain. But as an immortal, Yue Lao can feel the aura of heaven and earth calamity from those dark clouds.


Yuexianzun's figure flashed and headed towards the sacred mountain.

He wanted to see who was going through the tribulation.

At the same time, he also planned to meet Lin Nan for a while.

At this moment, all the actions of Yuexianzun fell into Lin Nan's eyes, but Lin Nan snorted softly and ignored them.


Soon, there were more and more calamity clouds in the sky. After a while, the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if the entire sky was about to collapse.

"This...this is someone going through the tribulation!"

"Is it Lord Lin Nan?"

At this time, in Yaoguang City, the monks in the holy realm under the sacred mountain all raised their heads and looked up at the sky, filled with surprise.

This calamity cloud is too terrifying. Before it has completely gathered, they feel a breath of destruction.

"It shouldn't be Master Lin Nan. After all, Master Lin Nan has not practiced at all. Could it be his wife or daughter?" Some people also speculated that it was Liu Ruqing or Lin Momo and others who were trying to overcome the tribulation.

"No matter what, the aura of this calamity cloud is extremely terrifying. Even if it is a golden immortal calamity, it is not worth mentioning in front of this calamity cloud." A monk with a true immortal realm came over and looked at everything and said.

This monk in the true immortal realm moved from other cities. He heard that Lin Nan killed the powerful immortal king in the sacred mountain, so he wanted to seek asylum.

In the entire Holy Realm, the most powerful Immortal Tribulation they had ever seen was the Golden Immortal Tribulation.

That was the catastrophe that the ancestors of some hidden families passed through when they became powerful Golden Immortals.

But those golden immortal tribulations were not even one ten thousandth as good as the tribulation cloud in front of them.

"Is there someone who wants to become the Immortal King?"

After hearing what the True Immortal monk said, other monks were also guessing.

The Immortal King is an existence that has never appeared in the entire holy realm.

Even the Ancient Eight Sons were only at the peak of the Golden Immortal. Although they were only one step away from the Immortal King, they had not crossed it for millions of years.

Becoming an Immortal King is too difficult.

Only in the fairy world, over tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years, will there be a steady stream of powerful immortal kings.

But just as everyone was talking about it, a figure suddenly flashed in front of them and headed towards the sacred mountain.

"Look, someone is climbing the sacred mountain!"

Suddenly some monks exclaimed.

"Doesn't he want his life? Going to the sacred mountain at this time is not asking for death!"

The other monks were also surprised.

At this time, the entire sacred mountain was shrouded in the terrifying clouds of calamity. Even if a powerful Golden Immortal went up, he would be bombarded into ashes in minutes!

"Hey, come down quickly, do you want your life?"

Some monks also shouted loudly, hoping to wake up the man and stop him from dying.

However, the figure didn't care at all and turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Lin Nan's mansion.

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