Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1291 A mere low-grade fairy treasure! (Third update)

"Little baby, don't utter such arrogant words. Any piece of fairy treasure is worth tens of billions of spiritual stones. Can you afford it?"

At this time, the steward at the Hedao stage looked at Lin Momo and the two with a hint of anger in his tone.

Although the two female dolls have a lot of spiritual stones, and even his net worth is far inferior to the other's, it is a bit too much for the other to say that they are immortal treasures.

After all, those who can afford immortal treasures are not in the realm of true immortals or even golden immortals.

If you don't reach the Immortal level, you won't be able to use it even if you buy an Immortal Treasure.

For those who have not reached the immortal level, even if they are at the peak of the Hedao stage, the immortal treasure in hand is only slightly stronger than the holy object in terms of hardness.

As for the true power of the immortal treasure, even those at the peak of the Hedao stage cannot fully unleash it.

Now these two female dolls are only in the Nascent Soul stage, and they directly talk about fairy treasures, which really makes people doubt each other's intentions.

"Spiritual stone, right?"

Lin Momo glanced coldly at the monk in the Hedao stage, then turned her hand over and took out a piece of spiritual veins from her small purse again.


As soon as the spiritual vein appeared, it immediately exuded a refreshing aura. Endless spiritual energy emanated from the spiritual vein, and the entire fifth floor of Wanbao Pavilion was like a secret realm of cultivation.

Those spiritual veins include not only low-grade spiritual veins, but also middle-grade spiritual veins and high-grade spiritual veins.

Seeing this scene, the monks who were watching, including the steward in the Hedao stage, were a little confused.

"Here, how much is this spiritual stone worth?"

Some people can no longer calculate it. After all, it is very difficult to see a low-grade spiritual vein, let alone a middle-grade or high-grade spiritual vein!

"Here, even if I buy the entire Wanbao Pavilion, I'm afraid it's almost the same!"

Some monks also started to calculate, but they didn't know how much the Wanbao Pavilion was worth, but the spiritual veins in front of them really shocked them.

"Little, little man, I was blind and offended you two just now. Since you two want to see the fairy treasure, please wait a moment!"

At this time, the steward at the Hedao stage was also incoherent and looked at Lin Momo and the two of them tremblingly.

These two people were simply walking giants. He had never seen so many spiritual veins in his life.

If converted into spiritual stones, it would probably be tens of billions or hundreds of billions!

Of course, Lin Momo hadn't taken out the Wang-grade spiritual veins yet. If she did, she would probably frighten everyone into silence.

A king-grade spiritual vein is tens of millions of times more valuable than the low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade spiritual veins in front of you combined.

After all, these low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade spiritual veins were all derived from the king-grade spiritual veins during this period.

Wang-grade spiritual veins have given birth to spiritual wisdom, which can reproduce on its own like a living creature. Of course, it is almost impossible to reproduce the same king-grade spiritual veins, but it is not difficult to reproduce low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade spiritual veins.

Especially for low-grade spiritual veins, Lin Momo only took out a dozen or so now, but she had thousands of them in her small purse.

If you want to buy an immortal treasure, the steward in the Hedao period does not have the authority, so he finally informed the real immortal elder in Wanbao Pavilion.

But soon, a True Immortal elder, led by the steward of the Hedao period, came to Lin Momo and Ling'er.

"The old immortal Red Dragon True Immortal is the elder in Wanbao Pavilion. I was so negligent just now. Please don't mind me!" The true immortal elder looked at Lin Momo and Ling'er and said.

At this time, his expression also showed a hint of surprise.

From his spiritual thoughts, he could find out that these two female dolls were really only six years old, but they had already reached the Nascent Soul stage. They were really rare geniuses.

At this time, he had already considered taking on a disciple.

After all, even if you start practicing from the mother's womb, it only takes six years, and to reach the Nascent Soul stage in six years, this is a peerless genius that rarely comes out in thousands of years.

But at the moment, he suppressed his thoughts, looked at Lin Momo and said, "Since you two want to buy fairy treasures, please come with me!"

The Red Dragon True Immortal said, leading the way and taking Lin Momo and the others up to the top of Wanbao Pavilion.

The monks who were watching, including the steward at the Hedao stage, could only stay at a distance at this moment.

Not just anyone can enter the top floor of Wanbao Pavilion.

Soon, Lin Momo and the others arrived at the top floor of Wanbao Pavilion.

This is the seventh floor of Wanbao Pavilion. As soon as Lin Momo entered, she felt surrounded by formations. Every step she took was like passing through a layer of formations.

"It seems that Wanbao Pavilion is quite cautious!" Lin Momo thought to herself.

Ling'er on the side also looked curious.

Although these formations pose no threat to the two of them at all, after all, they are powerful Golden Immortals who defy the heavens and can defeat even the early Immortal King monks. Naturally, they can destroy all the formations with one palm.

But for ordinary true immortals, even powerful golden immortals, it has a certain blocking effect.

Especially for true immortals, if they are careless, they can even be trapped in a trap, making it difficult to escape for a while.

Of course, the most important goal of these formations is not to trap and kill the enemy, but to block the detection of spiritual thoughts.

Just now, Lin Momo and Ling'er glanced around with their spiritual thoughts, but found that it was difficult to find out where the fairy treasures were in the entire seventh floor.

But soon, the Red Dragon True Immortal brought Lin Momo and the two of them to an Eight Immortals table.

"Please wait a moment, I'm going to get the fairy treasure right now!"

After saying that, the Red Dragon True Immortal left.

Within a moment, the Red Dragon True Immortal came to the two of them holding a treasure box in his hand.

"This is the God-Slaying Demon-Slaying Sword. Let's take a look at it. Are you satisfied?"

The Red Dragon True Immortal opened the treasure box, revealing a small red sword only the size of a palm.

The small sword is surrounded by strong Tao Yun laws, which is extraordinary at first glance.

"It's just a low-grade fairy treasure, it's really not enough to look at!"

Lin Momo glanced at the small red sword with a look of disdain.

In her small purse, there were no fewer than dozens of fairy swords, and each one was of medium or even high quality.

The little red sword was just a low-grade fairy treasure and was not taken seriously by Lin Momo at all.

Ling'er on the side naturally looked disdainful.

You know, the two of them have plundered the entire divine dynasty and many powerful forces in the holy realm, so they naturally have a lot of fairy treasures on their bodies.

This time they came out just to see if there was anything they could like. It is not necessary to buy fairy treasures.

After all, for their level, except for the King-grade Immortal Treasure and the Honored-grade Immortal Treasure, the rest of the Immortal Treasures, even the top-grade Immortal Treasures, have long been abandoned.

At this time, when the Red Dragon True Immortal heard the words of Lin Momo and the other two, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The other party actually doesn't even look down on low-grade fairy treasures. Whose doll is this?

"If you two don't like this low-grade fairy treasure, there is a high-grade fairy treasure in this pavilion. Let me go and get it for you two to see." The Red Dragon True Immortal put away the God-Slaying Demon-Slaying Sword and left again. go.

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