Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1272 Sister, you are great! (Fourth update)


At this time, even Lin Nan, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help but nod in praise.

With the cultivation of the early Golden Immortal, it only took two palms to kill a monster at the peak of the Golden Immortal.

You know, one of these two palms was still avoided by the other party.

If you really count, it only took one palm to kill the Golden Flame Red Tiger at the peak level of the Golden Immortal.

"Sister, you are great!"

At this time, Ling'er also clapped her hands.

Lin Momo's battle just now was like a textbook, very classic. Especially when he used the so close to the end of the world to the point of perfection.

In the future, as long as the opponent is not as strong as Lin Momo, there is basically no possibility of escaping.

After all, the second level of the world is so close that you can travel hundreds of miles in an instant.

Let me ask, even a strong person in the early stage of Immortal Lord would not be able to escape so far in an instant.

What's more, if you reach the third level of cultivation in the world, you will be thousands of miles away in an instant, which is really terrifying to the extreme.

"Sister, I have completed the task assigned by Daddy, and the next step is up to you!"

Lin Momo came to Ling'er's side, looking a little proud.

In less than ten days, his combat power has increased dozens of times, and he has exceeded the tasks assigned by Lin Nan.

At the beginning, Lin Nan only asked them to defeat the monsters at the Golden Immortal Peak, but did not ask them to kill the monsters at the Golden Immortal Peak.

One defeats and the other kills, there is an essential difference.

Every monster that reaches the peak of Golden Immortal is not weaker than humans in terms of intelligence.

Many monsters will choose to flee for their lives when they know they are outmatched.

After all, only by living can you become stronger. If you are killed, everything will disappear.

But now, the possibility of a monster at the peak of Golden Immortal escaping from their hands is extremely slim.

Soon, the two left again, looking for a new peak Golden Immortal monster.

After all, the territory of the monsters at the Golden Immortal Peak is very vast. It is almost impossible for two Golden Immortal Peak monsters to appear in the same place at the same time.

As for the monsters in the middle and later stages of Golden Immortal, if they are controlled by the same peak Golden Immortal monster, they may appear at the same time.

But such a situation is not common.

However, the two used "Close to the End of the World" and soon discovered a monster beast at the peak of the Golden Immortal.

During their spiritual exploration, the monster was as tall as a tank, with hard scales all over its body.

"Sister, this monster is just right for you!"

Seeing the scale monster, Lin Momo nodded and said.

Ling'er's Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm has been cultivated to the highest level. One palm shot is 30% higher than her attack power. Even the strong ones in the early stage of Immortal Lord may not dare to face it head-on.

As for the monsters at the Golden Immortal Peak, no matter how strong their defenses are, if they are hit by Ling'er, they will probably be turned into powder.


Ling'er also responded.

Then, her figure flew towards the scale monster.

That scaly monster was the offspring of the ancient Behemoth and the giant golden turtle. The defensive power can be described as terrifying, and in the same realm, it is an invincible existence.

At the same time, the power of the scale monster is also extremely powerful. Even a hill will turn into powder when it hits it.

The only weakness is probably the slow speed of this scale monster. Even though it has incomparable power, it is not easy to attack the opponent.

Except for the use of its natal magical powers, monster beasts generally do not have any magic practice.

And the attack power of this scaly monster's natal magical power is not even as powerful as the impact of its body.


At this time, seeing Ling'er appearing in its territory, the scale-armored monster roared.

However, Ling'er was not afraid at all. As soon as he stepped down, the figure disappeared from the place and reappeared, already in front of the scale monster.

She didn't wait for the scale monster to attack, and directly struck forward with her palm.

"Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm!"

Ling'er gave a sweet shout.

The terrifying phantom of the palm appeared out of thin air. Suddenly it was as if the entire sky was covered.

On the phantom of the palm, powerful Tao Yun flows, sweeping through the void, releasing murderous intent.

Facing such a terrifying palm, the scale-armored demonic beast showed no fear. Its small eyes rolled around and a human voice came out of its mouth, "Little brat, get away where you came from. Don't let me get angry!" "

She relies on her own defense power to be invincible at the same level, but the female doll in front of her is only in the early stage of Golden Immortal cultivation, and the scale-armored monster doesn't even bother to dodge.

At the same time, its giant claws stretched out and slapped Ling'er.

If it is hit by its giant claws, even a mountain peak will be flattened. Ordinary peak Golden Immortal cultivators would be seriously injured under its claws.

Ling'er was less than ten meters away from it at this time. This distance was within the range of being killed for the scale-armored monster at the peak of Golden Immortal.


But at this moment, Ling'er's Great Heaven-Destroying Palm struck the scaly monster, making a loud noise.

Then, an incredible scene occurred.

The carapace, which was originally so hard that even a king-level immortal treasure could not damage it, was torn apart instantly like tissue paper under Ling'er's palm.

The scaled monster also let out an incredible cry at the same time.

Then, the scale-armored monster's body, which had lost the protection of its carapace, was turned into minced flesh without any suspense, and died on the spot.

The extremely powerful scale-armored monster is invincible in the world, but it may not be able to accept it until death. The defense that it is proud of is so vulnerable under the hands of a little girl who is in the early stage of Golden Immortal.

"Sister, you are so awesome!"

Seeing Ling'er kill the scale monster, Lin Momo also stepped forward and came to Ling'er.

"Hehe, this Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm has been cultivated to the extreme, it is indeed powerful!" Ling'er also said with a smile.

Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm is an offensive technique tailor-made for them by Lin Nan, who is the Emperor of Heaven. It is naturally powerful.

But now that they are in the Golden Immortal realm, the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm can still be used. When the realm is improved, the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm may not be enough.

After all, the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm is invincible against the monks in the Golden Immortal Realm. Even the strong ones in the early stage of the Immortal Lord can fight against it.

But if you encounter a strong person in the middle stage of Immortal Lord, or even in the late stage of Immortal Lord, Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm may not even be able to break through the opponent's defense.

"Let's go find Daddy!"

After completing the task assigned by Lin Nan, Lin Momo happily said to Ling'er.


Ling'er also nodded.


But just as the two of them finished speaking, the space fluctuated, and Lin Nan's figure appeared in front of them.



Seeing Lin Nan arriving, the two of them rushed forward, hugged Lin Nan, and kept acting coquettishly.

"Well done! I can see it, the cultivation of you two little guys has improved very quickly!"

Lin Nan stroked Lin Momo and Ling'er's hair dotingly, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

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