Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1288 These are all garbage! (Fourth update)

After hearing what the clerk said, the monks who were shopping on the first floor of Wanbao Pavilion also gathered around.

"These two female dolls must have escaped from home!"

A monk saw the ages of Lin Momo and Ling'er and said immediately.

"How can such a little baby have ten thousand spiritual stones? I'm afraid he can't even get out a hundred spiritual stones!"

"Yes, spirit stones are precious resources for cultivation. Although they have reached the Nascent Soul stage, they probably haven't even seen what spirit stones look like!"

A group of monks were all talking about it.

In their opinion, Lin Momo and Ling'er may have reached the Nascent Soul stage at such a young age because of their outstanding cultivation talents, or because they consumed some heavenly and earthly treasures.

But the spiritual stones used by monks are very precious. Generally, if you are not a descendant of the family, you will never own a spiritual stone.

Even the children of some small families only received more than a thousand spiritual stones a month. It was simply impossible for the two of them to come up with ten thousand spiritual stones.

But at this moment, Lin Momo and Ling'er looked indifferent.

"Isn't it just ten thousand spirit stones? Do you think this is enough?"

As she spoke, Lin Momo turned her hand and took out a handful of spiritual stones from her purse, worth a million yuan.

"What! This, so much!"

"How is this possible? This little girl couldn't have stolen the spiritual stone library at home!"

"It's incredible. A little baby has so many spiritual stones, which is more than my net worth!"

Seeing Lin Momo take out so many spiritual stones at once, the group of monks watching were suddenly surprised.

Even some poor monks wailed in their hearts.

Some of them have cultivated to the integration stage, and they don't have so many spiritual stones on their bodies. Generally, when they come out, it would be good if they can carry one hundred thousand spirit stones with them.

Even if you want to buy some expensive things, for monks in the Nascent Soul stage and Fusion stage, one million spirit stones is still a huge sum of money.

When the guy saw the spirit stone in Lin Momo's hand, his eyes went straight.

He couldn't believe that the six-year-old girl in front of him could just pick out a million spiritual stones.

You know, as a monk in the integration stage, he works on the first floor of Wanbao Pavilion and his income is less than thousands of spiritual stones a month.

One million spiritual stones, that was his income for decades.

But just now, I actually had to stop two female dolls. This... was simply pushing the God of Wealth away!

"Young man, you two are short-sighted. Please come up to the second floor."

The guy was sweating on his forehead and spoke incoherently.

If the steward of Wanbao Pavilion knew that he had done such a thing, he might lose his job.


Lin Momo and Ling'er also snorted coldly, then turned around and went up to the second floor.

As for the guy, he was about to collapse at this moment. He collapsed and held on to the wall to keep from falling to the ground.

Especially just now, Lin Momo's last cold snort made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave in the summer, and he felt chilled from head to toe.

As for the other monks who were watching, they had various expressions at this time, including envy, jealousy, shock, wailing... just to name a few.

However, there were also several wealthy monks who directly followed Lin Momo and the others to the second floor, wanting to see what valuable treasures these two girl dolls would buy.

After arriving on the second floor, Lin Momo and Ling'er looked around.

"Sister, there are no treasures on this second floor! They are all rubbish." Ling'er said lightly.

After all, the products sold on the second floor are all spiritual treasures, and they are also low-level spiritual treasures, so naturally they will not be taken seriously by Ling'er.

"Yes, even if you give this kind of garbage to me, I won't want it!"

Lin Momo also nodded.

However, what they said was heard by the steward on the second floor.

At this time, the manager of the Mahayana period walked towards Lin Momo and the other two, with a gloomy look on his face, "Did you just say that what we sell here is all garbage?"

"Yes, these, these, and those, aren't they all garbage!"

After hearing what the steward said, Lin Momo pointed at the entire sales items on the second floor and said calmly.

It seems that in her mouth, these things in front of her are really not worth mentioning, and even looking at them feels like a waste.

But when Lin Momo's words were heard by the shopping monks on the second floor, they were all stunned.

"Where did this little girl come from to say that these spiritual treasures are rubbish?"

"This is a spiritual treasure. Even a monk in the Mahayana stage would not dare to say that this is garbage!"

"These two little dolls really dare to speak!"

At this time, everyone began to discuss.

Monks in the Mahayana stage only use spiritual treasures. Of course, Lingbao is also divided into high-grade, medium-grade and low-grade.

Ordinary Mahayana monks can only use low-grade and medium-grade spiritual treasures. Only those extremely wealthy Mahayana monks can afford high-grade and even top-grade spiritual treasures.

But the two female dolls in front of them, who were only in the Nascent Soul stage, actually said that Lingbao was trash, which was simply unheard of.

You must know that in the general Nascent Soul stage, all that is used are magic weapons, but when you reach the Fusion stage, you have enough spirit stones to purchase spiritual weapons.

As for the Lingbao, don’t even think about it whether it’s the Nascent Soul stage or the Fusion stage.

First of all, the price is too expensive. Each spiritual treasure costs no less than hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones. This is not something that monks in the Nascent Soul stage or the Fusion stage can afford. In addition, in order to activate the full power of the spirit treasure, the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul stage and the combined stage is not enough.

"Since you said these are all rubbish, then I want to see what is not rubbish in your eyes? If you can't tell me, I'm afraid our Wanbao Pavilion is not a place where anyone can run wild!"

The Mahayana monk's face was so gloomy that he could shed tears. He looked at Lin Momo and the two with anger in his tone.

"It's not garbage? Let me think about it... the fairy treasure shouldn't be considered garbage!"

Lin Momo tilted her head, thought for a moment and said.

Immortal treasures are naturally treasures that can only be used by those who have reached the immortal level. But Lin Momo didn't say that in fact, in her eyes, low-grade immortal treasures and mid-grade immortal treasures were all garbage.

Only high-grade immortal treasures, even king-grade immortal treasures, can enter her eyes.

"What? Immortal treasure!"

"Arrogant, so arrogant. When you open your mouth, you will find an immortal treasure. What kind of adult taught this child!"

"Ignorant, really ignorant, are the immortal treasures that we can touch? Let alone the immortal treasures, even if they are holy objects, they are rare to see!"

Hearing Lin Momo's words, the faces of the monks who were watching changed drastically. They all stared at Lin Momo and the two of them fiercely, wishing to go up and educate them directly.

Immortal treasures, even those who are strong in the Hedao stage, do not dare to hope for them.

The two female dolls were only in the Nascent Soul stage, yet they were so arrogant that every word they spoke was a fairy treasure.

"It seems that you two are really here to cause trouble!"

At this time, the Mahayana monk in charge also realized that the two Nascent Soul stage girls, Qingqing, were here to cause trouble.

Otherwise, how could he be so arrogant as soon as he opened his mouth?

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