Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1359 Boy, you will die this time! (Third update)


Han Cheng had a gloomy face and waved his hand to the few True Immortal monks behind him, telling them to kill Lin Nan immediately.

The True Immortal cultivators received the order from Han Cheng, and all of them had ferocious looks on their faces.

Among them, the cultivator at the peak of True Immortality said with murderous intent in his tone: "A mere cultivator in the early stage of True Immortality dares to act recklessly here. Today I will let you know how to behave!"

After saying that, the cultivator at the peak of the True Immortal took the lead in attacking. He waved his hand and a white light emitted from the immortal treasure in his hand.

The white light suddenly rose and turned into the shadow of a giant tiger, roaring from its mouth, shaking the earth and exuding terrifying power.

At the same time, the other True Immortal monks were not in a hurry to take action.

After all, the person taking action now is a strong man in the peak realm of True Immortal. It is not easy to kill a man in the early stage of True Immortal.

Some people even put away the immortal treasures they had just sacrificed, folding their hands and looking like they were watching the fun.


The tiger phantom roared, and then rushed directly towards Lin Nan.

The huge tiger shadow, like a large black cloud, fell from the sky and covered half of the mansion.

But at this time, Lin Nan looked indifferent, standing there with his hands behind his back like a peerless master.

But when this scene fell into the eyes of those True Immortal cultivators, bursts of laughter broke out.

"This kid, isn't he scared out of his wits?"

"Yeah, I even forgot to dodge. I'm afraid I'll be killed in one move!"

"Oh, I thought this kid could withstand the fun, but I didn't expect him to be so weak."

"Don't even look at it. He's just a monk in the early stage of True Immortal. What else can he do?"

Everyone was talking a lot, but no one was optimistic about Lin Nan. Even at this moment, most people felt that Lin Nan was probably a fool.

Only the monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal still had a gloomy face at this time, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

After all, he knew that someone who could kill several true immortal servants of the Han family could not be so vulnerable.

But no matter how strong the opponent is, with him, a monk in the early stage of Golden Immortal, they can't change the world.

The huge shadow of the tiger was less than three meters away from Lin Nan. At this time, Lin Nan slowly raised his head.


I saw a golden light shooting out from his eyes, and the golden light was like a sharp sword that reached the sky, piercing the sky.

Under the void transformed by the sharp sword, everything fell into darkness, as if even the void had been swallowed up.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the golden light shooting from Lin Nan's eyes directly splitting the phantom of the tiger in half. The tiger phantom didn't even have time to scream, and then instantly turned into nothingness.


"This, how is this possible!"

"Sure enough, there are some tricks!"

At this time, everyone was extremely surprised when they saw this scene.

Lin Nan didn't take action just now. They thought Lin Nan was sitting back and waiting to be killed. However, they didn't expect that as soon as the other party made a move, it would be so thunderous that the attack of the peak True Immortal cultivator was instantly neutralized.

This is really unbelievable.

After all, that was the attack of a cultivator at the peak of True Immortality, and the one facing him was just a cultivator at the early stage of True Immortality.

The difference between the two is almost a hundred times.

However, at this time, the golden light emitted by Lin Nan not only did not dissipate, but after defeating the tiger's shadow, it once again enveloped the cultivator at the peak of the True Immortal at an incredible speed.

"not good!"

At this moment, the cultivator at the peak of True Immortality felt a surge of energy all over his body, as if his whole body was shrouded by the god of death, and there was a thump in his heart.

Then, he quickly swayed and dodged to the side.

However, although he was fast, Lin Nan's golden light seemed to have eyes. It changed its original direction in an instant, and still hit the peak True Immortal cultivator with lightning speed.


In the eyes of everyone, the peak True Immortal cultivator only moved a few meters, and then a hole the size of a bowl appeared in his chest, penetrating his chest and back.

If it were just that, it wouldn't surprise everyone.

After all, even if a cultivator in the early stage of True Immortality has a hole in his chest, his life will still not be endangered.

But at this moment, the peak True Immortal cultivator suddenly fell to the ground with a plop, and the vitality in his body also disappeared at the same time.

"What, what's going on?"

"He was... killed?"

"Impossible, how could that man kill a cultivator at the peak of True Immortality with one blow!"

"My eyes must be dazzled and I saw it wrong!"

Everyone couldn't believe what they saw in front of them. They all opened their mouths and were a little stunned.

Especially Han Cheng, who was in the early stage of Golden Immortal, his eyes were condensed at this time, staring at the peak True Immortal monk who fell on the ground, as if expecting him to stand up next moment.

But in the end, he was still disappointed. There was no breath left in the cultivator at the peak of the True Immortal Realm.

"Boy, you're done!"

"If you dare to kill a Han family monk in front of us, you will definitely die today!"

"Let's all come together. He is just an early stage True Immortal monk. Even if he has some inexplicable tricks, he cannot be the opponent of so many of us!"

At this time, the other True Immortal monks who had come back to their senses roared one by one.

Lin Nan's actions just now really surprised them. Being able to kill a cultivator at the peak of True Immortality with one strike was indeed extraordinary.

But that's all.

After all, they can cultivate to the realm of true immortals and have seen a lot of the world.

It is not impossible for some low-level monks to use some unknown means or powerful immortal treasures to sneak attack and kill beings who are higher than themselves.

However, this method must have many limitations when used, and it cannot be used infinitely.

Even in many cases, after being used once, it will cause huge irreversible damage to the monk himself.

So now, as long as they attack together, Lin Nan will definitely be killed on the spot.

Then, I saw those true immortal monks raising their immortal treasures one by one and attacking Lin Nan.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Waves of dharma light, like intertwined power grids, suddenly aroused and shrouded Lin Nan.

The terrifying aura was like lightning and thunder, illuminating the entire sky with colorful lights.

"Boy, you will die this time!"

Seeing many True Immortal monks attacking together, Han Cheng, the early Golden Immortal, also murmured.

In Han Cheng's opinion, with so many True Immortal cultivators taking action to kill a mere True Immortal cultivator in the early stage, they should be able to capture it easily, and it is even very possible that Lin Nan will be killed on the spot.


The huge grid of intertwined Dao and Dharma lights pressed towards Lin Nan, and in almost the blink of an eye, it was less than three meters away from Lin Nan.

At this time, Lin Nan still looked calm and indifferent, completely ignoring the true immortal monks in front of him.

Even Han Cheng, who had reached the early stage of Golden Immortal, was just a slightly bigger ant in his eyes.

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