Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1270 Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm! (Second update)

"Sister, you are so awesome!"

At this time, Lin Momo was pleasantly surprised when she saw that Ling'er had killed even the ancient fish and pigs in the late Golden Immortal period.

"Hehe, sister, my Hunyuan Armor has reached the seventh level!"

Just now, Ling'er's Hunyuan Armor was once again upgraded to the seventh level.

The fourth level of Hunyuan Armor can compete with the monsters in the early stage of Golden Immortal, and it is not afraid even when the opponent self-destructs the demon pill.

But now, the Hunyuan Armor that has reached the seventh level can completely compete with the monsters at the peak of the Golden Immortal. Even in the hands of the strong ones in the early stage of the Immortal, it can resist one or two.

Not only that, at this time, Ling'er's Daluo Heaven-Destroying Palm has also been cultivated to an extremely high level. With just two palms, he can kill a late-stage Golden Immortal monster, and it is also an ancient weapon known for its defense. Fish pig.

If there are other monsters with less strong defense, even those in the late Golden Immortal stage can be killed with one palm.

Seeing that her sister Ling'er has improved so much, Lin Momo is naturally not willing to lag behind.

Afterwards, the two continued to kill monsters and continuously improved.

After a while, Lin Momo's Hunyuan Armor also reached the seventh level.

And the power of her Daluo Heaven-Destroying Palm was a bit higher than that of Ling'er, and those monster beasts in the late Golden Immortal stage were easily killed by her.

Lin Nan, who saw all this, was naturally very pleased.

"Sure enough, he has the grace of his father!"

Lin Nan was very proud. It was a great pleasure to have given birth to two such evil daughters.

Later, Lin Momo and Ling'er continued to look for the monster at the peak of the Golden Immortal.

The task Lin Nan gave them this time was to defeat the monster at the peak of Golden Immortal!

Now both of them are full of confidence, even if they face monsters at the peak of Golden Immortal, they don't care.

After all, it had only been two or three days since they entered this monster jungle, and they had increased their combat power more than ten times. What a genius!

However, the most powerful monsters in this jungle of monsters are only the monsters at the Golden Immortal Peak. Each one occupies its own huge territory. It is not easy to find them.

And even if you find one end, it is very difficult to find the other end.

One day later, Lin Momo and Ling'er finally found a red flame fairy fox, a monster beast at the peak of the golden fairy.

The two discussed it and finally decided to let Lin Momo fight first.


Lin Momo's figure flashed and came to the red flame fairy fox.

Without saying anything, she just slapped it with one palm.

"Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm!"

Lin Momo let out a soft cry, and a shadow of a palm with a terrifying aura suddenly condensed and pressed towards the red flame fox.

The Scarlet Flame Fairy Fox had already discovered Lin Momo's figure, but in its mind, it had also detected that the other party was in the early stage of Golden Immortal, so naturally it didn't pay much attention to it.

But at this moment, feeling the pressure of Lin Momo's attack, a pair of small eyes rolled around.

However, as a monster at the peak of Golden Immortal, it naturally has extraordinary combat power.

The red flame fairy fox dodged and escaped Lin Momo's attack. At the same time, its body suddenly expanded.

The Red Flame Fairy Fox, which was originally only half a meter in size, had grown to several thousand meters tall in an instant, like an ancient behemoth.

At the same time, a mouthful of immortal flames spurted out from its mouth, exuding terrifying heat that seemed to burn the entire sky.

The terrifying fairy flames were overwhelming, sweeping towards Lin Momo, and in the blink of an eye, they were in front of Lin Momo.

Lin Momo chanted the incantation in her mouth, and a light blue light shield suddenly enveloped her.

Seven layers of Hunyuan shield!


The terrifying fairy flames bombarded Lin Momo's Hunyuan shield, but it had no effect at all.

When the Scarlet Flame Fairy Fox saw this scene, he was suddenly shocked.

Its fairy flames are made by refining the Nine Heavens Divine Fire and Chaos Fire into one. Not to mention a mere monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal, even a strong man at the peak of Golden Immortal would not dare to face its fairy flames.

But now, this female doll has blocked her fairy flames, and it seems that nothing is wrong with her.

At this time, Lin Momo didn't wait for the Red Flame Fairy Fox to think too much. At the same time, she shot the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm again!


The huge phantom of the palm, carrying a terrifying air wave, swept towards the red flame fairy fox like an immortal beam.

The Red Flame Fairy Fox seemed to feel a hint of threat. It didn't want to take risks, so it just dodged and disappeared from the place.

The Red Flame Fairy Fox was extremely fast and had escaped dozens of miles away in an instant. Although Lin Momo's attack was powerful, it failed to hit the opponent and fell directly into the void.

"Little fox, don't run away!!!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Momo shouted loudly.

"If I don't run away, will I be killed by you?" The Red Flame Fairy Fox turned back, stared at Lin Momo, and said angrily.

This red flame fairy fox is indeed a member of the fox clan. It is naturally cunning and clever. When it sees something is going wrong, it will run away and will never risk its life.

"Hmph! Then just wait. When I catch you, I will teach you a lesson!" Lin Momo stomped her feet angrily.

"Okay sister! Let's teach it a lesson together later!" Ling'er said with a smile.

You must know that the other party is a monster at the peak of Golden Immortal, and the two of you are only in the early stage of Golden Immortal. Who would have thought that, facing a monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal, a monster at the peak of Golden Immortal would actually choose to run away.

If they had known this, the two of them would have set up restrictions and sealed the place.

However, through this battle, both of them discovered their own flaws.

When facing powerful monsters, there is a big gap between them in terms of their own attacks and speed.

Of course, this is because they did not use fairy treasures. If they use the Attack Immortal Treasure, their attack power will naturally increase tenfold and a hundredfold.

By then, not to mention the monsters at the peak of the Golden Immortal, even the Immortal Lord will probably be able to kill them with one sword.

However, Lin Nan had already taken away all the fairy treasures from them before, and even the offensive fairy treasures were not available to them at the moment.

"Sister, it seems that we need to improve the level of Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm, and at the same time increase the speed of movement!" Lin Momo said to Ling'er.

The two of them are equally powerful and have almost the same weaknesses.

"Yes, if you can't kill the opponent with one blow and can't suppress the opponent with speed, you can only watch it escape!" Ling'er sighed and nodded.

Next, the two of them continued to hunt monsters in this monster jungle, but they were no longer just looking for monsters at the peak of the Golden Immortal. Instead, they are improving their body skills and the power of Da Luo's Heaven-Destroying Palm while constantly fighting various monsters.

At this time, somewhere in the secret realm of Guiyuan.

"Did those three people disappear? Why haven't they been found after searching for several days?"

Elder Hao Zhan looked at the several late-stage Golden Immortal monks in front of him with a somewhat impatient tone.

They had entered the Guiyuan Secret Realm for several days and had been looking for traces of Lin Nan and the others, but they had not found any traces.

"Elder Hao, why don't we go directly to get the Guiyuan Secret Treasure? Maybe we can meet those three people!" Senior Brother Zhang, who was in the late Golden Immortal stage, said immediately.

"Forget it, let's go find the secret treasure of Guiyuan first!"

Elder Hao Zhan nodded and agreed.

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