Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1339 The price of the fairy treasure! (Third update)

"Four distinguished guests, please come inside."

Seeing the arrival of Lin Nan's family, a guy from the trading company immediately came over and said politely.

"We are here to sell things, who is in charge here?"

Lin Momo looked at the guy and said immediately.

"You guys have something to sell? Please come with me. I'll go ask the steward right now."

When the waiter heard Lin Momo's words, his eyes lit up, and then he brought Lin Nan's family into a private room.

After Lin Nan's family entered the box, Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately those people didn't notice me!"

At this time, Qin Yang seemed to have saved his life and felt extremely lucky.

But at this time, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly left the trading firm and galloped away into the distance.

In the box where Lin Nan was, an old man from the Golden Immortal realm soon came, claiming to be one of the managers of the business firm.

"I wonder what these distinguished guests want to sell?"

The old Jinxian looked at Lin Nan and the others and asked immediately.

"We have some fairy treasures and want to sell some fairy crystals. I wonder what price you will charge for them?"

Before Lin Nan could answer, Lin Momo and Ling'er on the side rushed to speak.

"Immortal treasure?"

The old Jinxian was a little curious when he heard what Lin Momo and the other two said.

These people in front of me are only in the realm of true immortals and golden immortals. What kind of immortal treasures can they have?

"If it's an ordinary fairy treasure, the low-grade fairy treasure will cost one hundred fairy crystals each; the middle-grade fairy treasure will have one thousand fairy crystals each. I wonder if you want to sell the middle-grade fairy treasure or the low-grade fairy treasure?" said the Golden Immortal Ancestor. After hearing the price, he asked with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

In his opinion, the best immortal treasures that the four people in front of him can produce are probably middle-grade immortal treasures.

After all, ordinary True Immortal cultivators only use low-grade Immortal Treasures, while only Golden Immortal cultivators have enough wealth to use mid-grade Immortal Treasures.

As for the people in front of me, except for Lin Nan, who only had the aura of the early stage of true immortality, the three women only had the aura of the early stage of golden immortality. If there was a middle-grade immortal treasure, I would probably use it.

"What about the top-grade immortal treasure?"

After hearing the words of the golden immortal old man, Lin Momo and Ling'er also asked again.

At this time, they all frowned. I didn't expect the price of this fairy treasure to be so low.

A low-grade fairy treasure only costs one hundred fairy crystals, and even a middle-grade fairy treasure only costs one thousand fairy crystals.

This Thousand Immortal Crystals may be a considerable fortune in the eyes of other monks.

But the two girls, who were accustomed to spending spiritual stones in units of millions, tens of millions or even billions, suddenly felt that it was not enough.

"High-grade Immortal Treasure? Haha, I'm not arrogant. Little doll, do you have a high-grade Immortal Treasure? It's all in vain to ask!" The golden immortal old man laughed, but his tone was filled with extreme contempt.

He didn't even bother to talk about the current price of the high-grade immortal treasure, which showed that he had already concluded that it was impossible for the four people in front of him to come up with the high-grade immortal treasure.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the old man Jinxian, these four people were just here to inquire about information and satisfy his curiosity.


At this moment, Lin Momo suddenly rummaged her little hand into her small purse, and immediately took out a high-grade immortal treasure long sword and threw it in front of the golden immortal old man.


As soon as the high-grade immortal treasure sword appeared, it emitted bursts of light from Dao Yun's aura, making the entire box colorful and dazzling.


Seeing the high-grade immortal sword, the old man Jinxian who was sitting there with a leisurely expression suddenly stood up with a sigh.

He took three steps and two steps at a time, and came to the high-grade fairy sword. As if he was holding a rare treasure, he carefully and carefully examined it.

"Top grade, it is indeed a top grade immortal treasure!"

After some investigation, the golden immortal old man finally seemed to believe it, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"This, this is really a top-grade fairy treasure! And this top-grade fairy treasure sword, even among the top-grade fairy treasures, is an extremely good existence." The old Jinxian was beaming with joy. He looked at Lin Momo, and then He said, "Little girl, I'm offering you seven thousand fairy crystals for this top-grade fairy sword!"

With that said, the golden immortal old man asked the clerk from the trading firm to get the immortal crystal.


At this time, Lin Nan was planning the actions of the golden immortal old man.

This time they came here not just to sell a high-grade fairy treasure.

But until this time, Lin Nan finally figured out that this trading firm was probably just a small trading firm, and it was impossible for him to consume too many immortal treasures.

Especially when the golden immortal old man saw the top-grade immortal treasure, he was so excited. If he took out the top-grade immortal treasure, he might not know how excited he would be.

What's more, Lin Momo and Ling'er now have not only top-grade fairy treasures, top-grade fairy treasures, but also king-grade fairy treasures in their pockets.

As for the high-quality immortal treasure, Lin Nan had no intention of selling it.

After all, there are only a few high-grade immortal treasures now. Among them, each of the three women has a defensive high-grade fairy treasure. There is also the Yaochi ancient mirror, which also reaches the level of high-grade fairy treasures.

But these are all needed by the three women and cannot be sold.

But even so, Wang Pinxianbao's two daughters still have a few.

"I wonder if this objective person has any other instructions?"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, the golden immortal old man also stopped, holding the high-grade immortal sword in his hand, and suddenly felt a little confused.

"Tell us first, what is the price of this top-grade immortal treasure, the best-grade immortal treasure, even the king-grade immortal treasure, and the noble-grade immortal treasure?" Lin Nan asked.

After all, he has not been in the fairy world for too long, and the price of treasures in each heaven of the fairy world may not be the same, so he is not too clear.

"Um, sir. This little old man has seen the strongest immortal treasure in this Ice Moon City, which is also the best immortal treasure. But that was more than a hundred years ago.

As for the high-grade immortal treasures, they range from 5,000 to 8,000 immortal crystals. If they are some special high-grade immortal treasures, such as auxiliary or defensive ones, they can be sold for around 10,000 immortal crystals.

As for the top-grade immortal treasures, each one contains no less than 10,000 immortal crystals, and some can even reach 30,000 to 50,000 immortal crystals! "

The old man Jinxian immediately introduced him to Lin Nan.

As for the Wang-grade Immortal Treasure, to be honest, the old Jin Immortal has been practicing for more than a million years and has never seen a Wang-grade Immortal Treasure.

Every king-grade immortal treasure is used by the powerful in the realm of the Immortal King. It is so powerful.

He is just a Golden Immortal cultivator, and he is not even qualified to contact him.

Hearing this, Lin Nan nodded.

He understood that since the top-grade Immortal Treasure could reach tens of thousands of Immortal Crystals, the King-grade Immortal Treasure would also have at least 100,000 Immortal Crystals.

As for the high-grade immortal treasure, I am afraid that it is impossible to obtain it without millions of immortal crystals.

After finding out the specific price range of the fairy treasures, Lin Nan directly asked Lin Momo and Ling'er to take out the low-grade fairy treasures and middle-grade fairy treasures in their hands.

Almost all of these fairy treasures are not very valuable, and the most expensive among them is just a middle-grade fairy treasure with four thousand fairy crystals.

As for the top-grade immortal treasures, except for the long sword, Lin Nan did not let his daughter sell the rest.

But despite this, the four of them still exchanged for a total of 50,000 immortal crystals after selling hundreds of low-grade and medium-grade immortal treasures.

Although Lin Nan could condense fairy crystals by raising his hand, he only did this to let his daughter know the specific value of fairy treasures and the trading methods in the fairy world!

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