Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1308 Look at you, you have led both your daughters to bad ways! (Fourth update)

"Look, isn't that a disciple from Yunwu Holy Land?"

At this time, some monks gathered around and saw Master Chaoyang's dress and said immediately.

"Yes, looking at this person's clothes, he is a core disciple of Yunwu Holy Land!"

A monk explained.

Yunwu Holy Land is divided into ordinary disciples, inner disciples, and core disciples.

Each of the core disciples is at least a monk in the Mahayana stage.

The Chaoyang Master in front of him has actually reached the peak of the Mahayana stage, which shows that even among the core disciples, he has a very high status.

"Who are those people? They have offended the core disciples of Yunwu Holy Land. It seems they are dead!"

Some monks began to speculate.

After all, they are disciples of the Holy Land, but in their eyes, Lin Nan and others are just casual cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, and the two are not on the same level.

"Alas, the two female dolls are only six years old and have actually reached the Nascent Soul stage. If these were left outside, I'm afraid many holy places would plan to accept them as disciples. It's a pity."

Some monks also saw that Lin Momo and Ling'er had reached the Nascent Soul stage at the age of six and could be described as peerless geniuses.

But now, facing the disciples of Yunwu Holy Land who are at the peak of the Mahayana stage, I am afraid they will only die young.

A genius who dies young cannot be considered a genius.

At this time, when Lin Momo heard the words of Chaoyang Taoist, she walked out slowly, glanced at him lightly, and said, "Isn't it just crushing an ant to death? What's the fuss about!"


Lin Momo's words fell on everyone's ears, and the monks who were watching suddenly took a breath.

Crush an ant to death! These words are simply too arrogant!

"Arrogant, really arrogant."

"Why are the children from this family so arrogant?"

"Who can bear this? Let alone the core disciples of the Holy Land of Clouds and Mists, even I can't help but take action!"

The group of monks who were watching were all amazed, and the expressions in their eyes looking at Lin Momo became extremely exciting.

Even Liu Ruqing glanced at Lin Nan and said with some complaint, "Look, you've led both of your daughters into trouble!"

But Lin Nan laughed, "This is my daughter, just like me!"

As for Chaoyang Zhenren, his face had become extremely gloomy at this time, as if he could drip water.

"Okay, very good. If that's the case, then I'll send you on your way to avenge my brother!"

After saying that, Chaoyang Zhenren turned his hand, and there was a long sword in his hand.

As soon as the long sword came out, it made a crisp sound, like a thundering roar of a dragon, which made people's hearts flutter.

"This, this is probably the best magic weapon!"

Some people exclaimed when they saw the sword in Master Chaoyang's hand.

The best spiritual treasure is really extremely powerful, second only to the existence of holy objects.

If you are an ordinary casual cultivator, even if you reach the Hedao stage, you may not have a top-quality spiritual treasure. But the disciples of the Cloud and Mist Holy Land in front of them were holding the best spiritual treasures. People couldn't help but sigh that the disciples of the Holy Land were rich and powerful.

"Well, this is the core disciple of our Cloud and Mist Holy Land, Chaoyang Zhenren, the future candidate for the Holy Son!"

At this time, seeing the envious looks of the people around him, the Fusion Stage cultivator next to Master Chaoyang proudly held up his chest and said proudly.


At this time, everyone was even more shocked.

The core disciples are not too shocking. After all, there are many core disciples in every holy land. But the candidate for the future Holy Son is really amazing.

You must know that the Holy Son of every Holy Land is a supreme being. In the Holy Land, I am afraid that only a very small number of elders and Holy Lords can surpass it.

And the Chaoyang Taoist in front of him may be a candidate for the future Holy Son, which shows that he has a bright future.

At this time, Taoist Chaoyang also had a proud look on his face, looking at Lin Momo, as if there was a trace of pity in his eyes.

After all, the talent of the little girl in front of him is no less than his, and is even much stronger than him. But it's a pity that he will die in his hands now.

The pleasure of killing the genius brought a hint of ferocity to his face.


The Chaoyang Taoist stopped talking and waved his sword forward.

Immediately, a white light was inspired from Chaoyang Taoist's top-quality magic weapon, and like lightning, it instantly reached Lin Momo.

The white light was like a dragon, with a trace of Tao Yun's breath shining on it, which made people feel frightened.

However, Lin Momo looked indifferent at this time and did not take the other party seriously at all.

A mere monk at the peak of the Mahayana stage, Lin Momo had killed countless people before. Even if they were monks in the Hedao stage and the True Immortal realm, no less than a hundred people died at the hands of Lin Momo.

It wasn't until the white light was less than three feet away from her that Lin Momo slowly raised her small palm and smacked it out.


A phantom evolved in the palm, instantly enveloping the white light.

Then, under the incredible gazes of everyone, Chaoyang Taoist's white light was instantly defeated.

Not only that, the shadow of Lin Momo's palm did not dissipate and shrouded Taoist Chaoyang again.

"What? This, how is this possible!"

Someone in the crowd saw this scene and exclaimed in disbelief.

"Isn't this little girl in the Nascent Soul stage? How can she be so strong!"

Lin Momo's attack completely subverted their imagination and made them feel incredible.

A monk in the Nascent Soul stage, under the attack of a subversive powerhouse in the Mahayana stage, defeated the opponent's attack so easily. And there seems to be some energy left.

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable. A female doll in the Nascent Soul stage has such strength. If it were me, I would be even more arrogant than her!"

A monk who was watching shook his head and sighed.

Just now, he thought Lin Momo was too arrogant, but now he found that she had the capital to be arrogant.

If it were him, he would probably be even more arrogant than the other party.

Without strength, that is called arrogance. Being strong enough is just humility.

"not good!"

At this time, facing Lin Momo's huge palm shadow, Chaoyang Taoist felt only a breath of death, running from his back to the back of his head, making him break out in a cold sweat.

His figure quickly dodged to the side, trying to avoid Lin Momo's attack.

However, what Lin Momo used was the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm, which was so powerful. Although she could only exert less than 10% of her strength now, it was not something that a mere monk in the Mahayana stage could avoid.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw that Taoist Chaoyang, who was at the peak of the Mahayana stage, was directly slapped into blood mist with a palm, and died on the spot.


Seeing this scene, the ordinary disciple of Yunwu Holy Land suddenly took a breath of cold air.

He was stunned and looked at Lin Momo blankly, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

After several breaths, he screamed, "You are finished, you are really finished... you are all going to die! Do you know who you killed? That is our future Holy Son!"

The future Son!

In his mind, Chaoyang Zhenren will become a great figure in the Holy Land of Cloud and Mist in the future, and it is not impossible to even become the Holy Lord of the Holy Land in the future.

Chaoyang Zhenren will be his big backer in the future!

But now, he was slapped to death by a six-year-old girl, and died so miserably, how could he accept it?

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