Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1340 What? There is actually a high-grade immortal treasure? (Fourth update)

"Guests, one of our trading houses is holding a small auction today. I wonder if any of you are interested in participating?"

Just when Lin Nan's family was about to leave, the golden immortal old man suddenly said.


Lin Momo and Ling'er's eyes lit up when they heard the word auction.

"Daddy, Mommy, we want to participate!"

"Yes, we are going to the auction!"

The two daughters suddenly said excitedly.

Now they have 50,000 fairy crystals in their hands. It is the first time for two female dolls to have such a huge sum of money.

Although they had hundreds of billions of spiritual stones in the Holy Realm before, they were spiritual stones after all, and they were completely different from fairy crystals.


Lin Nan also nodded after hearing what his two daughters said.

Liu Ruqing on the side shook her head helplessly. Lin Nan had spoiled both of his daughters. He would not refuse anything his daughter asked him to do.

Afterwards, Lin Nan's family quickly entered an auction house under the leadership of the golden immortal old man.

The auction house is located inside a trading house. It is an independent space that can be reached through a portal.

Entering the auction house, there were already many monks waiting there.

Lin Nan took a casual glance and found that most of the people here were True Immortal and Golden Immortal monks, and even late-stage Golden Immortal monks were extremely rare.

Among them, one of the monks with the most powerful aura is just a peak Golden Immortal monk, and should be the strong man in charge of this auction house.

After all, although this auction house is small, the value of the treasures in it is still quite high for those True Immortal and Golden Immortal monks.

If someone tries to grab it, a strong person must come out to resist.

Lin Nan and his family found a seat. After sitting down, the auction began soon.

"Everyone, next is the monthly auction held by one of our trading houses. This time our auction will have a high-grade fairy treasure that will satisfy everyone. I hope you are ready for your fairy crystal!"

An auctioneer who was in the late stage of True Immortal came up to the stage and said to everyone.

"What? There is a high-grade immortal treasure?"

Suddenly everyone was shocked and suspicious.

You know, in this monthly auction, it would be great to have a medium-grade fairy treasure. High-grade immortal treasures may not appear even once a year.

"Great, if there is a high-grade immortal treasure, I must take it!"

A monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal thought secretly.

Although he already has a middle-grade immortal treasure, no one can have too many treasures, not to mention that this time it is a high-grade immortal treasure.

But everyone didn't know what the final high-grade immortal treasure was.

At this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er also looked at each other, and they seemed to see surprise in their eyes.

"Papa, isn't that high-grade immortal treasure the long sword we sold them?"

Lin Momo looked at Lin Nan and guessed.

"Yeah! It's very possible!"

Lin Nan also nodded.

But he no longer cares. Regardless of whether the other party sells the fairy treasure sword they sold to the other party for auction, it is their freedom.

Moreover, participating in this auction this time was entirely for my two daughters.

Although he couldn't have endless spiritual stones like he could condense spiritual veins at will before, Lin Nan didn't care about the fairy crystals at all.

Only strength is the only guarantee for Zongheng in these nine heavens and ten lands.

Immortal crystals, after reaching a certain number, lose their meaning and become nothing more than a number.

"Okay, let's start the auction of the first treasure, a low-grade immortal treasure Tianwu Orb. The starting price is one hundred immortal crystals, and each increase in price must not be less than ten immortal crystals!"

After the auctioneer finished speaking, he took out a small box with a bead-shaped treasure inside, which emitted a wave of green light.

"One hundred and ten immortal crystals!"

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, a monk in the early stage of True Immortal immediately called out the price.

"One hundred and twenty fairy crystals!"

"One hundred and fifty fairy crystals!"

Soon, the price of Wu Baozhu continued to rise that day, reaching two hundred immortal crystals.

However, after reaching 200 Immortal Crystals, no one increased the price anymore.

After all, this is just a low-grade fairy treasure. Although it is a bit strange, two hundred fairy crystals can buy two ordinary low-grade fairy treasures.

In the end, this Tianwu Orb was bought by a monk in the middle stage of True Immortal for two hundred immortal crystals.

"The next thing..."

The auctioneer continued the auction.

Lin Momo and Ling'er, on the other hand, did not take action. They did not care much about these fairy treasures. After all, the grades of these fairy treasures were too low.

However, they have been paying attention to whether there is anything interesting. If there is anything interesting, then they will auction it regardless of whether it is a high-level fairy treasure or not.

"Next, the eighty-second lot, Phoenix Tail Hunyuan Hairpin! The starting price is one thousand immortal crystals, and each increase in price must not be less than one hundred immortal crystals!"

Finally, when it came to the eighty-second lot, the auctioneer took out a simple hairpin with colorful colors flowing on it, which made people feel very delicate.

"Wow, sister, this phoenix tail Hunyuan hairpin is so beautiful. If Mom wears it, it will be absolutely beautiful!"

Seeing the phoenix tail Hunyuan hairpin, Ling'er on the side also widened his eyes and exclaimed.

"That's right, let's take the photo and give it to Mom as a gift!"

Lin Momo also nodded.

"One thousand one hundred fairy crystals!"

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, a female cultivator in the middle stage of True Immortal suddenly reported the price.

However, as the female cultivator finished speaking, many monks in the field immediately cast their gazes, and there was an indescribable meaning in their gazes.

In the eyes of many monks, it is indeed a bit wealthy that a female cultivator in the middle stage of True Immortality can actually afford more than a thousand immortal crystals.

After all, for ordinary true immortal monks, their net worth would not exceed one thousand immortal crystals.

Some True Immortal cultivators cannot even produce two hundred Immortal Crystals.

And if you reach the level of a Golden Immortal cultivator, your net worth may only be a few thousand Immortal Crystals.

As for the Golden Immortal cultivator who can produce 10,000 Immortal Crystals, he can be said to be an extremely wealthy person.

"One thousand two hundred fairy crystals!"

But as soon as the female cultivator finished shouting, Lin Momo directly added a hundred fairy crystals.


Hearing Lin Momo's voice, more monks turned their attention. When they saw that Lin Momo was just a seven-year-old girl, there was a hint of cunning in their eyes.

A seven-year-old girl, although she has reached the early stage of golden immortality, has also revealed her wealth.

However, when everyone saw that there were two early-stage Golden Immortal monks among the other three beside Lin Momo, some of the True Immortal Realm monks immediately retracted their gazes.

With just one early Golden Immortal cultivator, they might still be able to take risks.

But now, the three early Golden Immortal monks are definitely not something True Immortal monks like them can mess with.

However, although the True Immortal monks withdrew their gazes, the remaining Golden Immortal monks turned their gazes one by one, wondering what they were thinking.

Afterwards, several more Golden Immortal monks began to increase their prices.

"One thousand three hundred fairy crystals!"

"One thousand four hundred fairy crystals!"

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