Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1258 Stop the conquest! (Second update)

At this time, Yuexianzun was paralyzed on the ground.

Becoming Lin Nan's slave was something he had never thought about in his life. But now, he, a dignified immortal, actually agreed to become someone else's slave.


Lin Nan fired a magic spell and sank directly into Yuexianzun's Yintang, capturing a strand of his soul.

With this ray of soul, Yuexianzun would not dare to betray him again. Otherwise, no matter where Yuexianzun is, just a thought from Lin Nan can make him disappear into ashes.

And the Yue Immortal Lord, whose soul was detained by Lin Nan, and whose life and death were in the hands of others, also looked pale, as if he had aged hundreds of years all of a sudden.

"Did you stir up the recent events in the Holy Domain?" Lin Nan looked at Yue Xianzun and asked lightly.

"Yes, Lord Lin Nan. I will definitely rule the entire Holy Domain for Lord Lin Nan."

When Yuexianzun heard Lin Nan's words, his expression also changed, but he changed quickly and quickly gave all the results he had obtained to Lin Nan.

"Do you think I am the one who needs to control the Holy Realm?" Lin Nan stared at Yuexianzun and asked lightly.

Yuexianzun suddenly felt a cold sweat break out all over his body, and the cold air rushed straight into his brain.

"Then, Master Lin Nan, please give me your instructions." Yue Xianzun was a little confused about Lin Nan's thoughts and quickly bowed and said.

"Let those immortal kings disperse. In addition, I have several slaves who have gone to stop them. Let them all come back!" Lin Nan said.

"This...is Lord Lin Nan!"

The Yue Xianzun was a little confused, but then he didn't dare to question at all and nodded quickly.

After saying that, Lin Nan entered the mansion with his two daughters.

As for the Yue Immortal Lord, his entire body suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew away into the distance.

After a while, he found some powerful Immortal Kings in the Eastern Wasteland.

"Come back all!"

Yuexianzun issued a warning order.

Those powerful Immortal Kings are a little confused. They are conquering everywhere. I believe that it won’t be long before the entire Eastern Wasteland is under their control.

"Yue Xianzun, what happened?" A monk in the middle stage of the Immortal King asked.

"Give up the conquest of the Holy Domain and let all the powerful Immortal Kings from the Eastern Wasteland gather here. In addition, inform the powerful Immortal Kings from other major regions to stop the conquest!"

Yuexianzun ordered.

In the eyes of those Immortal Kings, his orders were the supreme iron rule, and no one dared to disobey them.

No matter how many doubts they have in their hearts, after all, their lives are in the hands of Yuexian Zun.

Soon, the Immortal Kings of the Eastern Wasteland gathered together, but soon, they received orders from the Yue Immortal Lord and immediately rushed to several other major regions to notify the Immortal Kings in those places.

At this time, somewhere in the Western Desert, Manhuangzi had just killed a late-stage Immortal King monk and saved a city of holy monks, but his brows furrowed.

"Is there another powerful Immortal King coming to help?"

In Manhuangzi's spiritual thoughts, he detected that another monk in the Immortal King realm had come to the Western Desert.

But he is not worried. No matter how many people come to him, he can still kill them.

After all, after reaching the peak realm of the Immortal King, Manhuangzi can defeat even the strongest peak Immortal King in the Immortal Realm.

But soon, he was surprised again.

"Why have the auras of those powerful Immortal Kings disappeared? Did they leave the Western Desert?" Manhuangzi was a little confused.

In southern Xinjiang, Zhongguzi also encountered the same doubts.

In Beiyuan, the Seven Immortal Kings put down their weapons and looked at each other with some confusion.

"What's going on? Those immortal kings from outside the territory have stopped their conquest?"

Immortal King Yizi said, his face full of doubts.

"Are you trying to raise some suspicion?"

The second son of the Immortal King is also guessing.

"Haha, after all, with the strength of the seven of us, even if a strong person at the peak of the Immortal King comes here, he will die or not." The other seven Immortal Kings looked complacent.

Since they reached the Immortal King realm, especially the Immortal King's first son and Immortal King's second son, both of them have reached the Immortal King's peak realm. They seem to feel that they have no rivals in the entire sanctuary.

"No matter what, it's a good thing now!"

Immortal King Yizi said.

The immortal kings outside the territory stopped killing, and the monks in the entire holy domain got a chance to survive.

But soon, they all received the news.

"What? The leader of the Immortal King from outside the territory was taken as a slave by Lord Lin Nan?"

Manhuangzi's eyes were a little dull and he didn't dare to imagine.

"The leader of the Immortal King outside the territory is a powerful Immortal Lord, and is he now called Master Lin Nan?"

Zhong Guzi also looked confused.

"Then the Immortal Lord is now Lin Nan's servant like us? Have the other Immortal Kings also obeyed the order and stopped the conquest?" The Seventh Immortal King was also stunned.

They continue to kill outside, preventing those outside the realm of immortal kings from killing in the holy realm.

Unexpectedly, on the sacred mountain, Master Lin Nan directly took the firewood and made the other party's leaders into slaves.

This is really shocking.

A few days later, Manhuangzi, Zhongguzi, and the Seven Immortal Kings all returned to the Holy Mountain and stood beside Lin Nan.

"Lord Lin Nan!"

Several people saluted Lin Nan.

"Yeah!" Lin Nan nodded.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on an old man behind Lin Nan.

They felt a powerful aura from each other, which was much more powerful than the peak immortal kings like them.

"This...is this the powerful Immortal Master?" Manhuangzi was a little shocked.

"Sure enough, he is very strong. I am no match for him!" Zhong Guzi said in astonishment.

He felt that none of the ten of him might be the opponent. But it is unimaginable that such a person has become Lord Lin Nan's slave.

The Seven Immortal Kings were also a little surprised.

Among the people present, they were the first to follow Lord Lin Nan, but now, the strong men around Lord Lin Nan are getting stronger than the other, making them all feel extremely pressured.

"You can call me Yue Lao!"

When Na Yue Xianzun saw the second son of Huanggu and the seventh son of the Immortal King, he also showed a friendly expression and said.

As a powerful Immortal Lord, if he were placed before him, even a monk at the peak of the Immortal King would be conquered by him.

For example, the several peak Immortal Kings who were rescued from the prisons of the Immortal Realm have become his subordinates.

But now, facing these servants of Master Lin Nan, he did not dare to be presumptuous.

At this moment, the second son of Huanggu and the seventh son of Immortal King also raised their hands and greeted Yue Xianzun, "Yue Lao!"

"This battle is all a misunderstanding. Now we are all the slaves of Master Lin Nan. I hope you will keep it to yourself." Na Yue Xianzun completely put down his airs and started chatting with a few other people.

"How dare you, how dare you!"

The second son of Huang Gu and the seventh son of the Immortal King were also a little cautious. After all, the other party was a powerful Immortal Lord.

"By the way, I still have a few Immortal Kings under my command. I'm afraid you all know that I will ask them to come to see you and others when they have time." Yue Xianzun said to the second son of Huanggu and the seventh son of the Immortal King.

The Immortal Kings under him are no weaker than the few in front of him in terms of strength, but because his current status is the same as a few of them, and those Immortal Kings are just his subordinates, they are naturally not as valuable as the Second Son of Huangu and the Seven Immortal Kings.

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