Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1342 Elder Kunyi! (Second update)

At this time, the departing Qin Yang also found a Jinxian elder from Shangxuanzong stationed in Bingyue City.

"Elder Kunyi, that man killed many of our true immortal disciples. Even...if I hadn't escaped quickly, I would have been killed by him!"

Qin Yang told Elder Kunyi what happened in the small valley.


Elder Kunyi suddenly slapped the seat and shouted angrily, "Who is this person? He is so bold and dares to kill my disciple of Shangxuan Sect!"

"Elder Kunyi, that man is in Bingyue City now. Just now, I saw him in a trading company!"

Qin Yang immediately said again.

"Is there a trading company?"

Hearing Qin Yang's words, Elder Kunyi nodded immediately.

"Don't worry, he will definitely die today."

After saying that, Elder Kunyi took Qin Yang directly to Youjian Trading Company.

When they arrived at Youjian Trading Company, they learned from the monk in charge that Lin Nan's family had left.

But then, they immediately gave chase.

By the time they caught up with Lin Nan's family, those True Immortal monks had already died in Lin Nan's hands.

"Elder Kunyi, it's them!"

At this time, seeing Lin Nan's figure, Qin Yang was even more furious and pointed at Lin Nan's family.

Now that Elder Kunyi, who was in the Golden Immortal realm, was supporting him, he naturally no longer feared Lin Nan.

"It's you?"

Lin Nan raised his brows at this time and glanced at Qin Yang, but a hint of disdain flashed at the corner of his mouth.

Just now, Lin Nan discovered Qin Yang in that trading house. It's just that in Lin Nan's eyes, Qin Yang is no different than an ant, so naturally he doesn't bother to care about him.

Unexpectedly, this ant not only refused to stay calm, but also dared to seek death.

"Boy, weren't you quite arrogant before? You killed my disciples of Shang Xuan Zong in the valley. Now our elder Jin Xian of Shang Xuan Sect is here, how dare you still be arrogant!"

Qin Yang looked at Lin Nan and said loudly.

At this time, Elder Kunyi also had a gloomy face, his eyes swept around Lin Nan's family, and said coldly, "Those who dare to kill my Shangxuan Sect disciples within a thousand miles are not even born yet!" It has broken the precedent, it seems that I can only kill you!"

"A mere middle-stage Golden Immortal dares to say such big words!"

Hearing Elder Kunyi's words, Lin Nan also sneered.

He was only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. He didn't know how many ants he had squashed to death.

But hearing Lin Nan's words made Qin Yang burst into laughter.

"A mere mid-stage Golden Immortal? Boy, you are too arrogant. You are only in the early stage of True Immortality. What right do you have to look down on the elders in the mid-stage Golden Immortal!"

At the same time, the monks on the streets of Bingyue City also discovered what was going on here, and they all immediately gathered around.

"Then, isn't that Elder Kunyi of Shangxuan Sect?"

A sharp-eyed monk immediately recognized Elder Kunyi and exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, Elder Kunyi is a strong man in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. He is also one of the best in the entire Ice Moon City."

The other monks also nodded.

"Who is that kid? He dares to provoke people from Shangxuanzong, and he is also an elder of Shangxuanzong. Are you living impatiently?"

"I think this boy is dead, and the three women behind him are only in the early stage of Jinxian. How can they be the opponent of Elder Kunyi?"

Everyone was talking about it.

In their opinion, Lin Nan's family together was not enough for Elder Kunyi to kill.

After all, Elder Kunyi was in the middle stage of Golden Immortality, and although Lin Nanfang had three people who had reached the early stage of Golden Immortality, two of them were just two dolls, and the other one was just a girl.

At this time, Elder Kunyi said no more.

He waved his hand and slapped Lin Nan with his palm.

"Let me send you on your way to avenge my disciple of Xuanzong!"


From Elder Kunyi's palm, a white light suddenly appeared, shrouding Lin Nan like a light curtain.

On the light screen, the laws of Tao Yun flowed one after another, and at the same time they emitted bursts of dazzling light. The aura above was extremely terrifying, making some of the monks who were watching feel a little horrified.

"So strong, Elder Kunyi deserves to be a strong man in the middle stage of Golden Immortal!"

"Yes, if I were to face Elder Kunyi's palm, I would probably have no chance of survival!"

Several monks in the True Immortal Realm felt a little scared, and they quickly took a few steps back.

"It's over. This kid is still standing there stupidly. I'm afraid he will be shot to death!"

At this time, a monk suddenly expressed regret when he saw Lin Nan still looking indifferent.


The light curtain with a terrifying aura arrived in front of Lin Nan in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Lin Nan slowly raised a finger and moved forward slightly.


A white light suddenly appeared from Lin Nan's fingers.

The white light looked unremarkable, without even a hint of dharma light.

But then, an incredible scene happened.

The white light shot out from Lin Nan's fingers instantly penetrated Elder Kunyi's light curtain, making a loud bang.

The huge light curtain, like a huge shattered glass, instantly disintegrated and turned into nothingness.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

"Aren't I dazzled? He actually broke Elder Kunyi's attack with one finger!"

Seeing this scene, the monks who were watching were stunned.

This is simply mind blowing. Just one finger can disintegrate such a powerful attack. What a magical power this is.

At this time, even Elder Kunyi felt a sense of astonishment.

He didn't expect that he could not kill the opponent with such a sure blow, but was easily broken by the opponent, which made him feel a little worried.

After all, he is the elder of Shangxuan Sect. If people knew that he could not handle even a small early-stage True Immortal cultivator, wouldn't it be a disgrace to the entire Shangxuan Sect.

But before he could react, Lin Nan's finger broke through his veil and shrouded him again.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

Feeling the aura in Lin Nan's white light, Elder Kunyi felt as if he was being targeted by death. A cold air from behind rushed straight to his brain, making him feel hairy all over.


At this time, Elder Kunyi had only one idea in his mind.

The man in front of me was too mysterious and ridiculously powerful.


But before he could leave the place, Lin Nan's white light had already penetrated him.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the body of Elder Kunyi falling to the ground with a roar, and he suddenly lost his life.


The group of monks who were watching took a breath of cold air.

"What's going on?"

"Elder Kunyi is dead?"

"I-I'm afraid I'm not dreaming!"

Everyone was in disbelief.

Especially Qin Yang, just a second ago, he had an extremely arrogant look on his face, wanting to see Lin Nan's family beheaded with his own eyes.

But the next second, his supporter died silently.

At this time, Qin Yang's legs were trembling, he was almost unsteady, and his whole body was shaking.

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