Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1285 Do you know where the mistake is? (First update)

Master Lin Nan came in person and discovered their secret, which made the Immortal King monk extremely horrified.

If Master Lin Nan knew the motives behind them, I am afraid that not only him, but even Yuexian Zun would be directly obliterated by Master Lin Nan.

"you know me?"

Lin Nan was also a little strange when he heard the other party address him and kneel down to him.

"Sir Lin Nan, I am just one of Yuexianzun's subordinates. You are Yuexianzun's master. How dare I not recognize you!"

The Immortal King monk said quickly.

"As expected, he is a subordinate of Yuexian Lord. Are you practicing magic skills?"

Lin Nan said lightly.

"Master Lin Nan, please spare my life, I will never dare to practice magic skills again!"

When the Immortal King monk heard Lin Nan's words, he quickly kowtowed and begged for mercy. He was so scared that he lost his soul.

"However, it seems that this magic skill is not your main practice, and you did not rely on magic power to reach the realm of the Immortal King. Tell me, what are you hiding from me?"

The other party kowtowed and begged for mercy, as if he was afraid of practicing magic skills on his own!

But as Lin Nan is the Emperor of Heaven, the devil's way and the right way don't matter to him!

In order to establish the demon world, he even transformed into the ancestor of the demon world!

What Lin Nan cares about is that Yuexianzun is hiding something from him!

Lin Nan couldn't tolerate this.

His subordinate, Yue Immortal Lord, does not want to cause trouble in the holy realm. Otherwise, with his status, why would he need any Immortal Lord slaves?


The Immortal King monk suddenly felt a thump in his heart, secretly thinking that something was not good.

At this moment, he was a little confused.

Facing a strong man like Lin Nan, he couldn't resist at all. But if he tells the truth, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear the consequences.

"If you don't tell me, I won't mind searching for souls!"

Lin Nan still looked calm and calm, and his tone did not waver at all.


As soon as the words "search for souls" came out, the Immortal King monk was immediately frightened.

He can cultivate to the realm of Immortal King, so he is naturally very familiar with the soul-searching technique. He even used soul-searching methods on several monks.

Not to mention that the soul search can clearly detect all the information in the other party's memory, the person whose soul is searched may become a walking zombie like an idiot. This is really unacceptable.

He has cultivated to the realm of the Immortal King and has experienced countless dangers step by step, so naturally he does not want to become an idiot.

"I, I said it. Mr. Lin Nan, I said it all!"

At this moment, the Immortal King monk did not dare to lie anymore and quickly told what he had done.

It turns out that when he recruited so many monks to come and collect soul threads, he was not really practicing magic skills, but just pretending to do so, and then blamed the monks of the Youxuan Dynasty for everything that happened here.

When the time comes, they will take action in the name of righteous men to deal with the monks of the Youxuan Dynasty.

"I see!"

After listening, Lin Nan also understood and nodded.

"Lord Lin Nan, this, none of this is the villain's idea, please spare your life, Lord Lin Nan!"

The Immortal King monk was still kneeling on the ground, not daring to get up, and kept kowtowing to Lin Nan and begging for mercy.

"Whose idea was it?" Lin Nan asked with a smile.

He looked expressionless, but there was an endless chill in his heart!

His original intention was to let the monks in the Immortal Prison and the monks of the Youxuan Dynasty live in harmony and not cause so many things.

Unexpectedly, these monks themselves became restless now.

His slave is borrowing his own hand and then using his knife to kill someone!

Is the Emperor of Heaven's sword so easy to borrow?

"Yes, it's Silver Moon Immortal King!"

After hesitating for a moment, the Immortal King monk finally spoke out.

After all, this was all the idea of ​​the Silver Moon Immortal King. If Lin Nan only pursued the Silver Moon Immortal King, he, the other monks, and even the Yue Immortal Lord should be able to escape.

"How many places like this do you have?" Lin Nan continued to ask.

"Yes, there are more than eighty places!"

The Immortal King monk did not dare to hide it and said quickly.

Lin Fan said no more, raised his hand and held everyone up!


Lin Nan's figure suddenly flashed, taking the Immortal King monk with him towards the valley where Yue Xianzun was.

Lin Nan used his methods on Yue Xianzun, and the soul thread was controlled by him, so he could naturally find out the location of Yue Xianzun at the moment.

In an instant, Lin Nan traveled tens of thousands of miles and appeared in the valley where Yuexianzun was!

"Yue Xian Zun!"

At this time, the Immortal King monk quickly shouted.


Hearing the cry of the Immortal King monk, a figure suddenly appeared.

"You...Master Lin Nan!"

It was Yue Xianzun who appeared at this moment. When he heard the shouts of the Immortal King monk, he was about to scold him, but unexpectedly, when he saw Lin Nan standing next to the Immortal King monk, his expression suddenly became unnatural.

"Do you know why I came?"

Lin Nan stepped forward, stood in the center, glanced at Yuexianzun, and said with a smile.

Although Lin Nan was smiling, Yuexianzun had begun to sweat on his forehead.

He glanced at the Immortal King cultivator and immediately read an ominous message from the other person's eyes.


Yuexianzun knelt down directly in front of Lin Nan, trembling uncontrollably.

"Tell me, how do you plan to handle this matter?"

Lin Nan still had a smile on his face when he saw Yue Xianzun's appearance.

"Lord Lin Nan, it's all... that Silver Moon Immortal King who harmed me. Lord Lin Nan, spare your life!"

Yuexianzun quickly kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Call Silver Moon to come over!"

Lin Nan said coldly, with a hint of coldness in his tone.


Yuexianzun quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and went to order his men.

After a while, Silver Moon Immortal King was escorted to Lin Nan, and other Immortal King monks also came to Lin Nan tremblingly one by one, waiting to be punished.

They were all directly involved in this matter just like the Immortal King monk before.

At this moment, nearly a hundred Immortal King monks, including the Yue Immortal Lord, stood in front of Lin Nan like elementary school students who had made a mistake, not daring to say a word.

"Are you Silver Moon?"

Lin Nan looked at the monk in front of him who was in the peak realm of the Immortal King and asked lightly.

"Master Lin Nan, please spare my life, I...I don't dare to do it anymore!"

At this time, Yinyue was so frightened that her three souls lost her soul, and she quickly kowtowed to Lin Nan and begged for mercy.

The other monks heard Yin Yue's words, but they did not dare to intercede for him.

They themselves cannot protect themselves, so they can only keep silent.

"Do you know where the mistake is?" Lin Nan asked.

"I realize my mistake! I shouldn't let people practice magic! Harming other monks is really harmful to the world!" Silver Moon Immortal King trembled and knelt on the ground.

"Practice demonic arts, will harm the world? Haha! The ancestors of the demon world are all my subordinates, and demonic arts are also a kind of Wandao. Whether you practice demonic arts has nothing to do with me! The only thing you are wrong is that you prepared Lend me my hand to deal with the Youxuan Dynasty! You really don’t know how to live or die!" Lin Nan sneered.


Immortal King Silver Moon was stunned. He thought Lin Nan blamed him for his magic power.

Unexpectedly, it was because of him that he borrowed Lin Nan's knife to kill people?

After saying that, he waved his hand, and a palm print flew out of his hand.


The palm print hit Silver Moon Immortal King instantly at an extremely fast speed.

In the eyes of everyone, they saw Yin Yue, who was at the peak of the Immortal King. Under Lin Nan's palm, she was shot into a blood mist without even having time to scream, and her soul also fell together.


Seeing Lin Nan's decisive killing, the other monks took a breath of cold air.

As strong men in the Immortal King realm, they would be the overlords of other places. But now, in front of Lin Nan, they were like ants, and they might be killed by Lin Nan at any time, and their lives would be at risk.


At this time, everyone knelt down to Lin Nan and kept kowtowing to beg for mercy.

"Lord Lin Nan, we realize our mistake, please spare your life, Lord Lin Nan!"

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