Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1307 Chaoyang Taoist! (Third update)

"You surnamed Zhou, why don't you come here and kowtow to Lord Lin Nan!"

One of the powerful Golden Immortals from the Youxuan Dynasty immediately turned around, glared at the ancestor of the Zhou family, and shouted angrily.

"Lin...Master Lin Nan? Is he Master Lin Nan?"

At this time, the Zhou family ancestor's face suddenly turned pale, his eyes widened, and he stared at Lin Nan with an incredible expression.

Lin Nan, he had naturally heard of this name, but it was too far away from him.

After all, he is just a True Immortal cultivator. In front of Master Lin Nan, not to mention a True Immortal, even a Golden Immortal is not enough to look at him. The Immortal King will kill him directly, and even the Immortal Lord will kneel down!

But now, he has provoked Lord Lin Nan!

The ancestor of the Zhou family was scared to death. At this moment, he regretted extremely. What kind of existence did the elder of his clan provoke? This brought disaster to the Zhou family!

If time could be turned back, the ancestor of the Zhou family would like to kill the elder Zhou family in the cradle.


The ancestor of the Zhou family did not dare to neglect and came directly to Lin Nan and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Lord Lin Nan, before...everything before was just a misunderstanding! It's the villain who is short-sighted. Please, Lord Lin Nan, please let the villain go!"

The ancestor of the Zhou family kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

However, Lin Nan snorted coldly, his face expressionless.

Another powerful Jinxian from the Youxuan Dynasty naturally understood when he saw this scene.

Before Lin Nan could take action himself, he stood up and slapped the ancestor of the Zhou family who was in the true immortal realm with his palm.

In the hands of the powerful Golden Immortal, the True Immortal monks are ridiculously weak.

Hearing only a loud bang, the ancestor of the Zhou family was directly shot into a blood mist.


Seeing this scene, the group of monks who were watching were all shocked. What happened in front of them simply subverted their imagination.

The ancestor of the Zhou family, who was originally extremely powerful, was not only frightened by the man and did not dare to take action, but even the backer he found knelt down in front of him. And now, the ancestor of the Zhou family was directly shot to death by the backer he found, which is really unbelievable.

"Master Lin Nan, do you have any other orders?"

After killing the ancestor of the Zhou family, the two powerful Golden Immortals from the Youxuan Dynasty immediately bowed and said to Lin Nan.

"Don't disturb our family's fun!"

Lin Nan said a word lightly, and then left with Liu Ruqing and her two daughters.

The powerful Golden Immortals from the Youxuan Dynasty were a little dazed. They originally wanted to invite Lin Nan to the White Dragon Holy Land to entertain him. Unexpectedly, Lin Nan and others left before they could say anything.

After Lin Nan left, the two powerful Golden Immortals also glared at the group of monks who were watching, and said coldly, "If anyone dares to speak out about what happened today, he will die without his body intact!"

Since Lin Nan didn't want to be disturbed, he naturally couldn't spread what happened here, otherwise it would cause a huge sensation.

As the powerful Golden Immortals, they can naturally understand this, which is why they warned the monks who were watching.

Those casual cultivators didn't have much power in the first place, so they naturally didn't dare to disobey the warning from the powerful Golden Immortal of the White Dragon Holy Land. At this time, each of them was trembling with fear and nodded repeatedly, fearing that the two powerful golden immortals would get angry and kill them all, killing them all.

But fortunately, the two men left immediately after giving the warning.

Although they cannot publicize this matter, several other powerful Golden Immortals from the Youxuan Dynasty in the White Dragon Holy Land can know about it, especially an Elder of the Immortal King of the Youxuan Dynasty who is hiding in the White Dragon Holy Land. This matter must be Let the elders know.

At this time, in the Cloud and Mist Holy Land.

"Who is it? Who killed my brother?"

At this time, a monk who looked very young was furiously slapping the stone table in front of him, turning it into powder.

"Chaoyang Taoist, it is said that they are two six-year-old girls!"

Beside him, a monk dressed as a disciple said quickly.

"Well, if you dare to kill my brother, no matter who the person is, I will kill him!"

After hearing what the disciple said, Chaoyang Taoist snorted coldly.

As a core disciple of Yunwu Holy Land, his realm has reached the peak of the Mahayana stage and is not far from the Hedao stage. In this holy land, he can be said to be a genius-level figure.

And he only has one relative, his brother.

But now, his brother was killed in the Three Saints Ancient City, which was really unbearable for him.

"Yes, Master Chaoyang. I will take you to find those two girls."

The disciple said quickly.

As an ordinary disciple of the Holy Land of Clouds and Mists, he is completely incomparable to core disciples like Zhenren Chaoyang. Being able to become the confidant of Master Chaoyang is already the greatest honor in his life.

Moreover, Chaoyang Zhenren has already reached the peak of the Mahayana stage at a young age. Once he reaches the Hedao stage, he might be able to become a candidate for the future Holy Son of the Holy Land.

By that time, I am afraid that his status will also rise with the tide of Chaoyang Zhenren.


The two of them immediately left the Holy Land of Clouds and Mists and headed towards the Main Street of the Three Holy City.

After a while, under the leadership of the disciple in the integration stage, Chaoyang Zhenren discovered the figures of Lin Momo and the other two.

"Who are the two people beside him?"

When Master Chaoyang saw Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, he also asked coldly.

"It should be their parents!"

The disciple in the integration stage said.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you teach such children, then let's kill them too!"

The Chaoyang master snorted coldly, his tone full of hatred.

In his opinion, since the child taught by Lin Nan and his wife killed his brother, they should be killed together to avenge his brother.


Chaoyang Zhenren immediately released the pressure of the peak state of the Mahayana stage, and immediately enveloped the four people in Lin Nan.


Lin Nan felt a faint pressure and raised his head, frowning slightly.

In this Three Holy City, let alone a monk in the Mahayana stage, even the Golden Immortal is not enough to look at him. Who is this person looking for death!

But when Lin Nan noticed the other party, he suddenly realized.

The aura on the opponent's body was similar to the aura of the monk in the fusion stage whom his daughter Lin Momo killed before. He should have come to ask for an explanation from the monk in the fusion stage.

"Momo, Ling'er, I'm afraid this person is coming for you!"

A sneer appeared on Lin Nan's lips, then turned around, looked at Lin Momo and Ling'er and said.

"Oh? It's really fun. In that case, let's play with him!"

Lin Momo and Lin Momo also had a smile on their faces when they heard Lin Nan's words.


Taoist Chaoyang and the monk in the Fusion Stage immediately flew over, stood in front of Lin Nan and the other four, and stopped them.

"Did you kill my brother?"

Chaoyang Taoist's loud voice immediately penetrated the entire street and fell on everyone's ears.

But his eyes were fixed on Lin Momo and Ling'er, who were the murderers of his brother.

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