Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1287 Wanbao Pavilion! (Third update)

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In the days that followed, Lin Nan's family became much quieter, and laughter and laughter often came from the mansion.

Even the second son of Huanggu and the seventh son of Immortal King sometimes practiced one by one, and sometimes gathered together to eat, drink, talk and laugh.

On this day, Lin Momo and Ling'er couldn't stay on the sacred mountain any longer, and wanted to leave the sacred mountain and go out for fun.

"Daddy, let's go out and play together!"

Lin Momo came to Lin Nan, took Lin Nan's hand and said coquettishly.

"Yes, Daddy, it's so boring on this sacred mountain. Ling'er also wants to go out and play!"

Ling'er looked at Lin Nan with a pair of big, watery eyes, with longing in her eyes.

Liu Ruqing on the side looked at her two daughters with a look of love on her face. She turned to Lin Nan, "How about we take our two daughters out to play. It's been a long time since we went out as a family."

"Okay, listen to my wife!"

Lin Nan also nodded and said with a smile.

He had gone out with his two daughters before, but that time, Liu Ruqing was in seclusion, so the family could not gather together.

But this time, everyone no longer practiced hard and naturally had time.

However, Lin Nan didn't plan to bring the second son of Huangu and the seventh son of the Immortal King. This was a family trip for them, and it was not very enjoyable with a few slaves.

"Manhuangzi, Zhongguzi, and Immortal King Seventh Son, we have to leave the Holy Mountain for a while. During this period, the Holy Mountain will be left to your care!" Lin Nan called a few people in front of him and ordered.

"Yes, Master Lin Nan, don't worry!"

The second son of Huang Gu and the seventh son of the Immortal King all said while patting their chests.

After all, they are strong men in the realm of Immortal Kings, and four of them have reached the peak realm of Immortal Kings. As long as they are here, no one dares to come to the sacred mountain to cause trouble.

And even if an ordinary expert at the peak level of the Immortal King came to this sacred mountain and met a few of them, he would probably never come back.

Except for the few powerful Immortal Masters, almost no one in the entire Holy Domain was their opponent.

And the powerful Immortal Lord? The Yue Immortal Lord has been beheaded by Master Lin Nan, leaving only two people in the Youxuan Dynasty who dare not make any noise. One is Xuan Wuji in the middle stage of the Immortal Lord, and the other is the great elder in the early stage of the Immortal Lord.


Lin Nan also nodded. For these people, Lin Nan was relatively relieved.

Next, Lin Nan took Liu Ruqing and her two daughters and left the sacred mountain directly.

On this day, they came to a city in the Eastern Wasteland, banished to Immortal City.

This Exiled Immortal City can only be regarded as a medium-sized city in the Eastern Wasteland. There are only one or two million resident monks in it. However, not far from the Exiled Immortal City, it is a very large city with hundreds of millions of monks.

Due to the commercial radiation of the super large city, this medium-sized Immortal City is still quite lively.

"Wow, Daddy, there are so many people in this city!"

At this time, Lin Momo saw people coming and going on the street, and the traffic was very busy.

"Sister, let's go see what's fun!"

Ling'er on the side also became interested.

For the two girls, playing is the most fun thing for them, especially finding some very beautiful items and then buying them feels like a great achievement.

The two female dolls held hands, and their figures suddenly flashed, heading towards the bustling streets of the city.

Lin Nan looked at Liu Ruqing and smiled lightly.

"Look, this is your spoiled daughter!"

Liu Ruqing rolled her eyes at Lin Nan and said with some resentment.

"Child, don't you just like to play. It doesn't matter. I'm here, so don't worry!" Lin Nan still looked indifferent.

As the Emperor of Heaven, there is nothing in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths that he cannot handle. The two daughters can play however they want.

Soon, Lin Momo and Ling'er came to a luxurious shop.

Wanbao Pavilion!

I saw three large gilded characters on the plaque of the shop, like a flying dragon and a phoenix, very expressive.

Lin Momo and Ling'er also looked up and found that those three words actually contained a powerful Tao Yun. I'm afraid it would be impossible for a monk who was not at the peak of the Golden Immortal to write it.

But they didn't care at all. After all, not to mention the mere Golden Immortal, even the Immortal King, they didn't take it seriously.

However, when they went out to play this time, Lin Nan had already told them that the group must conceal their presence. Otherwise, Golden Immortal monks like them, especially those who are only six years old, would become the center of attention wherever they go.

Therefore, at this time, the aura emanating from their bodies is only at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, and is still far from the Fusion Stage.

Although if one looks closely at such a monk, it would definitely be shocking to find that he reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage at just six years old, but at least it is much better than revealing his cultivation as a Golden Immortal.

"Come on, sister, let's go in and take a look!"

Lin Momo took Ling'er's hand and entered Wanbao Pavilion directly.

Entering the Wanbao Pavilion, they discovered that this pavilion actually had several floors, and they were only on the first floor now.

After taking a glance at the first floor, they saw some ordinary magic weapons and spiritual weapons for sale, and the two of them were immediately not interested.

"Sister, let's go to the second floor and take a look!"

Linger said immediately.

Lin Momo also nodded.

The two of them walked directly to the stairs on the second floor.

"I'm sorry, little sisters. This second floor is not accessible to low-level monks."

Just as the two were about to go upstairs, a monk dressed as a waiter suddenly came over and stopped the two.

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Momo and Ling'er looked at each other, a little confused.

"You two, the items sold on the second floor are all treasures, and they are of great value. I think you two are only in the Nascent Soul stage, so you should wait until you reach the combined stage of cultivation before coming back!" The guy looked at Lin Momo and the two, and said There was a hint of contempt in it.

At the Nascent Soul stage, they are at the bottom of the entire Holy Realm. Even on the first floor of Wanbao Pavilion, they probably can't afford anything, let alone the second floor.

Besides, this guy had noticed Lin Momo just now. Seeing that neither of them had spent money on the first floor, he naturally thought that they didn't have many spiritual stones on them.

"What? Are you not allowed to buy anything if you have a spiritual stone?"

Lin Momo also had a cold look at this time. It was the first time that she was looked down upon like this, and she was naturally unhappy.

"Of course not. If you have spirit stones, you can buy any treasures in Wanbao Pavilion, but..." the guy said, looking at Lin Momo and the other two, his meaning was obvious.

In his eyes, Lin Momo and the two were penniless, and they were still children. It must have been some adult who didn't notice and sneaked out to play tricks!

"Tell me, how many spirit stones can enter the second level!"

Ling'er said impatiently at the side.

"Ten thousand spirit stones. As long as you can come up with ten thousand spirit stones, you can naturally enter the second floor of Wanbao Pavilion!"

The guy had a weird smile on his face.

Ten thousand spirit stones, let alone two children, even adults would be hard-pressed to acquire at the Nascent Soul stage.

After all, 10,000 spirit stones are equivalent to the training expenses of a Nascent Soul Stage monk for one year.

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