Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1280 Liu Ruqing, advanced to Golden Immortal! (Fourth update)


I saw Lin Nan slapped his palm, and starting from his palm, a dark void appeared, spreading forward like a spider web, tearing apart the entire sky.

The Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm can destroy the sky if you practice it to the highest level!

At this time, Lin Nan used a palm to tear the world apart.


"This is so powerful!"

"What a terrifying smell!"

At this time, Lin Nan's palm had just been shot, and all the monks in the field were frightened.

Whether it was the Golden Immortal disciples who were watching or the five elders among them, their faces turned pale at this moment, their hearts were beating wildly, and they seemed to have the feeling that death was coming.

Then, Lin Nan's palm finally hit the attacks of the five elders.


A loud noise exploded in everyone's ears.

Then, everyone saw an incredible scene, and saw that the endless light of the Tao Yun Law was completely annihilated under Lin Nan's palm.

The originally colorful sky was now plunged into darkness.

Those dharma lights were swallowed up by the void that Lin Nan tore apart.

Not only that, Lin Nan's great Luo Destroying Heaven Mark was still spreading, rushing towards the five elders with lightning speed.

"No, get back!"


"Too strong, he is really Lin Nan!"

For a time, the five elders, including Elder Long, who was at the peak of the Immortal King realm, all had their livers and gallbladder broken, their faces turned pale, and their bodies were even a little out of control.

Now they finally knew that they were really facing Lin Nan, the incredibly powerful Lord Lin Nan!

A powerful man who once single-handedly destroyed the entire Era Divine Dynasty, and was once even feared by their Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji!

Now they actually want to challenge each other, and even want to kill each other. Only now do they realize how ridiculous their ideas are.

However, their thoughts only appeared for a moment and then disappeared again. Because at this moment, all five elders were swallowed up by the endless darkness. In just a moment, the powerful Immortal King Elder died.

Whether it was Elder Hao Zhan in the early stage of the Immortal King or Elder Long who was in the top ten of the Youxuan Dynasty at the peak of the Immortal King, they were all killed with one palm!


Only the stunned Golden Immortal disciples were left in the field. They all took a breath and looked at Lin Nan and the others in shock.

"This, is this still a human being!"

"It's too strong, that's Elder Long! He didn't even have time to escape!"

"It's incredible. Is this the existence that the Holy Emperor told us not to mess with!"

For a time, everyone's hearts were like a stormy sea, causing huge waves.

This Lin Nan was so powerful that it exceeded their cognition.

You must know that Elder Long is at the peak of the Immortal King, and is only one step away from the realm of the Immortal Lord. Such a strong man, even facing the Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji, may be able to sustain a few moves.

But now, not only Elder Long, but also four other elders in the Immortal King realm were all killed by Lin Nan at once.

Everyone just felt cold sweat, and there was a terrifying thought in their hearts. If this person takes action against the Youxuan Dynasty, I am afraid that the Youxuan Dynasty will be destroyed by him.


At this moment, seeing Lin Nan kill five elders, the disciples of the late Golden Immortal, headed by Senior Brother Zhang, immediately knelt down again.

"Master Lin Nan, we were wrong, please spare us!"

"We realize our mistake. We were blind and offended Master Lin Nan!"

"As long as we can spare our lives, we can do whatever we want!"

Those people quickly kowtowed to Lin Nan and kept begging for mercy.

As for the other disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty, they looked at each other in confusion at this time, not knowing what to do.

If they really didn't take action against Lin Nan, even if they came to besiege Lin Nan and the three of them this time, they were ordered by the elders.

Before, they had never even met Lin Nan.

But now, Lin Nan's fierce power was right in front of them, so they didn't dare to have the slightest intention of resisting.


The disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty all knelt down to Lin Nan one by one and lowered their noble heads.

"Momo, Ling'er, how do you think we should deal with them?"

At this time, Lin Nan turned around, looked at Lin Momo and Linger and said.

Now that both daughters have reached the Golden Immortal realm and are considered grown up, their opinions should be heard on these matters.

"Papa, just kill those few people, and let the rest of them live!"

Lin Momo pointed at Senior Brother Zhang and others.

After all, these people once wanted to kill them, and now they naturally want to retaliate with resentment.

"Yes, they wanted to kill us before, so we can't keep them. As for other people who have no grievances against us, we can't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Ling'er on the side also nodded.

"Okay, that's right! Gratitudes and grievances are clear, and any vengeance must be avenged!"

Lin Nan nodded when he heard what his two daughters said.

Revenge when there is hatred, repay kindness when there is kindness, as long as you are strong enough, follow your heart. This is the strong heart of a cultivator.

"You heard it, right? The rest of the irrelevant people should get out of here!"

Lin Nan then turned around and shouted coldly at the Golden Immortal disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty.

"Many, thank you Lord Lin Nan for not killing me!"

"Thank you, Master Lin Nan!"

When the Golden Immortal disciples heard Lin Nan's words, they all immediately fled away into the distance as if they had saved their lives.

At this moment, they just want to return to Youxuan Dynasty as soon as possible and inform the elders and Holy Emperor of the dynasty about everything that happened here.

As for the Golden Immortal disciples headed by Senior Brother Zhang, their faces looked dejected at this time. From the moment they heard Lin Momo and Ling'er's words, they knew that they were dead.

Now they were all like a puddle of mud, slumped on the ground. Everyone felt regretful in their hearts, how could they provoke Lin Nan.

Later, Lin Nan put his hands behind his back and watched coldly as Lin Momo and Ling'er killed the villains.

After killing several people, Lin Nan's trip with his two daughters was finally over.

"Let's go back to the sacred mountain."

Lin Nan looked at Lin Momo and Ling'er and said.

Although the two of them still want to continue playing, they are also a little homesick after being out for so long.

Afterwards, Lin Nan took Lin Momo and Linger, and disappeared from the place in a flash.

In just one stick of incense, when they appeared again, they had already reached the sacred mountain outside Yaoguang City.


As soon as they entered the mansion, Lin Momo and Ling'er saw Liu Ruqing who had come out of seclusion. They immediately shouted and rushed towards her.

At this time, Liu Ruqing had a smile on her face, looking at her two daughters and Lin Nan behind them, with a gentle look in her eyes.

Lin Nan nodded.

This time, after Liu Ruqing came out of seclusion, she finally reached the Golden Immortal realm and was on par with her two daughters.

However, Lin Nan also knew that although Liu Ruqing's level was the same as her daughter's, her real combat power was probably much lower. After all, his two daughters have become more than a hundred times stronger than before after his experience.

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