Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1259 Youxuan Dynasty! (Third update)

After calming down the turmoil among the people in the Immortal Prison, the entire sanctuary ushered in peace again.

During this period, the development of Sanctuary was also extremely rapid, and its overall strength was greatly improved.

After all, before, no strong person in the realm of Immortal King could be found in the entire Holy Domain, and the most powerful ancestors of those hidden families were only Caijinxian.

But now, both the second son of Huangu and the seventh son of Immortal King have reached the realm of Immortal King, and several of them have even reached the peak level of Immortal King.

Moreover, the powerful Immortal Kings under Yuexian Zun are also very powerful.

Now, although they are scattered throughout the Holy Domain, they are still led by Yuexianzun. As long as Yuexianzun gives an order, those powerful men in the Immortal King realm will inevitably appear.

However, they all have one goal in mind, which is to return to the fairy world.

Compared with the fairyland, the holy realm is really a barren land.

But as prisoners in the prison of the fairy world, even if they can go back, their identity is still a problem.

Before, everyone hoped that Yuexianzun could lead them back to the immortal world. After all, Yuexianzun was a powerful person at the level of immortality. If he was placed in the immortal world, if he found a secluded place, he could rule a city and live a happy life. A life of cultivation.

But now, Yuexianzun has been enslaved by Lin Nan for thirty thousand years.

In these 30,000 years, no one knows how many things will happen, so everyone has extinguished the hope of returning to the fairy world.

But then, they heard that Master Lin Nan would return to the fairy world soon, which rekindled their hope.

Master Lin Nan is a strong man who can enslave even the Yue Immortal Lord. With such a strong man leading him, when he arrives in the fairy world, he may not just find a remote place to live a life of cultivation that cannot be reborn in the world.

But it is not impossible to compete for hegemony in the fairy world, and even dominate the world.

Therefore, even if they are in the holy realm at this moment, they are still immersed in hard work.

The second son of Huang Gu and the seventh son of Immortal King are also constantly practicing. Although their realm cannot be improved by their own practice, their combat strength can be tempered.

On this day, Lin Nan suddenly raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

That was the place where the Divine Dynasty descended in the past years. At this moment, some fluctuations occurred in that space again.


There was a shocking sound in the crack, and then, a huge thing seemed to be entering the holy realm through the crack in the void.

"Holy Lord, we are about to enter the holy realm!"

Behind that crack is the extremely powerful Youxuan Dynasty.

They tracked the Divine Dynasty of Time, fought all the way to the Holy Domain, and were currently attacking the Void Crack.

"Well, when we get to the Holy Domain, let's see where the Divine Dynasty of Time can escape to!" Sitting at the head of the table is the Holy Lord of the Youxuan Dynasty, Xuan Wuji!

At this moment, his face also showed a trace of emotion.

The Time Dynasty and the Youxuan Dynasty fought for tens of thousands of years, and finally they defeated the Time Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, in the end, under the leadership of the Lord of Time, the Divine Dynasty of Time directly cut through the void and escaped into the holy realm, leaving them to work in vain.

You must know that if they can obtain the training resources of the Time Divine Dynasty, the strength of their Youxuan Dynasty can even be further improved, and it is not impossible to give birth to two or three strong men at the peak of the Immortal King.

Therefore, even if they pursue for thousands of years, they will still destroy the Time Divine Dynasty.

Under Xuan Wuji's seat, the princes and elders all had excited looks on their faces.

This time, their chance to make a difference finally came. If they can kill the powerful men in the Divine Dynasty of Time, they will not only get the other party's treasures, but also get rewards from the Holy Emperor.

Especially those princes, they are very powerful, almost all have reached the realm of Immortal King, and even the eldest prince among them has reached the late stage of Immortal King.

But the entire Youxuan Dynasty has not yet elected a prince.

After all, Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji is now in his prime, his cultivation has reached the middle stage of Immortal Lord, and he can live for at least millions of years.

But the status of the prince is extremely high. If he can be awarded the title of prince, he will definitely be superior to other princes.

Therefore, the princes also tried their best to express themselves, hoping to be recognized by the Holy Emperor and become the prince.

As for the elders, they are all gearing up. In their eyes, the Dynasty of Time is like a big piece of fat.

What's more, after tens of thousands of years of fighting, there are countless strong men in the divine dynasty who are their bitter enemies.

Among them, some relatives and senior brothers died at the hands of the powerful men of the Time Divine Dynasty.

"In one more hour, we can come to the Holy Realm. At that time, everyone, please pay attention, don't let the Time Divine Dynasty sneak attack!"

Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji pondered for a moment and then gave instructions to everyone.

"Yes, Holy Emperor. We have already prepared!"

The elders also nodded repeatedly.

But in the holy realm, the movement here shocked countless monks.

They flew over one by one, raised their eyes and looked into the sky, not knowing what was going on.

"What is that? Why is the sky cracked?" a monk asked.

"It can't be that the sky is falling apart. This is probably an ominous sign!"

Some older monks pondered.

"Is there another powerful person from outside the territory who has come to the Holy Domain?" Some monks also speculated.

"When the Divine Dynasty of Time came, it seemed to have caused huge fluctuations, causing a gap to open in the sky."

"Yes, yes. This time it is probably an outside force, and now the Holy Land is going to be in turmoil again!"

Many monks were suddenly enlightened, and they remembered the scene of the arrival of the God of Time that day.

"No, if it's really a strong person from outside the territory, wouldn't it be very dangerous for us here! We'd better run away!"

The expressions of many monks suddenly changed.

If a strong person from outside the territory comes, the onlookers like them will probably bear the brunt and be killed directly.

"Yes, yes, now run for your life!"

For a time, countless monks came from all directions and immediately dispersed in all directions.

However, there were still hundreds of thousands of monks at the scene who were not aware of the danger, but were waiting patiently.

In their opinion, this may be a great opportunity, and a divine object is born. If you can get it yourself, it's not impossible to reach the sky in one step.

There are many monks who have this kind of luck mentality, and there are even true immortals and golden immortals among them.

At this time, in the distance, a monk in the early stage of Immortal King also raised his eyes and stared here.

"Could this be another monk being rescued from the prison in the fairy world?"

The monk in the early stage of Immortal King guessed.

At the beginning, he was rescued from the prison of the immortal world by Yuexian Zun, and now his face was a little excited.

If the other party is strong enough, you may be able to gain freedom by depending on the other party.

Now, the lives of these monks in the realm of Immortal King are in the hands of Yue Xianzun. Although Yuexianzun did not make any demands on them, nor did he arrange any dangerous tasks for them, the feeling of being controlled by someone about their life and death was like a thorn, making them restless.

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