Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1286: Secretly making delicious food without calling us? (Second update)

"Spare your life?"

Lin Nan stared at Yuexianzun and others indifferently, "Do you really think that after borrowing a knife to kill someone, you can just beg for mercy? Is my knife so useful?"

Lin Nan smiled, very brightly!

However, in front of Yuexianzun and others, they are even more terrifying and terrifying than the devil!

"Sir... we... have realized our mistake! Please... forgive me..."

Yuexianzun was completely panicked.

The calmer Lin Nan acted, the more panicked he felt!

If Lin Nan became furious, Yue Xianzun would still have confidence in his heart, but in this calm state, Yue Xianzun had no confidence at all!

Lin Nan at this moment was like an abyss, unpredictable!

"No one who borrows my sword survives! You are no exception." His expression was cold and his tone was as calm as an ancient well.

The next second.

Lin Nan raised his hand gently!

A huge palm slapped forward, like stars hitting the earth!


Yuexianzun and others were instantly annihilated under Lin Nan's palm!

The valley including Yuexianzun and others collapsed instantly and disappeared without a trace.

After leaving the valley, Lin Nan returned directly to the Holy Mountain.

As for the affairs of the Youxuan Dynasty, Lin Nan didn't bother to care at all.

All he cares about is his wife and daughter. What does a demonic monk or a righteous monk have to do with him?

All realms in the universe have their own methods of operation. Whether it is the demon world, the fairy world, or the holy realm, everything has its own way of operating.

As the Emperor of Heaven, he should treat everyone equally and impartially, while treating all things as ants!

Three days later.

The cave where Liu Ruqing was retreating exploded with a bang.

"Hmph! I'm so angry that I didn't succeed again! This is too difficult!" Liu Ruqing walked out of the cave angrily.

And he found that Lin Nan was standing not far in front, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Nannan, come here quickly and let me beat you up!" Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan and her beautiful eyes widened.

"Ahem! My dear wife, don't be angry. What happened?" Lin Nan coughed twice.

"I'm so angry! When I was practicing, except for some problems, I couldn't get over the hurdle. What is the problem?" Liu Ruqing looked depressed.

For three days in a row, he made no progress in his cultivation.

That’s why I chose to leave the country.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have come out of seclusion so early!

"It's normal to encounter difficulties on the way of cultivation! The main reason is that my wife, although your cultivation level has arrived, your state of mind is not good! Therefore, you cannot make progress. You still need to stabilize your state of mind first. Otherwise, even if your state continues to improve, you will have subsequent mental states. Demon!" Lin Nan explained seriously.

But the next second, the words changed, "The best way to get rid of the inner demons is of course for me to personally go out and cook you a delicious lunch!"


When Liu Ruqing heard this, her beautiful eyes lit up and she looked at Lin Nan in surprise.

It's been a long time since she had lunch cooked by Lin Nan.

I even forgot what it tasted like.

"Hmph! Thank you for remembering. I thought you had forgotten about it. Think about it for yourself, how long has it been since you cooked for me!" Liu Ruqing pouted, wrinkled her nose, and Face of disappointment.

"Honey, this was my mistake. I apologize! And, I deeply reflect on myself! But you have been practicing hard these days. Aren't I afraid of disturbing your state of mind?" Lin Nan apologized quickly.

If those quasi-emperors in the ninety-nine heavens of the immortal world saw it, they would definitely be surprised to death!

The majestic Emperor actually apologized for a woman?

"That's pretty much it!"

Liu Ruqing laughed happily, "I want to eat phoenix marrow pork ribs and dragon bone soup, hum! There are many more delicious things, you can cook them all for me!"


Lin Nan agreed immediately, with a doting smile on his face.


Lin Nan built a huge kitchen on the sacred mountain with just a raise of his hand, with all the utensils available!

As for the ingredients, Lin Nan has everything in his little portable world.

When all the ingredients were prepared, Lin Nan began to show off his superb cooking skills.

"Hehe! Come on! Come on!"

Watching Lin Nan cooking the ingredients seriously, Liu Ruqing sat aside, holding her chin in her hands, like a young girl, cheering Lin Nan on.

"Xiao Nannan, do you want my help?"

"No! Just be responsible for your beauty! Leave this rough work to me!" Lin Nan said with a smile.

The ingredients are processed quickly in his hands.

Soon a table of delicious food was served by Lin Nan.

Phoenix marrow pork ribs, dragon bone soup, slimming and beauty porridge, grilled fragrant chicken wings...all kinds of ingredients are dazzling and the table is covered.

"Come for dinner!" Lin Nan waved, and Liu Ruqing couldn't wait and ran over in a bound.

The two of them had just started eating when they heard a cold snort not far away, full of resentment!

"Hmph! Daddy, you secretly made delicious food and didn't ask us?" Lin Momo stood far away with her hands on her hips like a little adult.

"That's right! It's too much! Secretly eating delicious food, but making us practice hard!" Ling'er's face was cold.


Lin Nan looked embarrassed and explained: "Aren't you practicing seriously? So I couldn't bear to disturb you. I didn't expect you to leave seclusion early!"

"We were attracted out of seclusion by the smell of the food!"

Lin Momo stared at Lin Nan and said angrily, she looked so cute!

"Okay, since we are out of quarantine, let's eat together!" Lin Nan said with a smile.


Lin Momo looked angry, crossed her arms and said, "I'm so angry! This is not for us to eat at all, we won't eat it!"

"That's right, we are angry!" Ling'er also had a look of resentment on his face.


Liu Ruqing chuckled, covered her mouth, and nodded: "Okay, okay! Don't be angry. Xiao Nannan and I will start over again, make you a table of delicious food again, and apologize to you two. This is okay. Bar?"

"That's pretty much it! I just had to do it without being angry!" Lin Momo nodded, then pulled Ling'er over and sat at the dining table.

Liu Ruqing stood up and walked towards the kitchen with Lin Nan.

"See, I'm telling you, the two of them will definitely steal delicious food together! At this time, as long as you pretend to be angry, they will definitely compromise and cook you a table of delicious food!" Lin Momo Said quietly.

"Wow, sister, you are so awesome!" Ling'er's beautiful eyes showed an expression of admiration.

Lin Momo said arrogantly: "Of course!"

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing naturally heard the conversation between the two little lolita in the kitchen!

"Look at how pampered I am!" Liu Ruqing shrugged helplessly.

"Hey! So what? It's my daughter anyway. Let's do it quickly, lest they two get anxious later!" Lin Nan chuckled.

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