Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1386 Huge harvest! (Second update)

A mid-grade immortal treasure, even the lowest one, can reach one thousand immortal crystals.

And more than two hundred pieces are more than two hundred thousand immortal crystals.

The minimum price of a top-grade immortal treasure is 5,000 immortal crystals, and more than 80 pieces are worth at least more than 400,000 immortal crystals.

As for the top-grade immortal treasures, each one costs more than 10,000 immortal crystals and is worth at least around 200,000 yuan.

As for the Wang-grade Immortal Treasure, it is no less than one hundred thousand Immortal Crystals, and the total estimate is over six hundred thousand Immortal Crystals.

Calculated in this way, it is already worth about 1.5 million immortal crystals.

You know, even the low-grade immortal veins that Lin Nan got for them before were only worth a million immortal crystals.

And the Immortal Crystal they only obtained from the Immortal Treasure this time is probably equivalent to the value of a low-grade Immortal Vein.

But for them, fairy treasures are only a less valuable part of their income. The real value is those fairy grasses.

Each fairy grass takes countless years of growth to take shape, and its value is far beyond what the refined fairy treasure can compare with.

Just the 100,000-year-old fairy grass, I am afraid there are not more than a hundred in the entire Fuguang City.

You know, the entire Fuguang City has existed in this first level of the fairy world for countless years!

As for the million-year-old fairy grass, I'm afraid there won't be a few plants in the entire Fuguang City.

As for the tens of millions of years of immortal grass, let alone the entire Fuguang City, it is hard to say whether even one of the five major forces in the eastern continent of the Xuanwu Star Region can be produced.

But they have already obtained two plants.

Of course, these fairy grasses, Lin Momo and Ling'er, have to be handed over to Lin Nan. Only in Lin Nan's hands can the true value of the fairy grass be brought out.

"Sister, this Zixia Secret Realm is about to close, let's leave!"

At this time, Lin Momo collected all the gains and said to Ling'er.


Linger also nodded.

The Zixia Secret Realm has only been open for seven days, and now, it has reached the last hour of the seven days.

At the same time, in other places in Zixia Secret Realm, the monks from the top ten aristocratic families, including some Golden Immortal casual cultivators, also headed for various exits.

Once the Zixia Secret Realm is closed, they will not be able to leave the Zixia Secret Realm.

After all, the Zixia Secret Realm only opens once in a thousand years, and if it is closed in the Zixia Secret Realm, no one knows what will happen in a thousand years.

In the millions of years before, there were monks who wanted to stay in the secret realm to look for opportunities after the Zixia secret realm was opened.

However, after a thousand years, no one has found their presence again.

Later, people spread the news that even if you stay in the Zixia Secret Realm after it is closed, you will definitely die within a thousand years.

So far, no monks dared to stay after the Zixia Secret Realm was closed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another, figures flew quickly towards the exit of Zixia Secret Realm.

Lin Momo and Ling'er, on the other hand, used "Close to the End", their figures almost turned into a ray of light, and they were thousands of miles away in an instant.

Soon, an hour passed, and the entire Zixia Secret Realm made a loud rumble.

At this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er had already left the secret realm.

The monks from the other ten major aristocratic families, including some golden immortal cultivators, also almost left in time.

As for those who have not left the secret realm, it goes without saying that they will definitely disappear from now on.

"Daddy, our harvest here is quite big!"

After leaving the secret realm, Lin Momo and Ling'er quickly came to Lin Nan, with showoff looks on their faces.

"Oh? What did you gain this time?"

Lin Nan also looked moved and asked curiously.

"Daddy, look, we're sending it this time!"

Lin Momo hurriedly handed the small purse to Lin Nan, showing an expression like a little money fan, with a pair of beautiful big eyes full of brilliance.

Lin Nan laughed. In the Zixia Secret Realm, he saw every move of his two precious daughters, so naturally he knew it already.

However, he still took the small purse and scanned it with his spiritual mind before returning it to Lin Momo.

"Yes, yes, this opportunity in the Zixia Secret Realm may have been snatched away by you two!"

Lin Nan laughed, stroked the hair of his two daughters, and said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, daddy, is this right for us?"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Lin Momo and Ling'er also smiled sheepishly.

In the Zixia Secret Realm, they almost didn't look for opportunities on their own. Wherever their spiritual sense found a monk who found an opportunity, they directly went to fight for it.

But after all, they were only eight years old, and they were a little confused about the right and wrong of doing so.

"The world of cultivating immortals is a place where the weak prey on the strong. If you don't fight for it, others will fight for it. Of course you are right to do so!"

Lin Nan nodded and affirmed what his two daughters had done.

After all, this is a competition. Everything in the secret realm is ownerless, and it does not belong to anyone who meets it.

If you want to get opportunities, you must not only be lucky enough to meet them, but also have the strength to get them.

Luck and strength are indispensable.

When meeting his two daughters, I can only blame the monks who entered the Zixia Secret Realm for their bad luck this time.

Hearing Lin Nan's affirmation, Lin Momo and Ling'er's faces lit up with joy.

But they also knew that they might have offended a lot of people in the secret realm this time, but with Baba around, they were not afraid at all.

At this time, in other directions, the monks from the top ten aristocratic families who came out of the Zixia Secret Realm had endless anger on their faces.

"Where are those two girl dolls?"

"They must have come out too. Look for them. We must find them!"

"This opportunity was snatched away by the two of them. This is the first time that one of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City has suffered such a big loss!"

The monks from several major families were very angry.

Soon, they arranged for the monks in the family to find out the whereabouts of Lin Momo and Ling'er.

At this time, the Zhang family, which was also one of the top ten aristocratic families, slowly came to Lin Nan one by one.

"See Lord Lin Nan!"

The Zhang family insisted that Yunlong be the first to salute Lin Nan.

"See Lord Lin Nan!"

Later, other Jinxian elders of the Zhang family also bowed to Lin Nan.

But the looks on their faces were a little strange.

This time they participated in the Zixia Secret Realm, and the entire Zhang family monks had a chance to get a middle-grade immortal treasure.

Although the middle-grade immortal treasure is worth more than a thousand immortal crystals, it seems a bit too shabby compared with the status of the top ten aristocratic families in Fuguang City.

Of course, this opportunity was given to them by Lin Momo and Linger.

That time, Lin Momo and Ling'er found out that the monks of the Zhang family and the Qian family encountered opportunities at the same time, so they went to rob the Qian family monks of their opportunity, so that the Zhang family would not return empty-handed.

But now, when they saw Lin Momo and Ling'er, they couldn't smile at all.

"By the way, Zhang Yunlong, we two sisters have made a good harvest this time in the Zixia Secret Realm. We have a batch of immortal treasures that we want to sell. I wonder if you have any ideas?"

Suddenly, Lin Momo looked at the head of the Zhang family and asked.

It is impossible for them to use the fairy treasure they obtained this time. After all, even the king-grade immortal treasures are somewhat disdainful to them, so they can only use them for sale.

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