Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1357 Wu Zhanxiong, please help me! (First update)

"What an annoying fly!"

At this time, Lin Nan glanced at everyone and said a faint sentence.

Then, I saw him clap his big hand, and another palm shot out from his hand.


The huge phantom of the hand was twice as big as before, covering the sky and covering the entire sky.

A creepy aura of the avenue burst out from the palm of his hand, making a rumbling sound, as if the avenue was singing.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw that the dense spider web of Dao Law was suddenly shattered, as if it was torn apart by invisible hands.


"This, how is this possible!"

"No, run away!"


As the shadow of Lin Nan's huge palm came down, the group of True Immortal monks suddenly roared in terror.

But then, everything fell into silence, and there was no more sound.

The group of true immortal monks were all beaten into blood mist by Lin Nan's palm and died on the spot.

After beating these monks to death, Lin Nan waved his hand calmly and said to Liu Ruqing and his two daughters, "Let's go home!"

As he spoke, he strode into the newly built mansion with his head held high.

Liu Ruqing and her two daughters also quickly followed.

As soon as they entered the mansion, Liu Ruqing and her two daughters felt a majestic fairy spirit.


The three girls were all a little surprised. The fairy spirit in this mansion was very strong and was of great benefit to their cultivation.

It's just that they were a little surprised. Before, this place was just an empty place with beautiful scenery, how could it have such an effect.

"Daddy, why is the fairy spirit here so strong?"

Lin Momo couldn't bear it anymore and asked curiously.

After hearing Lin Momo's words, Liu Ruqing and Ling'er also opened their beautiful eyes and looked at Lin Nan, waiting for his answer.

"Haha, this is the best place in the entire Fuguang City! There is an immortal vein underground!"

Lin Nan laughed and said.

Originally, the several large houses he was looking for were also good.

But a mistake made them find this place. At the same time, Lin Nan also discovered an immortal vein under the ground.

This can be said to be like losing sesame seeds and picking up watermelons. You are so lucky!

"Really, that's great."

Hearing Lin Nan's words, the three girls were very excited, and Lin Momo even clapped her little hands and jumped up.

"By the way, Daddy, what is the grade of the immortal veins under the ground?"

Ling'er on the side also asked curiously.

"High-grade immortal veins!"

Lin Nan said lightly.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, the three women took a deep breath.

They had only encountered a low-grade immortal vein before, and just like that, it made the entire Wu family monks feel very precious.

But now, compared with this high-grade immortal vein, the low-grade immortal vein is not good enough.

After all, a low-grade fairy treasure, even if it is intact, is only worth a million fairy crystals.

A mid-grade immortal treasure can be worth tens of millions of immortal crystals.

As for high-grade immortal veins, it may even reach hundreds of millions of immortal crystals!

What is the concept of hundreds of millions of immortal crystals? You must know that the average high-grade immortal treasure only has one million immortal crystals.

As for the tens of millions of Immortal Crystals, it is estimated that one can purchase Emperor Grade Immortal Treasures.

As for the imperial-grade immortal treasure, Lin Nan didn't tell them, and the three girls didn't know if there were any more expensive treasures.

But no matter what, I was able to pick up the high-grade immortal vein this time and use it as the foundation to build a mansion. In the future, they will practice here and make rapid progress.

Maybe it won't be long before they can be promoted to the middle stage of Golden Immortal, or even the late stage.

Back in their mansion, Lin Momo and Ling'er each chose their favorite room as their boudoir.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing also chose a large room as their master bedroom.

Later, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing worked together to prepare a sumptuous dinner for the family.

At the same time, in the Wu family mansion.

"What! Even the great uncle of the clan has died?"

In the meeting hall, a monk at the peak of Golden Immortal was sitting at the top, looking at the disciples who were reporting below, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The great uncle of the clan was one of the only remaining achievements of the entire Wu family from the previous generation, and his strength reached the peak of the Golden Immortal. He was actually beheaded in Fuguang City.

This really shocked the entire Wu family.

First the disciples of the Wu family, then Wu Wei Zhang, and then the uncles of the Wu family, and the Wu family also lost a low-grade immortal vein. All of this was intolerable to the Wu family, one of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City.

However, the monk at the peak of Golden Immortal was not impulsive at this time.

As the current head of the Wu family, he knew that even his ancestors had been killed by the other party. Even if he came forward again, he would probably not be his opponent.

But now, in the entire Wu family, the strongest person who can take action is only the peak Golden Immortal monk.

"Have you found out the details of that person?"

After a while, Wu Zhanxiong, the head of the Wu family, asked again in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the head of the family, those people suddenly appeared in Fuguang City, and their origins are unknown!"

"Unknown origin? What level of strength is that?"

Wu Zhanxiong was a little angry when he heard the word "unknown origin", but he still kept his composure and continued to ask.

"No, I don't know!"

The tribesman below continued.



Wu Zhanxiong suddenly became angry, stood up, and slapped the tribesman to death with one palm.

Then, he glanced around everyone and said coldly, "Go and check immediately. Even if Fuguang City is turned upside down, you must find out that person's details for me!"


After hearing the words of the family leader, the Wu family members did not dare to be negligent and quickly responded.

Afterwards, Wu Zhanxiong's figure flashed and left the meeting hall.

As one of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City, the Wu family's peak strength is naturally more than the Golden Immortal Peak.

There must be an ancestor who has reached the realm of Immortal King in the family.

However, the ancestor would not show up easily, and would stay in seclusion on weekdays, unless there was a crisis of genocide in the family.

But this time, the face of the Wu family was at stake, and a low-grade immortal vein was involved. Wu Zhanxiong had no choice but to ask his ancestor to get out of seclusion.


Outside a stone room, Wu Zhanxiong shouted loudly.

This is the retreat room of an ancestor of the Wu family, named Wu Hou.

As for whether Wu Hou is his real name, few people in the Wu family know now. All I know is that this ancestor was originally named a prince, and later he was called Wu Hou.

This Wu Hou is also the last ancestor of the entire Wu family to reach the realm of Immortal King in the past 100,000 years.

"Ancestor Wu Hou, I am Wu Zhanxiong, the current head of the Wu family. I have something to ask you!"

Seeing that the door to the stone chamber was not open, Wu Zhanxiong shouted again.


After half a cup of tea, the huge stone door made a creaking sound, as if it had not been opened for a hundred thousand years. The stone door moved, and dust and debris continued to fly on it.

Seeing this scene, Wu Zhanxiong also had a smile on his face.

Ancestor Wu Hou has come out of seclusion. This time, he will surely be able to regain everything that the Wu family has lost.

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