Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1282 Bored Lin Nan! (Second update)

Lin Nan Mansion.

"Why hasn't Master Lin Nan shown up these days?"

The seven immortal kings gathered together at this time, but the first immortal king discovered a doubt.

"Yes, I haven't seen Lord Lin Nan for several days. My wife and ladies are all in retreat, but Lord Lin Nan never retreats!"

The second son of the Immortal King also looked puzzled.

The other seven immortal kings also nodded.

They also haven't found any trace of Lin Nan for several days.

After everyone discussed it, they came to the conclusion that Lord Lin Nan disappeared.

It's just that they don't know where Lord Lin Nan went, and Lin Nan didn't tell them what to do next, so the Seven Immortal Kings could only stay in Lin Nan's mansion on the sacred mountain.

Now Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, and Ling'er have entered a state of seclusion and practice again after several months of relaxation.

The Seven Immortal Kings were practicing while guarding the mansion.

They have reached the realm of Immortal Kings, and they have taken the elixir, so it is naturally impossible for them to improve their realm through temporary cultivation.

And every time they practice, they are just practicing immortal arts and tactics to make themselves stronger.

Therefore, this kind of practice does not require retreat, and it does not delay their duty of guarding Lin Nan's mansion at all.

And in the sanctuary, in a small city.

At this time, a middle-aged man exuding the aura of the Nascent Soul stage was walking on the street.

If the Seven Immortal Kings were here, they would definitely be able to recognize that this person was Lin Nan.

But now he was alone, wandering alone.

Since his wife and two daughters were in seclusion, Lin Nan felt bored and went out to wander.

And this time he didn't inform anyone, he just appeared as an ordinary monk.

After visiting a small town, Lin Nan's figure appeared outside the city.

Then, when there was no one around, he took a step forward and disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he had arrived in another small town thousands of miles away.

In this way, Lin Nan wandered around for several days.

On this day, he came to a city again.

This city is not too big, but it is still a city with tens of millions of people. It is considered a medium-sized city and is called Jiuzhou City.

Lin Nanyou was walking on the street, and when he looked up, he saw busy monks.

"Hey, have you heard? Outside Jiuzhou City, we are recruiting monks to participate in the mission. It is said that there are three million spiritual stones to receive!"

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared next to Lin Nan.

Lin Nan turned around and saw two monks in the integration stage talking. The words just now were spoken by a slightly fat monk in the integration stage.

Next to him was a somewhat thin Fusion Stage monk.

"What, three million spirit stones? Could it be some death mission!"

The thin monk was shocked at first, then calmed down and said.

Three million spiritual stones, for monks like them in the integration stage, is simply a huge fortune.

Let alone the integration stage, even a monk in the Mahayana stage would probably be tempted by three million spirit stones.

After all, a monk in the integration stage only consumes one million spiritual stones in one year of practice.

And monks in the Mahayana stage only consume three to five million spiritual stones a year.

The reward for this mission is equivalent to several years of their training.

"Absolutely not. A cousin of mine has already signed up, and it was he who revealed this news to me. If it weren't for our deep friendship as brothers, I wouldn't have told you!" the fat monk said mysteriously.


The thin monk was a little moved.

"Of course, I lied to you! I'll sign up in a moment. It's up to you whether you go or not!" After the fat monk finished speaking, he immediately stood up and left.

"Wait for me!"

The emaciated monk finally failed to resist the temptation and hurriedly chased after him.

Lin Nan was also a little curious, so he stood up and followed him.

Although three million spirit stones are like drizzle to Lin Nan, they are not worth mentioning.

But he was currently playing in the sanctuary, and he felt there was something fishy about this matter, so he just wanted to find out.

Soon, Lin Nan followed the two of them out of the city.

At this time, in a less conspicuous corner outside the city, dozens of monks were gathering together.

In the middle stood a monk in the Hedao stage, shouting to the group of monks, "Sign up one by one!"

The thin monk, led by the fat monk, quickly arrived at the registration place.

At this time, Lin Nan frowned slightly.

In the eyes of everyone, the monk responsible for registration was only in the early stage of Hedao, but Lin Nan noticed that the other person's true cultivation had reached the early stage of Golden Immortal.

Now, he just hides his aura.

Ordinary monks, even true immortal monks, cannot find out the other party's true realm, but how can they hide it from Lin Nan.

Soon, Lin Nan also squeezed in.

"I'll sign up too!"

Lin Nan came to the Hedao stage monk and said lightly.

"You? Are you in the Nascent Soul stage? Get out of here!"

The Hedao-stage monk took a look at Lin Nan, but found that the aura on his body was weak and only at the Nascent Soul stage, and his face suddenly looked a little unkind.

"What? Do you still have requirements for realm?"

Lin Nan did not get angry, but asked instead.

"Yes, the monks we recruit this time must be above the combined stage. The Mahayana stage is the best. As for the combined stage if you want, of course you can, but the spiritual stone is still three thousand!"

The Hedao-stage monk said impatiently.

"Yes, boy, your level is too low. Go back where you came from. Not everyone can earn this spiritual stone!"

Several monks on the side also looked at Lin Nan and said sarcastically.

"I'm only in the Nascent Soul stage, but I want to join in the fun. Isn't this asking for death?"

Others were somewhat dismissive.

"In that case, what about the True Immortal monks?"

Lin Nan ignored the others' words, but turned to the monk in the Hedao stage and asked again.

"True immortal? Are you fucking teasing me!"

The monk in the Hedao stage was obviously a little impatient. He glared at Lin Nan and shouted angrily.

"Look again now!"

Lin Nan said lightly with a smile on his face.

Then, a powerful aura suddenly emitted from his body, which was the aura that a true immortal monk could possess.


"This, this is actually a powerful true immortal!"

"I, I just mocked him!"

At this time, the group of monks were dumbfounded when they felt the powerful aura emanating from Lin Nan.

They are only in the combined stage, and some of the powerful ones are only in the Mahayana stage, and have not reached the combined stage.

But the man in front of him turned out to be a powerful person in the immortal realm, which was really shocking.

Especially among them, several of them were mocking Lin Nan just now, and now they feel a little scared.

"Boy, I think you are here to cause trouble!"

The Hedao-stage monk glanced at Lin Nan with a hint of murderous intent in his tone.


Then, he also released a powerful aura, which was dozens of times more powerful than Lin Nan.

"This, this is the powerful Golden Immortal!"

"Oh my god, what's going on?"

Sensing the aura of the Hedao-stage monk, the other monks on the side were dumbfounded.

Just now, a monk at the Nascent Soul stage suddenly turned into a powerful true immortal, and now a monk at the Hedao stage has turned into a powerful golden immortal. Is this world crazy?

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