Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1263 Xuan Wuji’s plan! (Third update)

In the Youxuan Dynasty, endless news soon came back.

"Holy Emperor, Lin Nan has indeed killed the God Lord of Time, he is extremely powerful!"

"It is said that many elders and sons of God in the Dynasty of Time were also killed by Lin Nan along with the Lord of Time."

"But Lin Nan is very low-key. According to past practice, if we don't provoke him, there won't be any trouble at all!"

One message after another reached the ears of Xuan Wuji and Yin Tianzi, the great elder of Youxuan Dynasty.

"The Holy Emperor, the Great Elder, and the villain have found out that there used to be powerful men in the realm of Immortal Lords and dozens of powerful Immortal Kings in the Holy Domain. They originally wanted to capture the Holy Domain, but because of Lin Nan's action, even the Immortal King was killed. Those who respect the strong will be conquered!"

"Not only that, now that the powerful Immortal Lord is getting older and leading other powerful Immortal Kings, he seems to be eyeing our Youxuan Dynasty!"

"But I don't know why, they haven't taken action yet."

In the meeting hall, each elder and prince was reporting on the news they had learned over the past few days.

As powerful Immortal Kings, they went out to inquire for information for several days and found out almost all the secrets in the entire sanctuary. However, some of the information was of too low value and they were not even interested in reporting it.

And listening to the news one after another, Xuan Wuji also had a look of shock on his face.

"This Lin Nan is so powerful!"

Xuan Wuji sighed.

"Holy Emperor, judging from the information we have so far, Lin Nan's strength is probably no less than yours!" The great elder Yin Tianzi on the side also said a little uneasily.

The opponent is so powerful, if they really want to attack the Youxuan Dynasty, it will probably be a fierce battle.

Especially since the other party also has slaves in the early stage of the Immortal Lord, as well as dozens of Immortal Kings under his command.

Such strength is definitely on par with the Youxuan Dynasty.

"Not only is he no less powerful than me, I'm afraid Lin Nan is even more powerful than me!" Xuan Wuji knew that the great elder Yin Tianzi spoke with a hint of tact.

But he knew very well that just the surface phenomena that he had discovered now showed that Lin Nan's strength was definitely not lower than him, a strong man in the middle stage of the Immortal Master.

Lin Nan's specific level of strength has not yet been found out. It can almost be guessed that he must be stronger than what he shows.

"What, this, how is this possible!"

Hearing Xuan Wuji's words, the elders of the Youxuan Dynasty in the meeting hall were all shocked.

Although they are powerful men in the realm of Immortal Kings and can run rampant in the Holy Domain, it is a bit incredible that a mere native of the Holy Domain is more powerful than their Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji.

"Lord Holy Emperor, no matter how powerful Lin Nan is, he is only a native of the Holy Realm. Are we afraid of him as a native when we cross the endless void and come to this Holy Realm?" An elder immediately stood up and spoke his mind. unhappy.

"That's right, at least we have to fight in one battle. Who do we, the Youxuan Dynasty, have to fear! Even if we fight against the Dynasty of Time for tens of thousands of years, we will still defeat them!"

The other elders were also very high-spirited.


After hearing what everyone said, Xuan Wuji immediately patted the seat and stood up.

"You really don't know the power of the powerful Immortal Lord!"

Xuan Wuji looked around with endless majesty in his eyes. At this moment, everyone was as silent as a chill, not daring to speak.

Xuan Wuji continued, "A strong Immortal Lord, even in the early stage of Immortal Lord, can kill dozens of monks in the Immortal King realm. What's more, this Lin Nan is definitely not just as simple as the Immortal Lord in the early stage, at least It is also the middle stage of Immortal Lord, or even higher!"

Without reaching the realm of Immortal Lord, those Immortal King elders naturally could not guess how powerful Lin Nan was.

But since Lin Nan was able to take the Yue Lao who were in the early stage of the Immortal Lord as slaves, it is conceivable that his strength should not be underestimated.

"The Holy Emperor is right, elders, please be patient. Our Youxuan Dynasty has been established for tens of millions of years. We must not be like the Divine Dynasty of the years, capsized in this small holy realm, and ruined tens of millions of years. ’s foundation!”

The Great Elder Yin Tianzi on the side also said coldly.

After hearing what the two of them said, all the elders felt a little scared.

At this moment, feeling the pressure of the immortals from Xuan Wuji and the Great Elder, they finally woke up and felt uneasy about their temporary high spirits.

"Okay, from today on, all the elders and disciples of our Youxuan Dynasty must not be arrogant, keep a low profile, and be cautious!"

In the end, Xuan Wuji made the final decision and set the tone.

"Yes, Lord Holy Emperor!"

For a time, the entire Youxuan Dynasty's monks were warned one by one not to kill on a large scale even if they were in the Holy Domain. Only by slowly integrating into the holy realm monks and seizing the opportunity can we carry out a fatal blow.

There are tens of millions of monks in the entire Youxuan Dynasty. Such a huge group suddenly integrated into the Holy Domain, which immediately made the Holy Domain prosperous.

In many cities, powerful monks have entered.

Previously, only some large cities and main cities had monks from the True Immortal realm stationed there, and the Golden Immortal Ancestors from the reclusive families almost never appeared.

But as time went by, changes gradually occurred in the sanctuary. Even some small cities had strong men in the true immortal realm.

You must know that in these small cities, even monks in the Hedao stage were rarely seen before.

As for a medium-sized city, there will almost certainly be dozens of powerful people in the True Immortal Realm, and even quite a few monks in the Golden Immortal Realm.

But in those big cities and main cities, monks at the Immortal King Realm also appeared. As for the monks at the Golden Immortal Realm, there were even more.

After all, there are eight million True Immortal monks and eight hundred thousand Golden Immortal monks in the Youxuan Dynasty. Even though the Holy Domain is vast and has many cities, it still does not have one-tenth of the number of monks.

As for Yue Xianzun, he brought those powerful men in the Immortal King realm and stationed them in various major cities. Although they were scattered, they could regroup immediately as long as Yue Xianzun sent out a contact message.

The second son of Huanggu and the seventh son of the Immortal King returned to the sacred mountain again.

After all, the entire Youxuan Dynasty is very peaceful now, and they have not massacred the Holy Realm monks like the previous Divine Dynasty or the Immortal King and others in the Immortal Prison.

They were only concerned about the safety of the monks in the Holy Domain. Since the other party was silent, they naturally did not need to deal with it.

Moreover, they are also Lin Nan's servants. Even if Lin Nan does not arrange things for them on weekdays, there are still many situations for them to deal with on the entire sacred mountain.

At this time, Lin Nan was sitting in his mansion, drinking tea and admiring flowers.

Liu Ruqing is still in seclusion, and her realm has not yet reached the early stage of Golden Immortal. Even Lin Nan used his spiritual sense to check, and it seemed that there was still some distance, and it would be impossible to hit the Golden Immortal in a short time.

As for the two daughters, Lin Momo and Ling'er, they all pestered Lin Nan and asked him to take them out to play.

Seeing the second son of Huang Gu and the seventh son of the Immortal King returning to the sacred mountain, Lin Nan agreed to take his two daughters out for fun, which made them very happy.

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