Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1356 How can it be so strong! He is definitely not in the early stage of true immortality! (


As soon as the golden light in Lin Nan's eyes shot out, there was a heart-stopping tremor, which seemed to open up the entire sky.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the golden light tearing apart the white dragon in front of Lin Nan.

hold head high!

The white dragon screamed, and then it suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Seeing this scene, several people were also a little surprised.

It seemed that Lin Nan's actions were somewhat beyond their expectations.

After all, Lin Nan defeated the attack of the mid-level True Immortal monk with just one glance, which was really incredible.

However, at this time, Lin Nan's golden gaze did not dissipate, but shot directly at the monk in the middle stage of the True Immortal Realm.


That gaze was extremely fast, arriving in front of the mid-level True Immortal monk with lightning speed.

"What! This...no!"

The monk in the middle stage of the True Immortal Realm was still in surprise, but Lin Nan's eyes had already fallen on him.

Then, under everyone's incredible eyes, they saw the monk in the middle stage of the True Immortal being shot through on the spot with a pop. A huge hole could be seen in his entire body, from his chest, through his chest and back.


The monk in the middle stage of the True Immortal Stage suddenly fell to the ground with a thud and lost his breath.

Under normal circumstances, let alone a mid-stage True Immortal monk, even an early stage True Immortal, it is impossible to die directly even if half of the body is lost.

When you reach the realm of true immortals, you have already entered the level of immortals. As long as the soul is immortal, you can even be reborn with a drop of blood.

But now...


Seeing this scene, the monks all took a breath and looked at Lin Nan with a look of horror in their eyes.

"Everyone, this guy has some evil ways!"

At this time, the leading cultivator at the peak of True Immortal Realm also frowned tightly, looked at Lin Nan, and said to everyone.

"Lao San, go kill him!"

After a while, the leading True Immortal peak cultivator said to a late True Immortal cultivator beside him.

"Yes, boss!"

After hearing the words of the peak True Immortal cultivator, the late True Immortal cultivator nodded.

He looked at Lin Nan, turned his hand, and suddenly there was an immortal treasure in his hand, which was also a low-grade immortal treasure.

But this low-grade fairy treasure is obviously more powerful than the previous low-grade fairy treasure held by the mid-level True Immortal monk, and the aura on it is also thicker.

"Boy, we did underestimate you just now, but if you kill our fifth child today, you will definitely die!"

The monk in the late stage of True Immortal looked at Lin Nan and said gloomily.

"So much nonsense!"

Lin Nan said lightly, and then didn't even look at the late-stage True Immortal monk.

"court death!"

Seeing Lin Nan's contemptuous expression, the late-stage True Immortal monk also had an angry look on his face.

Although Lin Nan's performance just now was somewhat beyond his expectation, only the monk in the middle stage of True Immortal was struck by Lin Nan's gaze at that time, but the others did not know how Lin Nan killed him.

So now, this late-stage True Immortal monk is also guessing whether Lao Wu was sneak attacked by this kid just now.


Thinking of this, the late-stage True Immortal monk no longer hesitated, swung the long sword in his hand, and immediately struck out with the sword.

A white light suddenly emitted from his fairy sword.

Then, he saw the white light flying into the air and turning into a white dragon, which was fully twice the size of the previous white dragon of the mid-level True Immortal monk.

hold head high!

The white dragon looked up to the sky and roared, letting out a dragon roar. The sound was so loud that everyone felt a wave of emotion in their hearts.

The white dragon exuded waves of powerful aura, and the Dao Yun Dharma was even stronger.

Seeing this scene, even the cultivator at the peak of True Immortality nodded.

"This third child is more than ten times stronger than the fifth child!"

"That is, third brother has reached the late stage of true immortality. Apart from you and second brother, who is third brother's opponent?"

A monk on the side nodded quickly and responded.

The white dragon hovering in mid-air immediately rushed towards Lin Nan under the command of the late-stage True Immortal monk.

At this time, Lin Nan still looked indifferent.

When the white dragon was not far away from him, he slowly raised a hand.

With a palm, he slapped forward.


A huge palm shadow suddenly shot out from Lin Nan's hand, and as soon as it appeared, it covered the entire sky, as if blocking the sky and the sun, and pressed towards the white dragon.


Seeing this scene, several other monks were shocked.

"This, is this a monk from the early stage of True Immortality?"

"How can he be so strong! He is definitely not in the early stage of true immortality!"

"Who is this kid?!"

At this time, everyone had questions in their minds. They also discovered that Lin Nan was definitely not a monk in the early stage of True Immortality.

How could it be possible for a True Immortal to unleash such a powerful attack in his early stage.


But at this moment, the huge white dragon was suddenly smashed into powder by Lin Nan's palm.

At the same time, the shadow of Lin Nan's palm not only did not dissipate, but instead covered the late-stage True Immortal monk.

"No, Third Brother, come back soon!"

Seeing this scene, the leader of the True Immortal Peak cultivator also shouted.

Of course, at this time, the monk in the late stage of True Immortal also had his eyes fixed. When the shadow of Lin Nan's palm smashed his white dragon, he felt a thump in his heart, secretly thinking that something was not good.

When he heard the words of the peak True Immortal cultivator, he quickly stepped back and his entire figure turned into a white light.

However, although he is fast, Lin Nan's attacks are faster.


Almost in the blink of an eye, the huge phantom of the palm was already pressing on the late True Immortal cultivator.

Then, in front of everyone's eyes, they saw that the cultivator in the late stage of True Immortal was directly slapped into blood mist with a palm, and died on the spot.

"The third child!"

"Third brother!"

Seeing this scene, the group of monks all exclaimed, each one of them dumbfounded, their eyes bursting with tears.

After slapping the late True Immortal cultivator to death with one palm, Lin Nan slowly raised his head, glanced around everyone, and then said lightly, "What? Who else is dissatisfied?"



"court death!"

"act recklessly!"

At this time, the group of true immortal monks all looked at Lin Nan with deep hatred in their eyes and shouted angrily.

Especially the monks who were in the peak realm of true immortals, their eyes were even red at this moment.

In front of his eyes, in just a moment, two of his brothers were killed, which left him with no trace of face.

"If everyone comes together, I don't believe it. You can't kill him yet!"

The monk at the peak of the True Immortal Realm said immediately.


Everyone else immediately responded.

Then, each of the True Immortal cultivators took out an immortal treasure in their hands, and rays of magic shot out from their immortal treasures, like dense spider webs, covering Lin Nan's family.


At this time, the sky above the entire mansion was almost covered by the dense laws of Tao Yun, as if the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

In the eyes of everyone, under this blow, not only the man in front of them, but also his family members would be killed to pieces.

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