Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1341 It’s not a pity to die for a few thieves! (First update)

Soon, the price of the Phoenix Tail Hunyuan Hairpin soared to 1,500 Immortal Crystals.

"Two thousand fairy crystals!"

At this time, Lin Momo no longer held back, and the increase of one hundred hundred was really too troublesome, so she directly shouted out the price of two thousand immortal crystals.


The monks were all surprised when they heard the price shouted by Lin Momo.

Two thousand fairy crystals can buy two ordinary middle-grade fairy treasures. But now to pay such a high price for this decorative phoenix-tailed hairpin is really not worth it.

But Lin Momo and Ling'er don't care about this, as long as they look good.

"Two thousand fairy crystals for the first time, two thousand fairy crystals for the second time..., two thousand fairy crystals for the third time! Deal!"

The auctioneer finally handed over the Phoenix Tail Hunyuan Hairpin to Lin Momo.

After paying the fairy crystal, Lin Momo and Ling'er walked up to Liu Ruqing with the Phoenix Tail Hunyuan Hairpin, "Mom, this is our gift to you!"

"Haha, baby girl, you are so good!"

At this time, Liu Ruqing felt the love from her daughter, and she was extremely happy.

Lin Momo then put it on Liu Ruqing, and as expected, she added a layer of hazy beauty to her already stunning temperament.

"Daddy, Mommy is getting more and more beautiful, you have to be nicer and nicer to Mommy!"

Lin Momo said to Lin Nan beside her.

Lin Nan also smiled and stroked the foreheads of his two daughters with great affection.

Next, the auction will continue.

But until the end, there was no treasure that Lin Momo and Ling'er were interested in.

Until the final fairy treasure appeared, it turned out to be the high-grade fairy sword that Lin Nan's family sold to Youjian Trading Company. This made Lin Nan and others a little stunned.

But think about it, this auction was originally held by a trading house. After they received the high-grade immortal treasure, they would naturally use it to earn immortal crystals.

In the end, this high-grade immortal sword was bought by a late-stage Golden Immortal monk for a price of 10,000 immortal crystals.

Then, the auction ended.

"Daddy, this auction is not fun at all. There is nothing we like!"

After leaving the auction house, Lin Momo suddenly pouted and felt unhappy.

"Yes, and this Ice Moon City is too small, there is no place to play at all!"

Ling'er on the side was also unhappy.

"Okay, let's just stroll around in Bingyue City and leave after a while." Lin Nan was helpless and could only comfort him.

Originally, Bingyue City was a very small city, so being able to encounter an auction was considered lucky.

However, Lin Momo and Ling'er played too wildly when they were in the sanctuary, so they naturally didn't find this auction any fun.


But just when Lin Nan's family left Youjian Trading Company and came to a small road, a voice suddenly came.

Then, Lin Nan and others looked back, only to find that several True Immortal monks had stopped them.

"What do you want?"

Lin Nan looked at the few people and asked lightly.

"Hand over all the immortal crystals and immortal treasures you have on you. We only seek wealth and not life!" the leader of the True Immortal Peak cultivator said immediately.

"Oh? A mere true immortal monk also wants to rob?"

Lin Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Now the three women have no hidden auras, and they all reveal the auras of the early stage of the Golden Immortal. However, these people in front of them are only at the True Immortal stage. Although the most powerful among them has reached the late stage of the True Immortal, that is different from the early stage of the Golden Immortal. Still too different.

Not to mention that they now have three monks in the early stage of Golden Immortal. Even if there is only one monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal, it is not someone who can be provoked by just a few monks in the True Immortal realm.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

At this time, Lin Momo also stood up and said to the True Immortal monks.

"Death? I'm afraid it's you who will die! Do you think we will do something we are not sure about!"

When the monk in the late stage of True Immortal heard Lin Momo's words, not only did he not show any fear, but his voice became gloomy.

As he spoke, he turned his hand, and a black bead suddenly appeared in his hand, with a trace of thunder shining on it.

"This is the Raging Flame Thunder Bead! Even a monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal, if he is hit by the detonated Raging Flame Thunder Bead, he will be angry on the spot!" The cultivator in the late stage of True Immortal said, shaking the black bead in his hand, his hands A trace of pride flashed in his eyes.

He used this Raging Flame Thunder Bead to frighten several early Golden Immortal monks.

Those early Golden Immortal monks all knew how powerful the Raging Flame Thunder Bead was, so naturally they did not dare to confront him head-on, so they could only bow their heads temporarily.

This time, he planned to use the same method to deal with Lin Nan and others.

After all, in their opinion, among Lin Nan and others, those who have reached the early stage of Golden Immortal are only girls, and there are two dolls among them, so they should be a sure bet.

"Oh, is this Raging Flame Thunder Bead very powerful?"

At this time, Lin Momo sneered, took a step forward, and said coldly.

"Stop! If you come one more step, I will detonate this raging thunder ball! I'm afraid you will be dead by then!"

Seeing Lin Momo approaching, the late-stage True Immortal monk immediately shouted angrily.

The other true immortal monks also took out the immortal treasures in their hands and pointed at Lin Momo.

"Hurry up and hand over the Immortal Crystal and Immortal Treasure!"

"If you don't obey me, don't blame us for being rude!"

A group of monks from the True Immortal Realm continuously scolded him.

But at this time, Lin Nan stepped forward and came to the late True Immortal monk.

"Is this Raging Flame Thunder Bead powerful? You can detonate it now!"

Lin Nan said lightly, as if he didn't pay attention to the raging flames and thunder beads that could seriously injure the Golden Immortal monk.

But at this time, the monk in the late stage of True Immortal became a little timid.

There are really people who are not afraid of death.

He took out the Raging Flame Thunder Bead just to scare the other party. If he really detonated it, although the other party's Golden Immortal monk would also be seriously injured, he himself would also bear the brunt of the explosion and be killed.

"You, don't come here!"

The group of true immortal monks were a little dumbfounded at this moment, and they quickly scolded Lin Nan.

"If you don't detonate it, then I will detonate it for you!"

At this time, after hearing everyone's words, Lin Nan sneered, and a murderous intent flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Then, using his spiritual thoughts, he instantly detonated the raging thunder beads in the hands of the late True Immortal cultivator.


Following a loud noise, a violent wave hit the entire space, as if it was about to tear the void apart.


"Run away!"


At this time, the group of True Immortal monks were all exclaiming, but before they could finish their words, their entire bodies were torn apart by the violent shock wave.

Afterwards, everyone's consciousness fell into darkness.

"Papa, these raging flames and thunder beads are quite powerful. They were all wiped out without us even having to do anything!"

At this time, Lin Momo came to Lin Nan and said with a smile on her face.

"It's not a pity to die for just a few thieves!"

Lin Nan also glanced at the field lightly, with no expression on his face.

In his eyes, several true immortal monks were really no different from ants.

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