Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1261 This is absolutely impossible! (First update)

But Hao Zhan couldn't understand it.

How powerful the Dynasty of Time is, especially the Lord of Time, who has reached the early stage of Immortal Lord. How could it be destroyed by that Lin Nan? It is really unbelievable.

"I'm the Immortal King of Heavenly Axe. I wonder what you call me?"

The monk in the early stage of Immortal King asked Elder Hao Zhan.

"I am the ninety-seventh elder of the Youxuan Dynasty, Hao Zhan." Elder Hao Zhan said immediately.

"It turns out to be Immortal King Hao Zhan. I wonder how your Youxuan Dynasty compares with the Dynasty of Time?" Immortal King Tianaxe asked.

"How can the mere Time Divine Dynasty be the opponent of our Youxuan Dynasty? Now that we have come to the Holy Land, we are going to destroy the Time Dynasty. But I didn't expect that they would cease to exist before we arrived!" Hao Zhan heard from the sky. The Ax Immortal King suddenly spoke proudly.

As an elder of the Youxuan Dynasty, he naturally has an indescribable confidence in the Youxuan Dynasty.

"That's great!"

At this time, the Sky Axe Immortal King also touched his palms and smiled.

"Immortal King Sky Axe, let's talk about Lin Nan. I am very interested in him." Elder Hao Zhan brought the topic to Lin Nan.

He was really curious about who this person could be that could destroy the entire divine dynasty of time.

You must know that even the Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji of their Youxuan Dynasty cannot destroy the entire Yuan Dynasty on his own.

Unless there's something fishy here.

"Immortal King Hao Zhan, I wonder if you can introduce me to your Youxuan Dynasty. When the time comes, I will inform you about Lin Nan." Immortal King Tianaxe said immediately.

There are hundreds of thousands of monks here. If he talks about Lin Nan here, it won't take long for Lin Nan and Yuexianzun to know about it.

By then, even if he has the early cultivation level of the Immortal King, he will be in big trouble.

What's more, if he wants to escape from Yuexianzun's control, entering the Youxuan Dynasty is the best choice.

"Okay, come with me!"

After thinking for a moment, Hao Zhan also nodded.

The sky ax in front of them was only in the early stage of the Immortal King, and it could not pose a threat to their Youxuan Dynasty.

"Thank you!"

Tianaxu also had a smile on his face, and then followed Hao Zhan into the Youxuan Dynasty.

At this time, Xuan Wuji and many princes and elders were waiting in the meeting hall.

"Hao Zhan, how is the situation outside?"

Seeing the return of Elder Hao Zhan, the great elder of Youxuan Dynasty asked immediately.

"Hey, who is this person?" Some people were also surprised and suspicious when they saw the sky ax behind Elder Hao Zhan.

"This is not like the elders of the Time Divine Dynasty. There are only three elders in the Time Dynasty who have reached the Immortal King realm. I have seen them all, but there is no such person!" Other elders whispered.

They have been fighting with the Dynasty of Time for tens of thousands of years, and many of them have met the three elders of the Dynasty of Time.

Of course, monks like Hao Zhan, who have advanced to the Immortal King realm in recent thousands of years, naturally don't know much about the high-end combat power of the Time Divine Dynasty.

Thousands of years ago, when the two major forces fought against the Immortal Kings, they were still at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm and could not intervene at all.

"Holy Lord, Great Elder, this is the Sky Ax Immortal King."

Hao Zhan came to the crowd and said to Xuan Wuji, the Great Elder and others.

Then, he pointed at the Sky Ax Immortal King and continued, "According to what I just went out to investigate, the Divine Dynasty has been destroyed in the Holy Realm in those years, and this person can also testify."

"Yes, the Dynasty of Time has indeed been destroyed." Immortal King Tianaxe stood aside and waited for Elder Hao Zhan to finish speaking before nodding.

"What! Has the Dynasty of Time been destroyed?"

"This...how is this possible!"

"The Divine Dynasty of Time has been fighting with us for tens of thousands of years, but we have not been able to destroy it. How can it be destroyed just a short time after we arrived in the Holy Realm!"

The elders of the Youxuan Dynasty all exclaimed in surprise, as if they had heard something unbelievable.

"Are you telling the truth?"

At this time, even the Great Elder was stunned, staring at the Sky Ax Immortal King with a stern look on his face.

"Indeed, the Divine Dynasty of Time was destroyed half a year ago." The Sky Axe Immortal King nodded.

At that time, they had not yet arrived in the Holy Realm, and he did not know much about the specific circumstances of the destruction of the Time Divine Dynasty.

As for everything about the Divine Dynasty of Time, he knew it from the mouths of the monks in the Holy Realm.

Back then, before Yuexianzun led them to fight for the Holy Domain, he had never even heard of the name of the Time Divine Dynasty.

But this did not prevent the words of the Sky Axe Immortal King from shocking the entire powerful people in the Youxuan Dynasty.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

"I feel like I'm listening to a book from heaven!"

"Incredible, incredible!"

Even though Elder Hao Zhan and Immortal King Skyaxe repeatedly affirmed, everyone still couldn't accept it.

"By the way, Holy Emperor and Great Elder, it is said that the person who destroyed the Dynasty of Time was a monk named Lin Nan!" Hao Zhan paused for a moment and said suddenly.

"Lin Nan?"

"Who is Lin Nan?"

"never heard of that."

Everyone shook their heads.

"Lin Nan is an extremely powerful monk. He is probably the strongest in this holy realm." The voice of the Sky Ax Immortal King sounded again.

"How is it possible? No matter how powerful Lin Nan is, he cannot destroy the entire Era Divine Dynasty!" The great elder still had a look of shock on his face.

How could one person destroy such a huge force as the Time Divine Dynasty?

Absolutely impossible!

Even Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji can’t do it!

"Is there something fishy here? Immortal King Skyaxe, you'd better make it clear!" Elder Hao Zhan on the side also reminded again.

After all, he was the one who brought the Sky Ax Immortal King into the Youxuan Dynasty, and he had the responsibility to remind him.

The other princes and elders, including Xuan Wuji, were all staring at the Sky Axe Immortal King with doubts in their eyes.

"Then Lin Nan is so powerful. Even the early monks of Immortal Lord are no match for him!"

The Sky Axe Immortal King felt the gazes of everyone and was a little nervous, so he said quickly.

After all, he is only in the early stage of the Immortal King, and at this moment, in the entire meeting hall, there are several powerful people at the peak of the Immortal King, not to mention the Xuan Wuji who is staring at him with eagerness, giving people the feeling of an ancient ferocious beast.

"Early stage of Immortal Lord?"

Hearing the words of the Sky Ax Immortal King, the great elder on the side also frowned. He paused and continued, "Holy Emperor, that Lord of Time was in the early stage of the Immortal Lord. Could it be that he was killed by Lin Nan?"

"That's right! That's right! The God of Time was killed by Lin Nan."

After hearing what the great elder said, the Ax Immortal King said quickly that day.

At this moment, he didn't want to reveal the news about Yue Xianzun. He let it slip just now, so he quickly made up his mind.

"Even if we can kill the God of Time, there are still so many strong men in the God of Time, how can it be that none of them have escaped?" Xuan Wuji's voice sounded like a bell in the entire meeting hall.

"Yes, there are tens of millions of monks in the Time Divine Dynasty. How can he, Lin Nan, kill them all?"

Other elders also asked questions one after another.


The Sky Ax Immortal King was a little confused. He had not seen the scene that day with his own eyes, so naturally he couldn't answer it at the moment.

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