Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1343 This... this is the God of Death! (Third update)


At this time, Qin Yang knew that it was difficult for him to escape, and he was so frightened that Lin Nan knelt down.

"Sir, please forgive me. I was just confused before, but I will never dare to offend you again!"

Qin Yang kept kowtowing, his body was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, and there was a puddle of water on the ground.


"What's going on? Did I see it wrong?"

"That's a disciple of Shangxuanzong, and now he's actually kneeling down to that man!"

"It's really unbelievable. What kind of existence is Shangxuanzong, and now he is forced to kneel and kowtow?"

All the monks who were watching were a little confused at this moment. They stared blankly at the scene in front of them, somewhat unbelievable.

Who dares to offend Shang Xuanzong within this thousand-mile radius?

The man in front of him not only killed an elder of Shangxuan Sect on the spot, but also made this disciple of Shangxuan Sect kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy.

But at this time, everyone's attention was focused on Lin Nan.

It's hard to say whether this man will let go of the Shangxuan Sect disciple in front of him.

"I spared your life before, but now you are seeking death on your own. Do you think I, Lin Nan, is easy to mess with!"

Lin Nan looked at Qin Yang who was slumped on the ground and kowtowed, and sneered.

A mere ant, Lin Nan would not argue with him originally, but now that he is seeking death again, Lin Nan can only help him.

After saying that, before Qin Yang could kowtow and beg for mercy again, Lin Nan's eyes shot out a golden light.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw that Qin Yang was hit by Lin Nan's golden gaze, turned into a ball of blood mist, and died on the spot.


The monks who were watching suddenly took a breath of cold air.

At this moment, they looked at Lin Nan with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"This, this is the God of Death!"

"Devil! He even killed the elders and disciples of Shangxuan Sect. It's simply terrifying!"

"It's over, it's over, Shang Xuanzong will definitely not let them go!"

The monks who were watching didn't know what the previous feud between Lin Nan and the Shangxuanzong monks was, but seeing the other party's killing and decisiveness, they all felt fear in their hearts.

Many monks in the True Immortal Realm kept taking a few steps back, hoping to stay away from Lin Nan. Otherwise, if this person directly kills him, it will be a huge loss.

But at this time, several Golden Immortal monks walked out of the crowd, and the leader turned out to be a peak Golden Immortal monk.

"Be brave, dare to kill the monks of Shangxuan Sect in this Ice Moon City, are you trying to make an enemy of all of us!"

The leader of the Golden Immortal Peak cultivator stood up, pointed at Lin Nan and shouted angrily.

Lin Nan glanced over with his spiritual thoughts, only to find that this person was actually the monk who was in the auction house of a trading house before, and he sneered in his heart.

"Being your enemy? Are you worthy?"

Lin Nan glanced coldly at the few Golden Immortal monks around him and said arrogantly.

"Bold, you are really a madman!"

"How dare you speak to us like this!"

"It's so reckless!"

When several early Golden Immortal monks heard Lin Nan's words, they suddenly became furious and shouted angrily at Lin Nan.

However, they did not take action immediately. After all, they had all seen the scene when Lin Nan killed the middle-stage elder of Xuanzong Golden Immortal.

Now they are only in the early stage of Golden Immortal, and there is a big gap in strength between them and Lin Nan.

However, several people came to the leader of the Golden Immortal Peak cultivator and suggested in unison, "President, please take action and capture this kid!"

This monk at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm is the president of Youjian Trading Company and the owner of the auction house.

He had noticed the behavior of Lin Nan's family at the auction house before, and knew that these strange monks were worth a lot of money. Originally, he didn't plan to take action directly, just let a few of his early Golden Immortal monks take action.

After all, Lin Nan's family only has three early-stage Golden Immortal monks.

Unexpectedly, he himself also misjudged it. Lin Nan was actually able to kill the middle-stage Golden Immortal elder of Shangxuan Sect, which was beyond his expectation.

But that doesn't matter, it's just that he needs to take action himself.

As a monk at the pinnacle of Golden Immortal, if he robs other people's property, it will naturally lose some value.

But now, Lin Nan's family was captured in the name of killing the monks of Shangxuanzong.

When the time comes, when you return to the auction house, you won't be at his mercy.

After hearing the words of those subordinates, the president of the trading company nodded.

He took a step forward, and his whole body suddenly felt a huge pressure.


The huge coercion immediately enveloped all the monks present, exuding a strong murderous intent that made people feel heart-stopping.

"No, this, this is the Golden Immortal monk who is more powerful than Elder Kunyi!"

"Quickly retreat! Otherwise, if we are affected by the battle, we will all die!"

Many of the monks who were watching felt the coercion of the trading guild president and immediately stepped back one by one. After retreating for several miles, they stood still and used their spiritual thoughts to investigate the situation in the field.

"Daddy, do you want us to take action?"

At this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er also stood up and rushed to speak.

Their hands were already itchy, and even the cultivators at the peak of Golden Immortal were no match in their hands.

"No need. You have just cultivated the fairy spirit. Now is the time to nourish it, so it is not a good time to take action!" Lin Nan waved his hand and said calmly.

Liu Ruqing and Lin Momo had just dispersed the spiritual energy in their Dantian and cultivated the fairy spirit energy. If they were to fight with others at this time, the fairy spirit energy that had just been nourished in the body would inevitably fluctuate, and it might even injure the root. .

As for the few Golden Immortal monks, Lin Nan could deal with them with a wave of his hand, so there was no need for them to take action.

After hearing Lin Nan's words, Lin Momo and Ling'er had no choice but to retreat in disbelief.

"Hahaha, how arrogant!"

"Although you have some strength, you are so arrogant in front of our president, and you are afraid of death and don't want to die fast enough!"

"Yes, yes. When you grow up, you will know what life is worse than death!"

At this time, those early Golden Immortal monks looked at Lin Nan and laughed wildly.


The president of the trading company finally took action.

He waved his hand, and an immortal treasure sword appeared in his hand.

This immortal treasure sword was actually the one that Lin Nan and others sold to Youjian Trading Company.

However, during the auction, this high-grade immortal treasure sword had been auctioned away by a golden immortal monk, but now, it has returned to the hands of the president of the trading company.

Seeing this, Lin Nan understood in his heart.

I'm afraid that the president of the trading house does a lot of robbery and plundering on weekdays.

The Golden Immortal monk who took the high-grade Immortal Treasure sword before may have been killed by someone now.


As the president of the trading company slashed out with his sword, a white light containing a terrifying aura suddenly erupted.

On that white light, powerful Dao Yun auras surrounded him, coming towards Lin Nan at an incredible speed. Almost in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Lin Nan.

Seeing this scene, the several early Golden Immortal cultivators who were watching had smiles on their faces. They seemed to have seen Lin Nan being beheaded under this sword.

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