Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1281: What to destroy? Do you want me to kill you first? (first update)

For the next period of time, Lin Nan lived a secluded life with his wife and children.

At the same time, the entire Youxuan Dynasty fell into panic.

After those Golden Immortal disciples returned to the Youxuan Dynasty, they informed the Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji and a group of elders.

After the elders and the Holy Emperor learned that Elder Long and others were killed by Lin Nan, the first thing they thought of was not to avenge them, but to worry about whether Lin Nan would come to kill them.

After all, Lin Nan had even destroyed the Time Dynasty before. If he really wanted to kill them, even if they didn't destroy the Youxuan Dynasty, it would still be easy to kill most of the powerful ones by leaving them broken.

For this reason, the Youxuan Dynasty immediately entered the highest level of alert.

Some elders even suggested that the entire Youxuan Dynasty should leave the sanctuary immediately. Even if they continue to wander back to the void cracks, it is better than waiting to die here.

But Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji shook his head. He knew that when the Youxuan Dynasty entered the Holy Domain, it had already suffered serious damage due to the collision with the Holy Domain barrier. If he wanted to leave again, there would be no recovery for hundreds of years. It's impossible to do.

However, a few months later, Lin Nan never showed up, let alone came to the Youxuan Dynasty for revenge, which made them all relieved.

"Elders, I will announce that the alert is lifted. However, when you act in the Holy Domain, you must not offend Lin Nan. Even the monks related to Lin Nan must not be provoked. Remember!"

In the meeting hall, Saint Emperor Xuan Wuji looked at more than a hundred elders and said.

In addition to the Immortal King Elder who was beheaded by Lin Nan, in the past few months, there have been disciples at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm who have broken through to the Immortal King realm and become new elders.

This can be regarded as the only thing that the Youxuan Dynasty is thankful for in the past few months.

"Yes, Holy Emperor!"

After hearing Xuan Wuji's instructions, everyone quickly bowed and said.

Even the princes on the side looked respectful and did not dare to be dissatisfied at all.

They knew that Lin Nan was too powerful and could not be provoked by the Youxuan Dynasty now.

At least, they have to wait until Holy Emperor Xuan Wuji reaches the late stage of Immortal Lord, and even some other elders need to grow to the early stage of Immortal Lord.

After all, in the entire Youxuan Dynasty, apart from the Holy Emperor, only the Great Elder has reached the early stage of Immortal Lord.

From the previous Golden Immortal disciples, they also learned that Lin Nan only used one palm to kill five elders, especially Elder Long who had reached the peak of the Immortal King.

Based on this alone, the current Saint Emperor Xuan Wuji cannot do it even if he relies on himself.

That was a strong man at the peak of the Immortal King. If he wanted to escape, even if Xuan Wuji, who was in the middle stage of the Immortal King, took action, although the opponent would not be able to escape unscathed, he would be killed as long as he was not struck by a palm.

On the other side, Yuexian Zun and a group of powerful Immortal Kings who came out of the prison of the Immortal Realm were also a little bored at this time.

During this period, due to Lin Nan's constraints, they did not dare to directly go to war against the Youxuan Dynasty.

And the Youxuan Dynasty seemed to have sensed the alarm. It kept a very low profile in this sanctuary. Apart from arranging some elders and disciples to enter the sanctuary city, it did not cause any killings.

"Are all the Youxuan Dynasty weaklings?"

At this time, beside Yuexianzun, a monk at the peak of the Immortal King said somewhat unhappily.

"Yeah, for so many months, I haven't been able to find a chance to take action against the Youxuan Dynasty. It's really frustrating!"

Another monk at the peak level of Immortal King also said angrily.

"The older we get, if this continues, not only will we not be able to rule the entire Holy Realm, but even returning to the Immortal Realm will be far away!"

"Yes, the spiritual energy of this holy realm is also very barren. If I stay here any longer, I'm afraid I will go crazy!"

The other Immortal King monks also complained.

They are not people who are content with peace, otherwise they would not have made a big mistake in the fairy world and been thrown into the fairy prison.

But now, they seemed to be even more uncomfortable in this holy realm than in the prison of the fairy world, and they almost felt like they were being suffocated to death.

"Yue Lao, why don't we ask Master Lin Nan for instructions on whether to destroy the Youxuan Dynasty directly?"

A late-stage Immortal King monk immediately suggested.

Hearing Lin Nan's name, Yuexianzun's eyebrows jumped twice.

He suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the late-stage Immortal King monk, and immediately shouted angrily, "Destroy for what? Do you want me, the Immortal Lord, to destroy you first?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, please spare my life!"

Seeing Yue Xianzun angry, the monk in the late stage of Immortal King turned pale with fright and quickly begged for mercy.


Yuexianzun snorted coldly and stopped talking.

But he was not at peace in his heart.

Ever since he was enslaved by Lin Nan, he didn't dare to step aside in the slightest.

After all, Lin Nan's skills were so powerful that he could be killed with just one thought.

Not to mention asking Lin Nan for instructions now.

He knew that Lin Nan never cared about the Holy Domain or the Youxuan Dynasty, as long as no one provoked him.

Going to ask Lin Nan for instructions in order to challenge the Youxuan Dynasty was definitely an act seeking death.

"But the Youxuan Dynasty is so low-key, but that doesn't mean we can't dig holes for them!"

At this time, a monk at the peak level of the Immortal King said to Yue Xianzun.

Seeing the anger of Yue Xianzun, the Immortal King monks all turned pale with fright, but now, some people dared to come forward and make suggestions, which immediately attracted the attention of other monks.


Yue Xianzun seemed to be interested as well. He raised his eyes and looked at the monk who was at the peak of the Immortal King.

This person is the Silver Moon Immortal King. Not only is he powerful, he ranks among the top three among all Immortal King prisoners. He is also very good at conspiracy and is a rare talent.

"The older we get, why don't we do this first... and then..., and then we can let the people of the Youxuan Dynasty take the bait! When the time comes, we can take action against them, and I'm afraid Lord Lin Nan won't be able to blame us!"

Immortal King Silver Moon expressed his thoughts.

"That's right! Immortal King Silver Moon's plan is really powerful, it can be said to be perfect!"

"I didn't expect this trick. If this happens, the Youxuan Dynasty will definitely have a battle with us."

"Haha, it's great, now I can fight again!"

Hearing the words of Immortal King Silver Moon, the Immortal King monks were all excited.

If things go well, not only can they go to war with the powerful men of the Youxuan Dynasty, but they can also gain considerable benefits. The most important thing is that it will not cause censure from Lord Lin Nan.

"The older you get, do you think?"

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Yue Xianzun. Without his nod in this matter, no one else would dare to act.

Yuexianzun closed his eyes and pondered for a long time.

This matter was extremely risky for him. If Lord Lin Nan knew about it, the consequences would be disastrous.

But after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, looked at everyone and said, "Okay, this time I will play with the Youxuan Dynasty!"

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