Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1265 Dare to break in? Kill on the spot! (First update)

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Three days later.

Lin Nan took Lin Momo and Ling'er to the place where the Guiyuan Secret Realm opened.

"Wow, there are so many people!"

Lin Momo was surprised when she saw that there were more than 100,000 people in front of her.

“With so many people entering the secret realm, I don’t know what good things they can get!”

There was a trace of expectation in Ling'er's eyes.

But at this time, the entire group of more than 100,000 monks were marching in an orderly manner.

The Youxuan Dynasty dispatched more than ten core disciples this time, each of whom has reached the Golden Immortal realm, and even the strongest among them has reached the late Golden Immortal stage.

At the same time, under the arrangements of the Golden Immortal disciples, there were hundreds of inner disciples who divided their duties and managed the order of more than 100,000 monks entering the Guiyuan Secret Realm.

You must know that these inner disciples are also in the realm of true immortals. They are naturally very good at managing the more than 100,000 monks in the Mahayana and Hedao stages, and no one dares to disobey them.

"Let's go!"

Lin Nan investigated for a while, then took the hands of his two daughters and flew directly through the crowd towards the Guiyuan secret realm.


At this moment, a monk suddenly stopped the three of them.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the secret realm of Guiyuan!"

The monk exuded the mid-level cultivation of Golden Immortal, and he was clearly a core disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty.

"Why, you opened this secret realm of Guiyuan? Are you still not letting people in?"

Seeing the monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, before Lin Nan could speak, Lin Momo retorted first.

"Although this secret realm of Guiyuan does not belong to our Youxuan Dynasty, it is under the control of our Youxuan Dynasty!"

Seeing Lin Momo, the monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal was also startled, but then he said calmly.

What surprised him was that Lin Momo was only five or six years old, but she had already reached the early stage of Golden Immortal. However, he did not pay attention to the strength of the early Golden Immortal.

In the early days of Jinxian, in the Youxuan Dynasty, he was just qualified to join the ranks of core disciples.

Among the core disciples, there are quite a few who are in the middle and late stages of Golden Immortal. There are even thousands of people at the peak of Golden Immortal.

"Then I'm about to come in!"

Lin Momo also did her part, took a step forward, and glared at the monk in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Stage.

"If you have signed up before, you can naturally enter. But if you have not signed up, no matter who you are, you can't enter!" said the monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal.

"So domineering!"

Ling'er on the side was also a little unhappy and said with a pout.

"If you want to force your way in, don't blame me for killing you!"

Seeing the indifference of Lin Nan and the others, the disciple of the middle-stage Golden Immortal immediately threatened.

After saying that, he turned his hand, and an immortal treasure appeared in his hand, and it exuded a heart-stopping aura.

"What's the matter, junior brother?"

At this time, another late-stage Golden Immortal monk flew over, glanced at Lin Nan and others and asked.

"Brother, these three people didn't sign up and want to force their way in!" The monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal said immediately.

"Bold! If you dare to invade the territory of our Youxuan Dynasty, you will be wiped out directly!"

After hearing what the junior brother said, the senior brother immediately shouted angrily.

With the support of his senior brother in the late Golden Immortal stage, the monk in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal stage no longer has any scruples.

At this time, without waiting for Lin Nan and others to speak, he waved the fairy sword in his hand, and a white light shot out from the sword, killing Lin Momo.

Seeing this scene, Lin Nan also frowned.

But he didn't take action.

Lin Momo can definitely do it against a mere monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal.

After all, Lin Momo is also a cultivator in the early stage of Golden Immortal, and she is extremely talented, and her strength is far stronger than the average cultivators in the late Golden Immortal stage.

"court death!"

At this time, Lin Momo was also a little angry.

Before she could say anything, the other party accused them of forcing their way in. Besides, even if you force your way in, this secret realm of Guiyuan does not belong to any force, and no one has the right to occupy it.

At this time, the white light turned into a thunderous roar, instantly covering Lin Momo and others.

"What's wrong? What happened? Why are you fighting!"

At this time, the group of monks lining up also saw the situation here and were a little surprised.

"Then, isn't that a strong man from the Youxuan Dynasty? Who dares to provoke them?"

"No, they seem to be killing the man and the two little girls!"

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed monk saw the situation in the field.

After he said it, the other monks also understood. But I don't know why the powerful men of Youxuan Dynasty wanted to kill the three people in front of them.

"It's over, it's over, they dare to provoke the strong men of the Youxuan Dynasty, who are monks in the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"Yeah, it's a pity that these two girl dolls are so beautiful, but they have to die here."

Everyone sighed.

In their opinion, Lin Nan and the other three were dead.

After all, the opponent is a powerful Jinxian, and he is also from the Youxuan Dynasty, so he cannot be offended.

This time they had the opportunity to enter the secret realm of Guiyuan, and it was only because of the mercy of the Youxuan Dynasty.

At this time, Lin Momo raised her hand and smacked the white light that was flying towards her.


There was a loud noise, and Lin Momo directly hit the white light.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, an incredible scene appeared.

The originally extremely fast white light, carrying a terrifying aura, came towards Lin Momo, but with one blow, the white light was instantly disintegrated, like a chicken or a dog.

"What's going on? That strong man from the Youxuan Dynasty can't be so weak!"

"Yes, that little girl's cultivation is absolutely impossible to surpass that of the powerful Golden Immortal from the Youxuan Dynasty. How could she defeat the opponent's attack with just one palm!"

Everyone was puzzled.

The monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal had a hint of surprise on his face.

He didn't expect that his first attack would be broken down so easily by the opponent, which was really unexpected.

Even the senior brother of the late Golden Immortal on the side frowned at this moment, and he shouted angrily, "Hurry up and kill them with all your strength, do you need me to take action!"

In his opinion, this Junior Brother who is in the middle stage of Golden Immortal is completely letting off steam. If he had attacked with all his strength, he might have killed the little girl by now.

"Yes, senior brother!"

After hearing the words of the late Golden Immortal monk, this person did not dare to neglect him.

Although he had already displayed seven or eight points of his strength just now, this little girl's strength is a bit strange now, and she must be killed with the power of thunder!


I saw the monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal waving the Immortal Treasure sword in his hand again, and his whole body was filled with a strong mist of Immortal Yuan.

"Daluo destroys the world!"

Then, the monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal roared angrily, and rays of light containing the principles of Tao were inspired from his sword, turning into giant dragons, hovering in the air.

"This...this is really too strong!"

"The powerful men of the Youxuan Dynasty are really powerful!"

At this time, feeling the powerful pressure, the group of monks watching were all frightened.

They felt as if they were facing the fear of death. They were so frightened that they quickly backed away and retreated for four to five miles before they stabilized their bodies.

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