Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1260 Who is Lin Nan? (Fourth update)


Finally, the entire Youxuan Dynasty descended into the Holy Domain, directly crushing dozens of mountains to the ground. The entire ground continued to tremble, and it took several hours before it stabilized.


A figure flew out from the Youxuan Dynasty.

This person is none other than an elder in the early stage of the Immortal King, the ninety-seventh elder of the Youxuan Dynasty, Hao Zhan!

Elder Hao Zhan came to the sanctuary and immediately saw hundreds of thousands of monks in front of him, all staring at him, which made him break out in cold sweat.

"No! Are these all powerful men from the Time Divine Dynasty?"

Hao Zhan felt a thump in his heart and wanted to escape into the Youxuan Dynasty immediately.

He came to serve as an outpost, just to check if there was any ambush from the Time God Dynasty.

But he didn't expect that hundreds of thousands of monks would suddenly appear in front of him, so how could he not be surprised.

But then, when his mind swept away, he felt a little confused.

"Why are they all monks from the Mahayana and Hedao stages? There are not even a few true immortals!" Hao Zhan was surprised.

Most of the hundreds of thousands of monks in front of us are at the Mahayana stage, and less than one-tenth of the monks have reached the Hedao stage.

As for the True Immortal cultivators, there are less than a hundred of them.

You know, true immortal monks are just ordinary disciples in the Youxuan Dynasty.

Even the Golden Immortal monk is just a core disciple.

Only some peak Golden Immortal cultivators who are too old and have no hope of advancing to the level of Immortal King in this life can barely act as an elder.

And they are not elders with real power, they are basically elders who do things.

For example, he is responsible for the library, alchemy, spiritual plant garden, etc.

This Hao Zhan had just advanced to the early stage of Immortal King for less than a thousand years. Before that, he was just a core disciple.

But once they reach the level of the Immortal King, they become the elders of the Youxuan Dynasty, and their power can be described as overwhelming.

In the Youxuan Dynasty, the elders have the power to take over the life and death of their disciples. No matter whether they are ordinary disciples or core disciples, they have to be trembling when they see the elders.

Of course, there are not many elders in the Youxuan Dynasty, only a hundred people.

It is completely different from the thousands of elders in the Divine Dynasty of Time. Most of the elders in the Yuexuan Dynasty were only as strong as core disciples in the Youxuan Dynasty.

This is also the reason why the Youxuan Dynasty is more powerful than the Time Divine Dynasty.

"Are you all from the Holy Realm?"

Elder Hao Zhan glanced around and asked the few peak Hedao stage monks closest to him.

"That's right. Are you an outside force? Are you here to cause trouble in our sanctuary again? Let me tell you, you'd better take your people and leave quickly, otherwise you will definitely be killed here!" A person at the peak of the Hedao stage said the monk.

Originally, they were waiting here, thinking that they would have a great opportunity, but they did not expect that a strange monk appeared in front of them.

This is obviously another force from outside the region.

"Hahaha, that's ridiculous! It's a barren and backward land in the Holy Land, but you dare to talk to me like this!"

Hao Zhan also sneered when he heard the words of the peak Hedao monk.

As soon as he entered the holy realm, he felt that the spiritual energy in the holy realm was thin. Not only was it incomparable to the fairy world, but it was even worse than the void outside the realm by countless times.

The realm of the monks in front of him was even pitifully low, so he naturally looked down upon them.


Elder Hao Zhan waved his hand and struck the monks with one palm.

Immediately, those monks were smashed to pieces with a palm, turned into blood mist, and were killed at first.


Seeing this scene, the monks who originally wanted to stand up took a breath, with frightened looks in their eyes.

At this moment, they suddenly woke up. The man in front of them was an immortal, much more powerful than them. The so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, that is when the strength is about the same.

But now, their strength is completely overwhelming to monks like them who have not even reached the realm of true immortals.

"Now this elder asks you a question, and you answer it, otherwise, you will die!"

Hao Zhan had a cold look on his face and was filled with murderous intent, which instantly subdued hundreds of thousands of monks.

"Do you know about the Divine Dynasty of Time?"

Looking at the group of monks in front of him who dared not speak out anymore, Elder Hao Zhan asked again.

"I know... I know that the divine dynasty has been destroyed in those years." A monk in the Hedao stage was named by Elder Hao Zhan and could only answer hesitantly.

"What? This is impossible!"

Hearing the words of the Hedao monk, Hao Zhan was shocked and shook his head quickly, not believing it.

"It is true, the Time Divine Dynasty has been destroyed by Lord Lin Nan!"

The other monks also nodded repeatedly, indicating that the man just now was not lying.

"Lin Nan? Who is Lin Nan?"

Elder Hao Zhan was a little puzzled and continued to ask.

He had never heard of the name Lin Nan. But he knew how powerful the Time Divine Dynasty was.

After all, it was an existence that had been fighting with their Youxuan Dynasty for tens of thousands of years. Even if they were defeated in the end, they could not be destroyed by just one person.

"Master Lin Nan is the most powerful being in our sanctuary. If you dare to kill in the sanctuary, Master Lin Nan will definitely kill you too!"

When a monk heard Lin Nan's name, his heart surged and he said excitedly.

Before, he had seen too many monks killed by strong men from outside the territory, and even many of his relatives and friends were killed. In the end, it was only because of Lord Lin Nan's action that the killing that permeated the entire sanctuary was eliminated.

In his heart, Lord Lin Nan is the supreme existence.

Now, this group of monks from outside the territory are obviously not good people. If Lord Lin Nan can suppress them, the killings in the holy territory will definitely be reduced.

"court death!"

But after hearing what the monk said, Elder Hao Zhan became angry.

No matter how strong a monk in the Holy Realm is, how strong can he be? Now the monk in front of him actually used that Lin Nan to threaten their Youxuan Dynasty. He simply didn't know whether to live or die.

After saying that, Elder Hao Zhan immediately struck out with his palm and killed the monk on the spot.

When the other monks saw this scene, they naturally did not dare to say anything. They all looked at Hao Zhan warily, but their bodies were trembling.

At this moment, they all regretted why they stayed here to watch the fun.

If he had left earlier, I'm afraid there wouldn't be such a disaster.


But at this moment, a figure suddenly flew towards Hao Zhan.

Hao Zhan raised his brows, scanned his mind with his mind, and suddenly became alert.

In his spiritual thoughts, he discovered that the monk who was flying towards him was actually a monk in the realm of Immortal King. Like him, he was in the early stage of Immortal King.

"Are you from the Time Divine Dynasty?"

Seeing the man flying towards him, Hao Zhan made preparations for a fight.

He did not believe that the Time Divine Dynasty had been destroyed. The person in front of him was probably the Immortal King Elder of the Time Dynasty.

"Fellow Taoist, please don't get me wrong. The divine dynasty of those days has long ceased to exist. I am a member of the immortal world!"

When the monk in the early stage of Immortal King came to Hao Zhan, he waved his hand and explained quickly.

"What! Is the Dynasty of Time really destroyed?"

Hao Zhan was even more shocked when he heard the words of the early Immortal King monk.

He didn't quite believe what the monks said before, but now, even the monks in the early stage of the Immortal King said so, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

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