Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1279 If you want to impersonate Lin Nan, you are simply seeking death! (Third update)

Lin Nan?

At this time, the elder at the peak level of the Immortal King suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light shot out, looking at the man with an indifferent appearance.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

If the man in front of him was really Lin Nan, it would be terrifying.

You know, the name Lin Nan is taboo in the entire Youxuan Dynasty.

At first, they only found out that it was Lin Nan who destroyed the Time Divine Dynasty, which had been their enemy for tens of thousands of years, and even moved away the sacred mountain of the Time Dynasty.

You know, that is the Divine Dynasty of Time!

Although the strength of the Years Divine Dynasty is worse than that of the Youxuan Dynasty, they are still at the same level. The strong ones inside, especially the Years Divine Lord, are strong men who have reached the early stage of Immortal Lord.

It was really shocking that they were all destroyed in Lin Nan's hands.

As soon as he learned the news, Saint Emperor Xuan Wuji ordered that Lin Nan not be provoked.

But now, the disciples and elders of their Youxuan Dynasty still provoked each other. Especially now, he is also confronting the other party.

At this time, the elder at the peak of the Immortal King only hoped that the man in front of him was just pretending, or that he had the same name.

Otherwise, they elders and disciples will not end well.

As for the other elders and disciples, they were very worried at this time.

During the Youxuan Dynasty, they were warned repeatedly not to offend Lin Nan, or even to provoke monks who had any relationship with Lin Nan.


Senior Brother Zhang was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, looking at Lin Nan and Lin Momo, trembling continuously.

"I, I'm done!"

Senior Brother Zhang's mouth twitched and his eyes were a little distracted.

The other late-stage Golden Immortal disciples who were with Senior Brother Zhang also plopped down and knelt on the ground, trembling all over their bodies.

"Lin Nan...Master Lin Nan, we were wrong, please let us go!"

The disciples were all kowtowing and begging for mercy.

However, the other disciples and elders looked embarrassed.

These are all fellow sects of their Youxuan Dynasty, and now they are actually kneeling and kowtowing to each other. This is simply an insult to the sect.

"Hmph! You said you are Lin Nan, are you Lin Nan?"

At this time, the elder who had never spoken at the peak level of the Immortal King finally spoke. His eyes were shining, but his voice was sullen.


Hearing the words of the peak elder of the Immortal King, the other monks were shocked.

Especially the disciples who were kneeling, they felt a little unbelievable at this time.

This is Lin Nan, a big shot that the entire Youxuan Dynasty cannot offend, but now, Elder Long seems to still be questioning him.

However, several other elders in the Immortal King Realm rolled their eyes and came to their senses instantly.

"Yes, if you want to impersonate Lin Nan, you are simply seeking death!"

The elder of the late Immortal King stage was the first to attack.

"Just because you are pretending to be Lord Lin Nan now, and because you killed the disciples of my Youxuan Dynasty before, all three of you will die today!"

The other two elders in the middle stage of Immortal King also said angrily.

Even Elder Hao Zhan, who was in the early stage of Immortal King, looked ferocious at this time.

Regardless of whether this person is Lin Nan or not, he must be killed now.

If the other party is really Lin Nan, he will never let them go.

Lin Nan was so terrifying. Even the Divine Dynasty of Time was wiped out, let alone a few elders of the Youxuan Dynasty.

If the other party is just pretending, killing him at this time will clear the name of Master Lin Nan and bring him closer to Lin Nan.


Lin Nan glanced at everyone indifferently, and then said calmly, "It doesn't matter who I am! The question is, do you know who you are? In my eyes, something like an ant dares to scream?"

Lin Nan shook his head funny.

"Elders, kill this officer first!"

The elder at the peak of the Immortal King stopped talking and spoke directly to the other four elders.

As for those disciples, even the strongest ones are only at the peak of Golden Immortal. They may not even be able to beat a little kid from the opponent, so they can be ignored directly.

"Yes, Elder Long!"

After hearing what Elder Long said, the other elders nodded immediately.

Now, in the entire Red Dragon City, Elder Dragon is the strongest and has reached the peak of the Immortal King. His words are naturally like golden rules.

Swish, swish, swish!

Immediately, the four elders held out their respective immortal treasures.

They have reached the realm of Immortal Kings, and the Immortal Treasures in their hands are naturally extremely powerful, and they have all reached the level of King Grade.

For a time, the entire scene had a solemn atmosphere, and strong murderous intentions continued to emerge.

Several late Golden Immortal disciples headed by Senior Brother Zhang also quickly stood up and took a few steps back.

Each of them looked a little confused, and they kept thinking in their hearts, what on earth is going on?

Isn't this Lord Lin Nan? Why are you ready to take action?

Just now they knelt down and begged for mercy, but now they were watching the elders want to kill Lin Nan, which really made them a little confused.


Elder Long, who was at the peak of the Immortal King's realm, roared angrily, and then stabbed the sky with the immortal treasure sword in his hand. Suddenly, a golden light flashed and turned into a golden dragon, hovering in the sky.


The golden dragon let out a long roar, and the endless power of the dragon enveloped Lin Nan and the three of them. The dense light of the Tao Yun Law was like the shining red sun, which made people feel frightened.

Several other elders also used their own immortal skills, and suddenly the air was filled with colors, and the various Taoist principles shone with brilliance.

"Strong, the elder is really too strong!"

Seeing this scene, the Golden Immortal disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty all showed shocked expressions.

Even if any of these divine lights hit them, they would probably be killed on the spot.

"This man pretending to be Lin Nan will definitely die this time!"

Some disciples exclaimed.

"Yes, Elder Long has taken action this time, and he can definitely kill him with one blow!"

The other Jinxian disciples also nodded repeatedly.

Elder Long is a strong man at the peak of the Immortal King. He is second only to the Immortal King in the entire Youxuan Dynasty, and his strength is definitely among the top ten.

Normally, if you want to see Elder Long take action, you have no chance at all.

And once it takes action, it will be as powerful as thunder, shaking the world.


Endless Dao Yun Laws attacked Lin Nan and the three of them.

At this time, Lin Nan had a dull look on his face, as if the Taoist Dharma, which could instantly kill even the powerful Immortal King, was just child's play in his eyes.

Lin Momo and Ling'er hid behind Lin Nan, but their little eyes shone brightly, and they did not show any fear at all.

It wasn't until the attack was less than three meters away from Lin Nan that Lin Nan slowly raised a hand.

"Daddy, let me show you the true power of the Daluo Heaven-Destroying Palm, which has been cultivated to the highest level!" Lin Nan said to the two daughters behind him.

The Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm is an attack palm technique created at will by Lin Nan, but as the Emperor of Heaven, even if it is created at will, it cannot be underestimated.

After all, Lin Momo and Ling'er used this palm technique to fight across a large realm without defeat when they were in the early stages of Golden Immortal.

Now that Lin Nan is doing it himself, Lin Momo and Ling'er are also waiting to see how powerful it will be.

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