Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1271 Little loli, fight monsters! (Third update)

In the monster jungle, after several days of fighting, Lin Momo and Ling'er's strength once again improved substantially.

"Sister, my Hunyuan Shield has reached the eighth level!"

After killing five late-stage Golden Immortal monsters, Lin Momo's face showed surprise.

Before, her Hunyuan shield had reached the seventh level, and she was completely fearless when facing the monsters in the late Golden Immortal stage.

But at this moment, she was facing the siege of five late-stage Golden Immortal monsters, and two of them self-destructed their demon pills. This made her feel a great crisis. At the same time, she also used the Hunyuan shield during the battle. Taken to another level again.

The seventh-level Hunyuan shield can already withstand the powerful blow of the peak Jinxian monster, and the self-destruction of the demonic pill by the monster in the later stage of Jinxian is not enough to threaten her.

Now, with the eighth-level Hunyuan shield, even if it encounters a demon beast at the peak of the Golden Immortal self-destruction demon pill, it is completely unafraid.

As for the average early stage Immortal King, as long as they are not extremely evil beings, it would be difficult for them to break through her Hunyuan shield.

As for the monster at the peak of Jinxian, without exploding the demon pill, its attack on Lin Momo was almost the same as scratching it.

"Sister, my Daluo Heaven-Destroying Palm has reached the highest level. With my current level of cultivation in the early stage of Golden Immortal, it should be easy to kill the monsters at the peak of Golden Immortal."

Ling'er on the side said with a happy face.

The improvement in combat power between the two during this period was simply too terrifying.

"Sister, my Daluo Heaven-Destroying Palm is about to reach the highest level. By the way, your Hunyuan Shield is still at the seventh level. You must advance to the eighth level as soon as possible!" Lin Momo reminded.

Hunyuan Shield is an extremely powerful technique, focusing on defense.

If they can cultivate to the twelfth level, then at the Immortal Lord level, they will have no fear at all. Even if a strong person in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor takes action, he can still compete with one or two.

"I got it, sister!"

Linger nodded.

Without the protection of the noble immortal treasure, this Hunyuan shield was the best way to save her life, so she naturally did not dare to be careless.

At this time, Ling'er's Hunyuan Shield has reached the peak of the seventh level, and is only one step away from the eighth level.

Ling'er believes that it won't take long before she can reach the eighth level of the Hunyuan Shield.

"Let's go, now we should be able to kill the monster at the peak of Golden Immortal!"

Lin Momo took Ling'er's little hand and turned it directly into a rainbow to find the monster at the peak of Golden Immortal.

At this time, the speed of the two of them was much faster than before. During this period, they not only practiced the Hunyuan Shield and the Great Luo Destroying Heaven Palm, but also practiced a body technique, so close to the world.

Now, their closeness to the end of the world has only reached the second level of cultivation, but they can also travel hundreds of miles in an instant.

If one reaches the highest level of cultivation, the sixth level, one can cross a distance of millions of miles in an instant, which is truly a world away.

You must know that although the Holy Land is huge, the distance between the east, west, north and south of the entire Eastern Wasteland is only tens of millions of miles. The distance of a million miles in an instant, crossing the Eastern Wasteland can only take a dozen breaths of skills, how terrifying this is.


Soon, the two of them discovered a monster beast at the peak of the Golden Immortal, the Golden Yan Chihu!


As soon as the two entered the territory of Jin Yan Chihu, the monster roared and noticed them.

After all, monsters have a very strong sense of territory. If a foreign enemy enters, even if they are just passing by, it may cause a big fight.

Now Lin Momo and the other two were running directly towards Jin Yan Chihu, with the powerful golden immortal aura on their bodies undisguised, which made Jin Yan Chihu extremely angry.

"Sister, let me do it this time!"

At this time, the two of them were less than ten miles away from Jin Yan Chihu, Lin Momo said immediately.


Ling'er also nodded.

Lin Momo's Hunyuan Shield has reached the eighth level. Even if the Golden Flame Red Tiger self-destructs the demon pill, it will not be able to hurt Lin Momo at all.

Moreover, Jin Yan Chihu is good at speed, and his defense power is not outstanding. It just so happens that Lin Momo's Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm has not yet reached the highest level. Killing such a monster can give full play to its strengths.


Lin Momo's figure suddenly flashed, and she took a step forward. Dao Yun spread on her body, and she appeared in front of the golden red tiger in an instant.

So close to the end of the world!

Just now, what Lin Momo used was to reach the second level of the world, and she instantly crossed ten miles and came to the front of Jin Yan Chihu.

Of course, if Lin Momo is willing, the second level can be a hundred miles away in an instant.


Jin Yan Chihu was also surprised when he saw the other party suddenly appearing in front of him. However, it had already given birth to spiritual intelligence, which was not weaker than human thinking at all. At this time, it realized that Lin Momo's cultivation was only in the early stage of Golden Immortal, and it immediately let out a roar.

Then, its figure flashed and turned into a stream of light, rushing towards Lin Momo.

The Jinyan Red Tiger was extremely fast, and its figure was like a sharp sword. It attacked Lin Momo in an instant. At this time, its huge tiger claws were less than three feet away from Lin Momo.

On the giant claws, golden fire shone, as if even the air was boiling.

Lin Momo was not afraid at all.

I saw her chanting the incantation in her mouth and shouting, "Hunyuan Shield!"

Then, with a buzzing sound, a green light mask appeared out of thin air in front of Lin Momo.


At this time, the giant claws of the Golden Flame Red Tiger had already bombarded the Hunyuan shield, making a loud noise.

Then, an incredible scene occurred.

Lin Momo was seen not moving at all, standing on the same spot with an indifferent expression on her face.

Opposite her, the Golden Flame Red Tiger seemed to have been hit by a fast-moving train. A huge force rebounded from the giant claw, shaking its entire body.

After flying hundreds of meters away, the Golden Flame Red Tiger stabilized its figure. Its tiger eyes widened and it felt a little unbelievable as it looked at the human who only had the early stage cultivation of the Golden Immortal in front of him.


But at this time, Lin Momo didn't wait for it to react. She turned her small hand over and slapped forward with a palm.

Daluo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

A huge palm shadow was projected from Lin Momo's small hand, shrouding the golden red tiger.


Feeling the terrifying power on the phantom of the palm, Jin Yan Chihu was also shocked, let out a wailing cry, and wanted to escape.

It is good at speed, and the speed of ordinary Golden Immortal Peak Monster Beasts is greatly surpassed by it.

Only those monster beasts from ancient races may be able to compare with it.


The figure of the golden red tiger flashed and turned into a stream of light, and in an instant he had escaped five or six miles away.

Lin Momo hit the air with one palm, but she didn't panic at all.

Then, she took a step forward and moved to the end of the world. A ray of light emitted from her body and disappeared from the place. When she appeared again, she was already in front of the golden red tiger.

At the same time, she slapped her second palm.


This palm directly bombarded the head of the Golden Flame Red Tiger, killing it on the spot.

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