Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1358 This, how is this possible! (Second update)

At this time, in addition to the Wu family, the Chen family was also shocked.

Inside the meeting hall.

"Who? Who killed my Chen family Qilin'er?"

The head of the Chen family sat at the top, glaring angrily at the group of Chen family members below.

Although Chen Yang is the second master of the younger generation of the Chen family, he is thirty years younger than the first master of the younger generation.

It can be said that Chen Yang's talent is definitely the highest among the younger generation of the Chen family.

Even in the hundreds of years of Chen family's history, his talent is definitely ranked number one.

But now, he was actually killed in Fuguang City.

"Could it be another aristocratic family?"

Suddenly some tribesmen guessed.

"Impossible! Although my Chen family can only be in the middle among the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City, the entire top ten aristocratic families have an unwritten rule that they cannot kill the younger generation of talented disciples of the other family!"

Someone immediately retorted.

"Yes, if you can kill the opponent's young genius, then who among the top ten families in Fuguang City will dare to let the young disciple come out! Everyone will be in danger by then!"

Other members of the Chen family also nodded.

The struggles of the younger generation can only be resolved by the younger generation themselves.

If a strong member of the family takes action, it will disrupt the entire order, and any young genius from the family may be killed.

This is absolutely not allowed by any aristocratic family.

"Go and check, find out immediately!"

The head of the Chen family looked gloomy, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

If they find out who it is, no matter how strong the opponent is, the Chen family, as one of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City, is definitely not someone to be trifled with.

"Yes, head of the family!"

After hearing the words of the head of the Chen family, those Chen family members immediately took orders.

At this time, Lin Nan's family was enjoying themselves happily in their mansion in Fuguang City.

As for everything happening outside, Lin Nan didn't bother to care.

If he is willing to investigate, as long as he releases his spiritual thoughts, let alone Fuguang City, even if the range is expanded a hundred times or a thousand times, it will be impossible to escape the coverage of his spiritual thoughts.

However, the entire Fuguang City was just a speck of dust in Lin Nan's eyes.

And the top ten aristocratic families are just ants.

However, the appearance of Lin Nan's mansion finally alarmed some people.

On this day, several True Immortal monks came to Lin Nan's mansion, and the leader among them was a middle-aged monk who had reached the early stage of Golden Immortal.


Before the middle-aged monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal arrived at Lin Nan's mansion, he released his spiritual thoughts and started investigating.

However, in his mind, Lin Nan's entire mansion was shrouded in clouds and mist, as if it was trapped in the mist, making it impossible to see clearly.

"This, how is this possible!"

The monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal was also stunned for a while.

You know, he doesn't use his eyes to see, but uses his spiritual thoughts to investigate. It's really shocking that he can't see through the situation in the other party's mansion.

However, the Golden Immortal monk did not dare to be presumptuous. He led several True Immortal monks to land in front of Lin Nan's mansion.

"Han Cheng, the Golden Immortal of the Han family, came to pay homage to the senior!"

The monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal said loudly outside the mansion.


The door of Lin Nan's mansion suddenly opened, and then a voice came from inside, "What's the matter with this person?"

"Senior, this is the scope of our Han family. This junior is just doing it as usual. Suddenly he found an extra mansion, so he came to inquire."

The early Golden Immortal monk looked respectful on his face, but he was a little confused in his heart.

He raised his eyes and looked into the mansion, only to see a man sitting in the courtyard of the mansion, who looked young.

That person was naturally Lin Nan.

At this time, Liu Ruqing and her two daughters had already practiced in seclusion. After all, the fairy spirit in this mansion is very strong, and the three women don't want to waste time.

When Lin Nan heard the words of the early Golden Immortal monk, he stood up and walked out of the mansion in front of everyone.

"It turns out that this place really belongs to your Han family. Tell me, how much immortal crystal do you want? I'll buy this place!" Lin Nan said lightly.

However, when those people looked up and saw Lin Nan, they discovered that the man in front of them was only in the early stage of True Immortal cultivation.

"You? I wonder if the seniors in this mansion are here?"

The monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal glanced at Lin Nan, and then asked again.

In his opinion, Lin Nan was just a servant in this mansion, and what he was looking for was the senior who built the mansion.

After all, being able to build a mansion so glorious and majestic that even his spiritual thoughts cannot easily detect it is definitely not something that the early True Immortal monk in front of him can do.

"I am the owner of this mansion!"

Lin Nan then said lightly.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, all the monks couldn't believe it.

Especially the monk who was in the early stage of Golden Immortal felt his face feel a little hot.

He just called "Senior" several times, but in the end he said it to this monk who was in the early stage of True Immortal, which made his face suddenly dull.

"I'm sorry, this is our Han family's place, we are not selling it. Please move out now!"

At this time, the tone of the early Golden Immortal monk was already somewhat displeased.

"Oh? Several monks came before and said they were from the Han family, but they were killed by me. I wonder if they are from your Han family?"

Lin Nan frowned and said with cold eyes.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, the monks suddenly took a breath of surprise.

"Lord Han Cheng, several servants of the Han family did disappear without a trace before. Could it be that they died in the hands of this man!"

A late-stage True Immortal monk immediately stepped forward and said to the early-stage Golden Immortal monk.

"Yes, we have searched many places, but there is no news about those people. I am afraid they were really killed by this person!"

Another monk at the peak of True Immortality also said repeatedly.

Among the people Lin Nan killed before, one of them was a relative of this person.

"How dare you kill my Han family servant!"

When Han Cheng heard this, he understood that although those people were not members of the Han family, they were still slaves attached to the Han family.

Beating a dog depends on the owner. The man in front of him killed them because he didn't take the Han family seriously.

"A few ants dared to scream in front of me, so I beat them to death!"

Lin Nan said calmly.

He really didn't pay attention to a few monks in the realm of true immortals.

What I say now is just to tell the people in front of me that enough is enough and sell it when it needs to be sold. After all, I didn't grab it for free.

Lin Nan estimated that this area only had a hundred Immortal Crystals, so it was not that he couldn't afford it.

Of course, if you really think about it, as Lin Nan is the Emperor of Heaven, the entire nine heavens and ten lands belong to him. Now that he is willing to pay for the Immortal Crystal, he has given everyone a huge favor.

But Lin Nan's words were like thunder in the ears of those people.


"How bold!"

"You actually despise my Han family so much, you really don't know how to live or die!"

Several cultivators in the True Immortal Realm roared angrily, especially the cultivator at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. Knowing that his relatives died in Lin Nan's hands, his eyes burst out with anger.

And Han Cheng, who was in the early stage of Golden Immortal, had a look of anger on his face at this time.

"It seems that you don't know the majesty of my Han family as one of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City!"

Han Cheng looked at Lin Nan and said coldly.

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