Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1387 My wife, you are really amazing! (Third update)

"A batch of immortal treasures? How many are there specifically?" Zhang Yunlong asked curiously.

Of course he knew that Lin Momo and Ling'er should have gotten a lot of good things just after they came out of the Zixia Secret Realm.

Judging from the expressions of the two of them, the harvest should be good.

"There are more than 200 medium-grade immortal treasures, more than 80 top-grade immortal treasures, eighteen top-grade immortal treasures, and even six king-grade immortal treasures!" Lin Momo said casually.

However, when these words fell in Zhang Yunlong's ears, they were like a stormy sea, making people tremble all over and take a breath of cold air!

"Hiss! So many?"

Even the heads of several other major families gasped and their eyes almost popped out.

Every fairy treasure is extremely precious!

But Lin Momo and Ling'er actually had more than two hundred pieces in their hands. Did they empty out the Zixia Secret Realm?

However, no one dared to ask any more questions. Lin Nan's majesty was still vivid in their minds. Whoever dared to ask such questions casually would be seeking death, right?

"Hmph! With me and Ling'er taking action, of course there will be more! Do you think it's you?" Lin Momo snorted twice, showing a proud look.

The heads of the ten major families were all ashamed.

This is a fairy treasure!

Why is it that in the eyes of the two aunts, he is just like garbage?

This is indeed the case. As Lin Nan's daughters, what do Lin Momo and Ling'er want? Going to Zixia Secret Realm is just for fun!

Now that I have left the Zixia Secret Realm, I am selling fairy treasures just for fun!

The two of them didn’t lack fairy crystals at all, they were just doing it for fun!

Lin Nan stood aside, looking at the two little girls with a doting look on his face, and allowed them to talk to Zhang Yunlong and others without participating.

"This... Miss, how many immortal crystals do you want to sell? If you don't mind, we can help you sell it, but it may take a while. After all, these are more than two hundred immortal treasures. We, the people, can do it in a short time. , I can’t get so many immortal crystals!” Zhang Yunlong looked embarrassed.

"That's it! Well, you sell it for us, and then send the fairy crystal to my house!" Lin Momo nodded and said in an old-fashioned way, like a little adult.


With a wave of her hand, she and Ling'er took out more than two hundred fairy treasures and handed them to Zhang Yunlong.


Zhang Yunlong and other patriarchs of the ten major families, their eyes almost popped out when they saw so many immortal treasures, and they all nodded excitedly.

After doing all this, Lin Momo turned around happily and said to Lin Nan as if asking for credit.

"Daddy! We're done!"

"You two clever little guys are pretty good at doing business! But aren't you afraid that people won't give you fairy crystals?" Lin Nan asked with a smile.


Lin Momo snorted coldly, looking proud: "They don't dare not give it! If they dare not give it, I will rush to their house and pull out their beards!"

"That's right! Hit them hard!" Ling'er was also on the side, waving her little fist.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Nan was amused and shook his head, then picked up a cute little baby in one hand and headed towards his mansion.

In almost one step, Lin Nan crossed the space and returned to the mansion.

I saw Liu Ruqing standing in the yard angrily, staring at Lin Nan, Lin Momo, and Ling'er who fell from the sky!

"Okay, you guys! You ran out to play again, sneaking out every time while I was practicing?" Liu Ruqing's beautiful eyes were full of anger.

"Oops! Mommy is angry!" Ling'er shrank her head.

"Mama looks like a tigress when she's angry!" Lin Momo also muttered.

"Two little ones, what are you talking about?" Liu Ruqing narrowed her eyes, and a cold feeling came over her, locking the two of them instantly.

"We didn't say anything! Those words just now were all said by Daddy!" Lin Momo said seriously, decisively passing the blame to Lin Nan. Lin Nan had a dark look on his face. This little girl is as big as a brat. , have you learned how to take the blame?

"Lin Nan...come on, practice with me!"

Liu Ruqing smiled meaningfully.

She heard clearly that these two sentences were said by Lin Momo and Ling'er.


Liu Ruqing directly identified the culprit as Lin Nan.

who cares!

"Wife! It's unfair!" Lin Nan quickly defended.

"Come here!" Liu Ruqing raised her eyebrows and shouted in a low voice.

If any of the subordinates who know the Emperor of Heaven see this scene, they will definitely be shocked to death!

The majestic Emperor of Heaven was actually scolded like this by a woman without any rebuttal, not even anger, but with a faint smile!

"Honey, listen to my explanation!"

Lin Nan shrugged helplessly.

"I won't listen! I won't listen, come here!" Liu Ruqing shook her head.

Lin Nan could only step forward, but Liu Ruqing smiled slyly, like a little fox who had succeeded, and struck directly at Lin Nan. He clenched his rootless jade fingers, condensed them into a fist, and punched Lin Nan!

"Master Heavenly Emperor, watch the fight! Drink!" Liu Ruqing shouted sweetly, with a nose and eyes, full of momentum.

Lin Nan's expression changed. He was not worried that Liu Ruqing would hurt him. Even if he stood here motionless and let Liu Ruqing fight for three days and three nights, he would not be hurt by Liu Ruqing.

What Lin Nan is worried about is that the strength of his Heavenly Emperor's treasure body is too great. If he is hit by Liu Ruqing's punch... I'm afraid... Liu Ruqing will be injured...


Lin Nan quickly withdrew his magic power, transformed himself into a mortal body, and took a punch from Liu Ruqing.

Moreover, Lin Nan was very cooperative and flew out, then staggered, stood on the ground, stepped back more than ten steps, and looked at Liu Ruqing in shock!

"Ahem! My dear wife, you are really amazing! I'm willing to be inferior, I'm willing to be inferior!" Lin Nan said seriously.


Seeing being complimented by Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing let out a long sigh and looked like he was taking advantage of it, "Even the Emperor of Heaven worships me. I am invincible. It's really so lonely!"

"My wife is with me!" Lin Nan gave a thumbs up.

"Mama is awesome!" Lin Momo quickly praised.

"Mama is the best!" Ling'er also kept nodding at the side, like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Okay! You are all cooperating well. Next time you go out to play, don't you dare not take me with you! Huh! See if I can handle you!" Liu Ruqing snorted, and then said in a change of words: "Let's go! Everyone practice You’ve all worked hard, and tonight, I will personally cook and prepare a big meal for you!”

With that said, Liu Ruqing turned around and headed towards the kitchen.


"Very good!"

Lin Momo and Ling'er cheered.

Lin Nan followed quickly and walked into the kitchen. Not long after, a faint aroma came from the kitchen!

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