Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1385 Is there any use in running away now? (First update)

It wasn't until the giant dragon was less than three meters away from him that Lin Nan slowly stretched out a hand and slapped forward.

Da Luo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

With this palm, Lin Nan directly used less than one millionth of his strength.


A huge palm shadow suddenly shot out from Lin Nan's hand, and instantly covered the sky and the sun, covering the giant dragon.

The giant dragon was already extremely terrifying, almost covering half of the sky. But now, as soon as the shadow of Lin Nan's palm appeared, the giant dragon suddenly became as small as a small earthworm.

"This, this is too scary!"

"How can this Lin Nan be so powerful? It seems that this palm cannot even support the sky and is about to break!"

"Yes, I originally thought that he would definitely be killed by the ancestor of the Chen family with this strike, but now it seems that the result is a bit unpredictable!"

In the distance, the monks who were watching had their eyes widened and stared at the field intently.

Even some monks no longer have the belief that the ancestor of the Chen family's Immortal King realm will win.

In the sky, the shadow of Lin Nan's huge palm gently pinched the giant dragon.

Then, I saw two fingers pinching the phantom of the palm suddenly, poof!

The giant dragon was immediately crushed and exploded, revealing its original shape and transforming into the top-quality fairy treasure.

It's just that the top-grade immortal treasure at this time is no longer the same, but turned into pieces, falling from the sky.


At this time, the ancestor of the Chen family suddenly turned pale and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

His aura was a little unstable, and he seemed to be falling from the early stage of the Immortal King to the peak level of the Golden Immortal.

The top-grade immortal sword was his natal immortal treasure, and now it was destroyed by Lin Nan, which naturally caused him to be severely traumatized. In addition, he came to avenge the monks of the Chen family not long after he broke through to the Immortal King realm.

However, at this time, the ancestor of the Chen family did not care about stabilizing his own realm. What was more terrifying than falling from the realm was the man in front of him.

The other party is so powerful that it's a bit ridiculous.

He only felt that he, a powerful Immortal King, was really as vulnerable as an ant in the eyes of the opponent.


At this time, the ancestor of the Chen family only felt that death was approaching, and the only way to have a chance of survival was to escape.


The ancestor of the Chen family was also a decisive person. Thinking of this, he no longer cared about the opinions of Lin Nan and other monks. His figure suddenly flashed, turned into a stream of light, and flew away into the distance.

"Is there any use in running away now?"

Lin Nan's voice sounded again, but it was like coming from the abyss of hell, bone-chilling, surrounding the Chen family ancestor's ears.


At this time, the ancestor of the Chen family felt shocked.

In almost the blink of an eye, he had escaped several miles away. How could the other party's voice sound like it was ringing in his ears.

But he didn't have time to think too much, as the figure flashed again, a little faster than before.

At this time, the ancestor of the Chen family, probably for the first time since reaching the Immortal King realm, used all his potential to increase the speed of his flight.

Even his spiritual mind swept across Lin Nan and found that the other party's figure was still where he was, and then he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party didn't chase him, and he escaped for almost ten miles. He should be able to escape today.

The ancestor of the Chen family had already made up his mind. Once he left Fuguang City and escaped, he would immediately leave Fuguang City and stay far away from this man named Lin Nan. He would never meet him again in this life.

After all, the first level of the Immortal Realm is vast and has countless planes.

When the time comes, you can find another dimension, marry a wife, have children, and re-establish the Chen family.

At this time, Lin Nan slowly raised his fingers, and bam, a light that was imperceptible to the naked eye shot out from his fingers.

The light was unremarkable, but it was extremely fast, as if it penetrated the void.

As soon as the light appeared, it had already shot behind the ancestor of the Chen family, and then a pop was heard, and the light directly penetrated the body of the ancestor of the Chen family.

The ancestor of the Chen family, who was running away at high speed, suddenly stagnated, and then, under the action of inertia, turned into a twisted parabola and smashed into the distance.


With a loud noise, a huge hole appeared on the ground, hundreds of meters deep and bottomless.

Then, the aura of the ancestor of the Chen family completely disappeared.


Seeing this scene, the monks who were watching all looked at Lin Nan in horror.

"The ancestor of the Chen family...is dead now?"

"This is the God of Death!"

"It's so terrifying, even the powerful Immortal King couldn't escape!"

"Oh my god, who dares to mess with this guy!"

For a time, everyone was talking a lot, and they all listed Lin Nan as someone who should not be provoked at all.

Lin Nan clapped his hands, as if everything just happened was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Then, his spiritual thoughts continued to penetrate into Zixia's secret realm to investigate the situation of his two precious daughters.

At this time, in the Zixia Secret Realm, Lin Momo and Ling'er had already achieved unparalleled fame.

The title of Little Witch is spread everywhere in the secret realm.

Except for those killed by Lin Nan, all the ten major families in Fuguang City were looking for Lin Momo and Ling'er.

After all, the two of them took away all the opportunities from everyone else.

There were originally a thousand monks who entered the Zixia secret realm, and they were scattered all over the place. They each found opportunities. As long as they could break the restrictions of the magic circle, no one could snatch them away.

But Lin Momo and Ling'er are different. Not only are their spiritual thoughts extremely powerful, they can cover almost one-tenth of the entire Zixia Secret Realm.

Coupled with the fact that the two of them practiced so close to each other, they were able to reach a range of thousands of miles in an instant.

You must know that this is not the highest level of the world. At their current level, they can only cultivate to the third level of the world.

But even so, it is easy to detect all the opportunities in the entire Zixia Secret Realm.

Under such circumstances, even if a few fish slip through the net, it is not a big deal.

"Sister, look at what we gained this time!"

At this time, Ling'er took Lin Momo and sat in a valley, saying with a happy face.

"Well, let me count first!"

Lin Momo also nodded and opened her small purse.

"Mid-grade immortal treasure, one, two, three..."

Following Lin Momo's voice, pieces of mid-grade fairy treasures were taken out.

Soon, there was a mountain of middle-grade immortal treasures, totaling more than two hundred pieces.

Then, the two began to count the top-grade immortal treasures and the best immortal treasures.

Half an hour later, both of them were smiling from ear to ear.

"Haha, sister, we have gained a lot this time!"

Ling'er looked at the mountains of treasures in front of her and was very happy.

"Yes, there are more than 200 middle-grade immortal treasures, more than 80 top-grade immortal treasures, eighteen top-grade immortal treasures, and even six king-grade immortal treasures! But this is not the most precious, there are still twenty-two One hundred-thousand-year-old spiritual grass, fourteen million-year-old fairy grass, and two million-year-old fairy grass!”

Lin Momo also counted them one by one.

For the two of them, this is simply a huge cultivation resource.

Those fairy treasures alone are worth a lot of money.

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