Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1264 Return to the original secret! (Fourth update)

On this day, Lin Nan brought Lin Momo and Ling'er to Red Dragon City, a main city in the Eastern Wasteland.

"Wow, Daddy, look, this Red Dragon City is really big, the walls are so high!"

Standing outside Red Dragon City, Lin Momo had little stars shining in her eyes.

"Yes, compared with our Yaoguang City, this Red Dragon City is probably hundreds of times bigger!" Ling'er on the side was also surprised.

"This is the main city after all!"

Lin Fan smiled lightly after hearing what his two daughters said.

Yaoguang City is just a very small city, far inferior to medium-sized cities. How can it compare with this main city.

The three of them quickly entered the Red Dragon City.

At this time, the entire Red Dragon City was extremely prosperous, with monks coming and going, and even some ordinary mortals among them.

Lin Momo and Linger were wandering around.

In their eyes, everything seemed to be full of attraction. In just one hour, the two female dolls bought a lot of things.

Although these things are not valuable, they are not magic weapons, and they are not even flying magic weapons, but each one of them is a child's plaything.

Lin Nan followed behind them, walking slowly.

But soon, Lin Momo and Ling'er's eyes suddenly lit up and they looked forward.

Not far ahead, I saw groups of monks gathering together, not knowing what was going on.

"Daddy, hurry up and let's go see what's going on!" Lin Momo urged.

Ling'er directly took Lin Nan's hand and moved forward quickly.

After a while, the three of them arrived at a square.

At this time, on the high platform of the square, stood a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm. He looked at everyone and said loudly, "Everyone, the Secret Realm of Guiyuan is about to be opened. It contains the Secret Treasure of Guiyuan. If you can get it, even if you can get it, It is not impossible to achieve the realm of Immortal King."

"Yes, it is said that this secret realm of Guiyuan was left by a great master and can only be opened once every few hundred years. I never expected that it would be opened now!"

After hearing the words of the Golden Immortal Realm monk, the other monks started talking.

The secret realm of Guiyuan is very mysterious. I don’t know who left it.

But it is said that there is a secret secret of Guiyuan. If you can get it, you can practice the great path and reach the realm of the Immortal King.

However, in the entire sanctuary, the Guiyuan Secret Realm has always been a mystery. Not only can it be opened only once every few hundred years, but the location where it is opened each time is random, making it impossible to know in advance.

"Will the secret realm of Guiyuan be opened in our Red Dragon City this time?" A monk at the peak of the Hedao stage asked loudly.

He is now on the verge of reaching the realm of true immortality, but this Guiyuan Secret Treasure is too precious, and he naturally does not want to miss it.

"Yes, this time our Immortal King Elder of the Youxuan Dynasty has found out that the Guiyuan Secret Realm will be opened in three days, and the location is thirty miles east of Chilong City!" The Golden Immortal monk said immediately.

"That's great. We must enter the Guiyuan Secret Realm this time. Even if we don't get the Guiyuan Secret Treasure, we can still harvest many other treasures!"

"Yes, yes, it is said that in addition to the Guiyuan secret realm, there are many spiritual herbs that are thousands of years old in the entire Guiyuan secret realm!"

"Yes, there are also some precious magic weapons and immortal treasures. It is said that there was once a monk in the Yuanying stage who got an immortal treasure in the secret realm of Guiyuan. Later, he used the Yuanying stage to kill a strong man in the Hedao stage. !”

"What! The Nascent Soul stage kills the Hedao stage? It's incredible, the power of this immortal treasure is so great!"

For a time, the monks who were watching in Red Dragon City were all talking about it.

Everyone is gearing up and eager to try.

After all, this secret realm of Guiyuan has been opened before, and any monk can enter it. Whether it is a monk at the Nascent Soul Stage, a monk at the Hedao Stage, or even a monk at the True Immortal Realm, there are no restrictions at all.

"Everyone, the Guiyuan Secret Realm this time was calculated by Elder Hao of our Youxuan Dynasty, so the number of places to enter the Guiyuan Secret Realm this time was also selected by our Youxuan Dynasty!" Seeing the discussion among the people, the Golden Immortal monk immediately said loudly again.

"What! Is there a quota limit?"

"Why! In the past, wasn't anyone able to enter?"

"Your Youxuan Dynasty is too domineering!"

When the monks onlookers heard what the man said, they were all filled with indignation.

This Youxuan Dynasty wants to occupy the entire Guiyuan Secret Realm. Whoever wants to enter it has the final say.

"Everyone, our elders have calculated this time that the number of people who can enter the entire secret realm cannot exceed one hundred thousand! There are tens of millions or hundreds of millions of monks in the entire Red Dragon City, so only monks above the Hedao stage can enter." Then. The Golden Immortal monk explained.

In the past, every time the Guiyuan Secret Realm was opened, the location was random. After all, there were not many monks who could discover the secret realm. Therefore, it did not exceed the limit of the secret realm.

But this time, the location of the secret realm has been calculated in advance, and countless monks will definitely want to enter.

As for the Guiyuan Secret Realm, its maximum number of people it can carry is one hundred thousand. If there are more people, it will cause unpredictable consequences.

However, the Youxuan Dynasty did not limit all quotas to dynasty disciples, which naturally gave other monks in Red Dragon City a lot of hope.

Those who cannot enter are just some low-level monks. Even if they want to cause trouble, they are not strong enough.

"Daddy, why don't we also enter the secret realm of Guiyuan and play!"

At this time, Lin Momo's eyes also showed curiosity.

"Yes, Daddy, I also want to enter the secret realm of Guiyuan!"

Ling'er on the side agreed.

This secret realm of Guiyuan only appeared once in hundreds of years, so they were naturally very interested.

"Okay!" Lin Nan nodded.

Originally he was going out to play with his two daughters, and just now, he used the Great Dao to explore the secret realm of Guiyuan.

This should be the cave of a strong person in the Immortal Realm, but for some reason, the Immortal strong person is no longer in it.

This cave will emerge from the ground every few hundred years, and at other times it will be hidden in the underground abyss, and it will continue to move with the turbulent currents of the abyss.

This is also the reason why the Guiyuan Secret Realm only appears once every few hundred years.

Lin Momo and Ling'er were also very happy after hearing Lin Nan's words.

However, the secret realm of Guiyuan would not be opened until three days, and the location of the opening could not be hidden from Lin Nan, so he directly took Lin Momo and Ling'er to continue playing.

As long as he waits until the secret realm is opened, he can enter again.

After Lin Nan and the others left, the monks in Red Dragon City began to register at the registration location of the Youxuan Dynasty one by one, and had to pay a certain amount of spirit stones as entry fee.

The registration lasted for three days and three nights, and nearly 100,000 monks were finally selected.

You should know that although there are many monks in the Hedao stage in Chilong City, they have not reached one hundred thousand. In the end, even some Mahayana stage monks signed up.

This made the monks in Red Dragon City even more satisfied, feeling that the Youxuan Dynasty was still humane.

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