Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1289 Value, 100 million! (First update)

There are only two immortal treasures in the entire Wanbao Pavilion, but they are the treasures of the pavilion, and each one is worth hundreds of millions.

Even though he was the manager of the second floor of Wanbao Pavilion, he was not qualified to see the immortal treasure.

There are seven floors in the Wanbao Pavilion, and the two immortal treasures are stored on the seventh floor and protected by special formations.

Not to mention fairy treasures, even holy objects can only be seen in the Wanbao Pavilion above the fourth floor, and the number is not large, only two to three hundred.

You know, holy objects are treasures that can only be used by strong men in the Hedao stage.

A Mahayana monk like him wouldn't even think of touching it. Even monks in the Hedao stage are divided into three, six or nine grades.

Ordinary Hedao stage monks generally use only top-grade spiritual treasures.

Even some poor monks in the early stages of Hedao can only afford high-grade spiritual treasures.

"It seems that there are no treasures in your Wanbao Pavilion that my sisters can appreciate. Forget it, Ling'er, let's go!" Lin Momo showed a disappointed look.

It was as if this Wanbao Pavilion was like a garbage dump in her eyes.

Ling'er nodded on the side, there was really nothing worth seeing here, and this trip seemed to be in vain.

The two held hands and were about to leave.


Suddenly, the Mahayana steward gave a cold shout and stopped in front of Lin Momo and Ling'er.

"What? Do you have other treasures?"

Lin Momo raised her gaze and looked at the Mahayana steward with some curiosity.

"We do use other treasures, but not everyone can see them. And if you...if you come to my Wanbao Pavilion to cause trouble and want to leave like this, I'm afraid you will have to pay a price!" The manager of the Mahayana period said coldly.

"Oh? What do you want?"

At this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er were also a little unhappy.

"Either you have to prove that you are really here to buy treasures and not cause trouble, or I can only capture you and wait for the master of the pavilion to take action!" the Mahayana steward continued.

In his opinion, these two female dolls are most likely here to cause trouble.

However, he didn't dare to take action directly. After all, if the other party really had enough financial resources and was just here to buy treasures, he might offend the other party.

As the steward of Wanbao Pavilion, he has naturally seen many things.

It was not like he had never seen some monks who looked ordinary but were indeed wealthy. But these two girl dolls made him unable to believe that the other party really had so much financial resources.

"As long as your Wanbao Pavilion can get the treasure that our sisters like, we will have any number of spiritual stones!"

At this time, Lin Momo also said lightly.

Spiritual stones, in her eyes, are just like clay, and she can get them as much as she wants.

Lin Nan gave each of them a king-grade spiritual vein, which produced hundreds of millions of spiritual stones, which was almost too much to use up.

"Okay, loud!"

Hearing Lin Momo's words, the Mahayana steward nodded.

The other monks who were watching also opened their eyes wide at this time, wanting to watch a good show.

Then, the Mahayana steward took out a spiritual treasure sword directly from the container and placed it in front of Lin Momo.

"This spiritual treasure was made from the endless ice of the Northern Cold Land and is worth five million spiritual stones. I wonder if you are interested in it?" the steward of the Mahayana stage said lightly.

In his opinion, five million spiritual stones should be the limit of the net worth of these two female dolls.

"Isn't it just five million spirit stones!" Lin Momo smiled lightly.

Then, she turned her little hand and took out a pile of spiritual stones, totaling five million.


Seeing this scene, the monks who were watching took a breath of cold air.

This, this female doll is too rich. She just took out five million spiritual stones. It's simply terrifying.

"But I really don't like this long sword!"

At this time, Lin Momo said calmly.

A mere spiritual treasure is really like rubbish in her eyes. Even if it is given to her, she won't want it.

The manager of the Mahayana period looked a little embarrassed at this time.

The other party actually took out the spirit stone, and it was not fifty thousand, but five million!

This was simply a slap in the face, especially when Lin Momo said she didn't like the long sword. The Mahayana steward was even more embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"I'm being rude." The Mahayana steward quickly changed his expression, put away the long sword, and then took out another spiritual treasure.

"This is a top-quality spiritual treasure. It is forged from the rootless immortal vine. It is worth ten million spiritual stones. I wonder if two of them can be interested in it?"

"As I said, Lingbao is just rubbish in my eyes. Do you have any better treasures? Otherwise, don't waste my time!"

Lin Momo said impatiently.

"Then...please follow me to the third floor!"

At this time, the Mahayana steward was sweating on his forehead.

In this second floor, the most precious thing is the top-grade spiritual treasure, but in the eyes of the other party, he completely ignores it.

However, he believed that on the third floor, there must be treasures that could open the eyes of the two female dolls.

After all, the third floor is full of spiritual treasures, and some of the best spiritual treasures are even extremely rare. Even compared with some low-grade holy objects, they are not overly generous.

Lin Momo and the two nodded. Anyway, they came out for fun this time. Since the other party has good things, let's go and take a look.

All the people, including the monks who were watching, followed the Mahayana steward up to the third floor with curiosity.

Upon entering the third floor, there are indeed hundreds of dazzling spiritual treasures on display.

The steward of the Mahayana period went directly to a spiritual treasure, took it out and placed it in front of Lin Momo.

"This is a defensive spiritual treasure. Although it is only a high-grade spiritual treasure, its value reaches 15 million spiritual stones. I wonder if you two can take it seriously?"

"It's just a high-grade spiritual treasure. Although it is a treasure armor, it is completely rubbish!"

Lin Momo still had a look of contempt and didn't take the treasure armor seriously at all.

"What about this one?"

The Mahayana monk looked a little uneasy, but he still took out a spiritual treasure again.

"This is... the ultimate spiritual treasure enlightenment fruit!"

"Yes, that's the Fruit of Enlightenment. It's an incredible thing!"

At this time, the monks who were watching were shocked when they saw what the steward of the Mahayana stage had brought.

This is the fruit of enlightenment. For monks, it is a rare treasure. Once they have the Fruit of Enlightenment, they will almost never encounter any bottleneck in their cultivation.

Of course, this is only before the Hedao stage. Once you enter the Hedao stage, the effect of the Enlightenment Fruit will be greatly reduced and it will be almost useless.

But even so, the fruit of enlightenment is something that many monks dare not imagine.

"This steward, I wonder how much the Fruit of Enlightenment is worth?"

A monk in the Mahayana stage was a little moved. He had stayed in the Mahayana stage for hundreds of years and practiced hard but could not advance to the Hedao stage. At this moment, he saw the fruit of enlightenment and asked quickly.

"Although this Enlightenment Fruit is only a top-grade spiritual treasure, its value is no less than a low-grade holy object, worth 100 million spiritual stones!"

The steward of the Mahayana period said immediately.

"Hiss! One hundred million!"

Everyone present could not help but gasp.

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