Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1290 Just take the fairy treasure! (Second update)


Hearing the price of 100 million spiritual stones, the monks who were watching took a breath!

One hundred million spiritual stones, this is simply an astronomical figure in their opinion.

But think about it, this enlightenment fruit is a top-grade spiritual treasure, and it is also an extremely rare auxiliary treasure among the top-grade spiritual treasures, and its value is comparable to ordinary low-grade holy objects.

And holy objects are often priced at hundreds of millions of spiritual stones, or even hundreds of millions of spiritual stones.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the Enlightenment Fruit to be priced at 100 million spirit stones.

"This thing is of no use to us."

Lin Momo picked up the Enlightenment Fruit with both hands, glanced at it casually, and threw it directly to the Mahayana steward.

"This...if you two can't even look down on this, then you can only go to the fourth level. However, the treasures on the fourth level are worth no less than 100 million spiritual stones. Are you sure you have that many spiritual stones? "

At this time, the steward of the Mahayana period looked at Lin Momo and the other two.

Although the two of them had casually taken out five million spirit stones before, the gap between five million spirit stones and one hundred million spirit stones was too big.

Now he took out the Enlightenment Fruit worth 100 million spirit stones, just to scare Lin Momo and the two of them, but he didn't expect that the other party was still so calm, as if he didn't even look down on the Enlightenment Fruit.

But I don’t believe anyone in charge of the Mahayana stage. Let alone a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, even a Mahayana stage monk like him can’t get this fruit of enlightenment!

If he hadn't been unable to come up with 100 million spiritual stones, he would have bought the Enlightenment Fruit himself.

"It's just a spiritual stone, do you think it's enough?"

Lin Momo still had an indifferent expression, but she flipped her hand and took out a spiritual vein directly from her purse.

This spiritual vein was not the king-grade spiritual vein that Lin Nan refined for them, but one of the hundreds of millions of spiritual veins derived from the king-grade spiritual vein, a low-grade spiritual vein.

Wang-grade spiritual veins already have spirituality, and even in their small purses, they are constantly growing countless spiritual veins.

Among them, there are many high-grade spiritual veins and middle-grade spiritual veins, and of course the most numerous are low-grade spiritual veins.

Although it was a low-grade spiritual vein that was taken out, this low-grade spiritual vein was worth at least several hundred million spiritual stones.


Seeing Lin Momo actually taking out the low-grade spiritual veins, the monks who were watching were all shocked and speechless.

This is a spiritual vein!

You know, any spiritual vein can only be owned by a big family. There are even some precious spiritual veins that only ancient families and holy places can possess.

But now, two six-year-old girls can easily pull out a spiritual vein, which is simply appalling.

Even the manager of the Mahayana period was speechless with his mouth wide open at this time. Only the changing expressions on his face showed that he was feeling like a turbulent sea deep in his heart at this moment.

"Young man, I was so blind just now that I couldn't see Mount Tai. Now... I'll ask you two to go up to the fourth floor!"

The words of the Mahayana steward were a little inconsistent, and beads of sweat were already forming on his forehead.

This is such a distinguished guest! He had been questioning someone else's net worth just now. If the master of the pavilion knew about it, it would be possible for him to be beaten to death.

Soon, the Mahayana steward took Lin Momo to the stairs on the fourth floor.

He is in charge of the first to third floors of Wanbao Pavilion. There are workers on each floor, and those workers are under his control.

But when it comes to the fourth floor, even Mahayana stewards like him are not qualified to enter. After all, starting from the fourth floor, there are treasures at the level of holy objects, and monks who want to buy holy objects are generally in the Hedao stage. of monks.

Therefore, even if you are in charge, you can only enter the fourth floor of Wanbao Pavilion or above after reaching the Hedao stage.

Jingle Bell!

Soon, the Mahayana steward rang the bell leading to the fourth floor.

After a while, a steward from the early stage of Hedao came over. The steward of the Mahayana stage whispered a few words into the ear of the Hedao stage monk and left.

"Two distinguished guests, we at Wanbao Pavilion were a little negligent before, please forgive me. This way, please!"

The steward at the Hedao stage showed a smile and greeted Lin Momo and the other two.

Soon, the two were taken to the fourth floor of Wanbao Pavilion. The monks who were watching were blocked below.

Based on their cultivation, if they don't have enough financial resources, they can still travel unimpeded below the third level, but it is impossible to enter the fourth level.

However, the monks had opened their eyes and were talking a lot at this time.

Whether it was the top-grade spiritual treasure enlightenment fruit or Lin Momo's astonishing wealth, they all stirred up turmoil in their hearts.

On the fourth floor, Lin Momo looked around and saw hundreds of holy objects, but these holy objects were only low-grade holy objects.

"These are all rubbish, they are simply unsightly!"

Lin Momo said with some displeasure.

"Yes, there is no place to put these things given to us. Is this the Wanbao Pavilion?"

Ling'er also had a look of contempt on his face.


After hearing what the two of them said, the steward at the Hedao stage looked a little embarrassed, but he did not attack, but smiled and said: "This is just a low-grade holy object, worth only 100 million spiritual stones! With the two of you, With my wealth, I can indeed see better sacred objects! Please follow me to the fifth floor, you two!"

Hearing what the steward said, the other monks who were selecting holy objects were also a little stunned.

"These two female dolls can't even look down on low-grade sacred objects?"

A monk in the early stages of Hedao said curiously.

"And the old steward didn't get angry and led them to the fifth floor. This is really incredible!"

Another monk who was in the early stage of Hedao also showed doubts.

"Let's go and take a look. These two female dolls seem to be worth a lot of money!"

For a moment, the entire fourth floor monks followed Lin Momo and others to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor displays all mid-grade holy objects, worth hundreds of millions of spiritual stones.

Under normal circumstances, the previous monks from the fourth floor would not come up. After all, they did not have that many spiritual stones on their bodies.

But now, out of curiosity, everyone opened their eyes wide, looking at the mid-grade holy objects worth hundreds of millions, showing expressions of expectation.

This is a middle-grade sacred object. Generally, only monks in the middle stage of Hedao can fully exert its power.

"A mere mid-grade holy object is not worth mentioning. If there is an immortal treasure, just take it out and have a look!"

At this time, seeing these middle-grade holy objects that were extremely precious in the eyes of others, Lin Momo and the others still had a look of contempt and said lightly.

"What? You don't even like middle-grade sacred objects?"

"Immortal treasure, that is a treasure that can only be possessed by strong immortals. Two Nascent Soul stage female dolls actually mentioned the fairy treasure as soon as they opened their mouths?"

"How can this fairy treasure be so easy to get? Let alone the fairy treasure, even if it is a mid-grade holy object, it makes us salivate!"

When a group of onlookers heard the words of Lin Momo and the other two, they suddenly looked shocked and started talking.

Even the steward in the Hedao stage had a look of astonishment on his face at this time.

Although he learned that the other party had offered low-grade spiritual veins worth hundreds of millions, he still fell far short of purchasing an immortal treasure.

Every fairy treasure is worth tens of billions. Let alone two female dolls, even some holy places cannot afford it!

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